Let’s ask Jo! She’ll know!

Q: A family member was recently hospitalized and one of his nurses said she is a "traveler." But she lives in a nearby suburb. Huh?

A: I understand the confusion. "Traveling nurses" ("locum tenens" for doctors) are part of the newish "gig economy." These temp workers were first used to address seasonal demands in the 1970s, and the movement has gone on steroids over the past few years. A "traveler" works for a staffing company, and not as an employee of the hospital. As such, they can take job assignments across the street and/or across the country.


As the patient, why should I care?

There is no reason to believe quality of care is impacted by a nurse's employment status. However, overall health care expenses are definitely affected because contract nurses cost the provider considerably more than their hospital staff counterparts. (Not for nothing, but Iowa ranks 48th in nurses' salaries, and for some travelers, the rationale may be: "At least I'm earning hazard pay." That's tough to argue with.) Bottom line: This is not a sustainable business model for providers, which ultimately diminishes care for everyone. Until policy makers and stakeholders get serious about remedying the crises of job disatisfaction, burnout and worker shortages, the gig economy will continue to be the temporary solution to a permanent problem. Good luck to us all.

FREE one-hour class on Prepping for the Perfect Storm!

June 29th, Urbandale Chamber. CLICK HERE for details.

How about investing one hour in preserving health care access for the rest of your life? Jo has a fix for health care's supply chain crisis. If your organization or community gathering wants to host a thought-provoking and informative program, check out Jo's introductory presentation, “Battling for health care access: Where will you be when the music stops?” Click here for details about Bridges, then contact Jo at JoKline@msn.com to learn if one or more of her info-packed presentations is a good fit.

Click here and visit www.JoKline.net

to learn more about

the Bridges initiative.