Construction Update

Champlain Parkway Project

DATE: Friday, October 28, 2022


On Monday, October 31 and Tuesday, November 1, Home Avenue will be closed during daylight hours at its intersection with Batchelder Street to facilitate utility work. Access to Batchelder Street will be maintained via Morse Place. The temporary roadway constructed west of Batchelder Street will be closed during this work. Through traffic to Briggs Street will be detoured to Foster Street and Morse Place. Home Avenue will be closed to through traffic west of Foster Street. A detour route will be signed (see detour graphic below). Traffic traveling eastbound will be directed from Home Avenue to Queen City Park Road to Pine Street. Traffic traveling westbound will be directed to continue on Pine Street to Queen City Park Road to Home Avenue. Local and residential access will be maintained between Batchelder Street and Pine Street. No impacts to residential or business driveways are anticipated during the closure period. Pedestrian and bicycle access will be maintained along Home Avenue. 


Please note, all work will be restricted to daylight hours. Flaggers will be present to assist motorists through the work zone. All roadway and lane closures will reopen during the evening hours and on weekends. Access to residential and business driveways will be maintained throughout the work unless alerted otherwise. Businesses will remain open!

Blasting activities along the roadway alignment for the Champlain Parkway east of Briggs Street within the City’s Right-of-Way between Flynn Avenue and Ferguson Avenue will continue throughout next week. Please note, the closer to the blasting area the more noticeable the vibrations and sound associated with each blasting event will be. Based on seismograph readings vibration levels from blasting have remained below the threshold for impacts to sheetrock structures. For additional information on the blasting procedure and impacts, click here.

Utility work will continue throughout the project along Flynn Avenue, Briggs Street, Lyman Avenue, Ferguson Avenue, Morse Place, Batchelder Street, and Home Avenue. Work will include the installation of new sewer lines, water lines, stormwater infrastructure, duct bank, and conduit.

Crews will transition to water line work along Flynn Avenue between Foster Street and the railroad tracks. This work will require a single lane closure with alternating east-west traffic. For additional information and graphics, click here. Crews have encountered subsurface rock which has altered the anticipated timeline. This work is anticipated to continue through late November.

Crews will continue installing sewer line between Lyman Avenue and Home Avenue. Next week, work will focus on Batchelder Street and Home Avenue. Batchelder Street will remain closed to through traffic during working hours to facilitate sewer work. Residential access will be maintained. This work will require temporary residential driveway closure for the installation of residential sewer services. Property owners will be contacted directly. Through traffic between Home Avenue and Morse Place will be maintained via a temporary roadway constructed just west of Batchelder Street. The temporary roadway will be restricted to one lane with alternating one-way traffic. Next week, Home Avenue will be restricted to one lane with alternating one-way traffic.

Crews will continue working on the stormwater detention pond near Englesby Brook. Potential for excavation to begin in preparation for the installation of the Englesby Brook box culvert. This work will be completed off the roadway.

Sears Lane will continue to be closed to thru traffic west of Kaigle’s Service Center. Emergency vehicle access will remain. The pedestrian crossing between Sears Lane and Harrison Avenue will remain open. Vehicle access to the HULA Lakeside Offsite Parking Lot (HULA parking lot) will now be from Lakeside Avenue only.  


These activities are anticipated and subject to change as construction conditions dictate.

  • Utility work will continue throughout the project:
  • Flynn Avenue will remain under lane reduction with the potential for a full closure during daylight hours
  • Batchelder Street will be closed to through traffic
  • Temporary roadway will remain under lane reduction
  • Potential for water line installation on Briggs Street
  • Potential for sewer services on Lyman Avenue
  • Excavate rock from the blasting area
  • Continue excavation for Englesby Brook box culvert


The Champlain Parkway Project spans a 2.8-mile area from the I-189 intersection with US 7 to Lakeside Avenue, and includes upgrades to Lakeside Avenue, and improvements to the section of Pine Street between Lakeside Avenue and Main Street. 

The initial contract includes the construction of the Champlain Parkway from Home Avenue to Lakeside Avenue, upgrades to Lakeside Avenue, and improvements to the section of Pine Street between Lakeside Avenue and Kilburn Street. 


Initial Contract 2024

Final Contract 2027

Project Website


For more information about the project please visit the project website or contact the project team via the project hotline, 802-496-8956 or by email:

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