Weekly eNews

April 28, 2023

Children & Youth Sunday

This Sunday, April 30

8:00 & 10:30 Youth Preacher

9:15 AM Youth Panel

Come celebrate our children and youth with your presence this Sunday. We will have our children & youth fill all of the traditional service roles: ushers, greeters, acolytes, lay readers, and more during each service! Children and youth of all ages are invited to participate. Our High School senior, Christian Pettigrew, will be preaching at both services! And our Sunday Forum will feature a Youth Panel, hosted by Owen Copps.

  • No Children & Youth Sunday School on April 30. All children & youth are invited to join us in the church for the Youth Panel at 9:15 AM.
  • No Children's Chapel on April 30 at 10:30 AM. All children are invited to remain in the church as we celebrate our children & youth!

Spring Parish Survey

Due May 15

Earlier this week you should have received an email from the church with a link to the Spring Forward in Faith Parish Survey. If you missed the email, CLICK HERE to complete the survey online. You can pick up a paper copy of the survey in the Gathering Space or Church Office. Please complete and/or return by May 15. Thank you in advance for your feedback and helping us plan for the future and respond to your spiritual needs. Questions? Email

Episcopal Essentials

Adult Small Group

This Sunday, April 30

9:15 - 10:10 AM

This 7-week small group for adults will be an informative and in-depth look at the Episcopal faith, led by the clergy at St. Michael's. Each week we will cover different topics that cover theology, doctrine, history, and more. CLICK HERE to RSVP and participate. Sundays, April 30 - June 11 from 9:15 - 10:10 AM. Those interested in learning more or desiring to be Confirmed or Received into the Episcopal Church are encouraged to attend.

As of today we have received an impressive $45,135 in donations and are over halfway toward reaching our fundraising goal in support of creating a permanent home for the seven-volume set of The Saint John's Bible. Reaching our goal of $85,000 will allow us to acquire display cases, install the necessary lighting, increase security, and make the volumes more accessible within and beyond our walls. CLICK HERE to make an online contribution and in the drop-down fund menu select “Illuminating Our Faith.” Check contributions can be mailed to the church office or put into the Sunday offertory plate. For stock gifts or questions please contact Jan McLaughlin - To learn more about the project visit Thank you in advance for your generosity as we illuminate our faith together. Have you seen St. Michael's and The Saint John's Bible in the news?

  • CLICK HERE to watch the NBC story that aired on April 20.
  • To read the Gazette article printed on April 23 CLICK HERE.

Welcome Rev. Vicki Hesse

Interim Assisting Priest

On May 7, we will welcome The Rev. Vicki Hesse to the St. Michael's family as our Interim Assisting Priest. Vicki will be joining us through the end of the year and assisting in numerous areas of ministry while Rev. Angela Lerena is out on short-term disability. Vicki is a gifted Episcopal priest and has served at St. Philip's in the Hills (Tucson, AZ), Christ Church (Grosse Point, MI), served as Director of the Whitaker Institute (Detroit, MI), and most recently was assisting at Cathedral Ridge in Woodland Park. CLICK HERE to watch a short introductory video that Vicki created for St. Michael's. Get to know Vicki during the May 7 Sunday Forum at 9:15 AM. You can welcome Vicki and contact her

This Sunday, April 30

Fourth Sunday of Easter

Nursery Care Available for Children 5 and under 7:45 - 12:00 PM

Worship with Us

8:00 AM Holy Eucharist

10:30 AM Holy Eucharist

- Watch on YouTube

- Watch on Facebook

- Worship Bulletin

Join us for coffee hour and fellowship after each service.

Education & More!

9:15 AM - Education for All 

-Sunday Forum, Youth Panel

- Watch on YouTube

- Watch on Facebook

12:00 PM - LEV Lunch

Volunteers Needed

Can you be an usher, greeter, lay reader, or help with coffee hour?

Click below to sign up today & thank you!

April & May Volunteer Sign Up

Staff Announcement

Jennie Wandfluh

Director of Parish Life

Jennie joined the church staff in September 2021 as our Events Coordinator. With a gift for hospitality, organizing chaos, and loving our parish home, Matt has promoted Jennie as our new Director of Parish Life. In this new role Jennie will continue supporting events with parishioners, volunteers, and groups in addition to coordinating our growing church calendar, overseeing facility usage, and working with various ministries. Next time you see Jennie, please congratulate and thank her for all she does at St. Michael's!

Contemplative Prayer

Wednesday, May 3

2:30 PM

As part of St Michael's The Well offerings, beginning Wednesday, May 3, Contemplative Prayer at 2:30 will devote the first ten minutes of its Zoom gathering to brief introductions of various meditative spiritual disciplines. Examples of the wide range of disciplines include Walking Prayer/Labyrinth, Journaling, Fasting, Breath Prayer and Praying In Color/Mandalas. We hope you will enjoy learning more about the many ways available to intimately experience God's peace and love. CLICK HERE to join us online or email Guy at All are welcome.

Senior High Send Off

Next Sunday, May 7

10:30 AM

We will celebrate and congratulate our High School Seniors on Sunday, May 7 during the 10:30 AM Service. Join us as we offer our prayers, thanksgiving, and a token of our appreciation to each graduating High School Senior. To contribute to the High School Senior Scholarship Fund, you can send a check or make an online contribution with "High School Senior Scholarship" in the memo/note or email with questions.

Parenting Small Group

Next Sunday, May 7

9:15 - 10:10 AM

"Shame dies when stories are told in safe places." This is the centering principle of the time we spend together during our parenting small group. Questions? EmaiDavid GalvanDanny Cowell, or Stacy Cowell for more info! Children are invited to attend Sunday School at 9:15 in the Multipurpose Room.

40s & 50s Fellowship

May 9, 7:00 PM

Group Trivia & Game Night

With everything going on in our busy lives, we deserve a night out for some fun and fellowship! St. Michael's 40s & 50s fellowship group will join Trivia night at Good Company Bar on Tuesday, May 9th. Group trivia starts at 7:00 PM, so arrive early to participate. Food and drinks may be purchased, but there is no cost to play! CLICK HERE to RSVP.

Outdoor Parish Work Day

Saturday, May 13

8:30 - 11:30 AM

Help us prepare our grounds and gardens for outdoor worship and summer events. All ages welcome and bring a pair of gloves. We have various projects for all skill (adventure) levels. CLICK HERE to let us know you can help.

Choral Evensong

Ascension Day

Thursday, May 18

7:00 PM

Join our adult choir and clergy for sung prayers, psalms, canticles, and organ music. Take a break from the noisy world around you and enter into a place for quiet contemplation with rich music spanning from the Renaissance to the present. This service will be in-person and livestreamed on our website.

20s & 30s Fellowship

May 19, 6:30 PM

Theology on Tap

St. Michael's 20s & 30s are invited to gather at Red Leg Brewing for Theology on Tap with Rev. Matt! Do you have burning theological questions? Do you want to hear what your peers are wondering about in their faith lives? If you answered yes, (or just want to hang out with your spiritual family) then come join us on Friday, May 19. CLICK HERE to RSVP and let us know you are coming.

Outdoor Worship &

Cookout Sunday

May 28, Pentecost

Our first Outdoor Worship Service will be on Pentecost Sunday, May 28 at 10:30 AM. After the 10:30 service, we will have a Cookout Sunday & Parish Picnic. Wear red, bring a chair, and stay for fellowship and food. CLICK HERE to help set up, cook, serve, or clean up on May 28. This summer we will have four 10:30 AM Outdoor Services & Cookout Sundays on the last Sunday of May, June, July, & August. All summer the 8:00 AM service will be inside and the 10:30 AM service will be livestreamed. Bring on the warm weather!

St. Mike's Parish Retreat & Family Camp Registration OPEN!

August 4 - 6

We are so excited to be hosting a dual Parish Retreat & Family Camp this Summer at YMCA of the Rockies in Estes Park! This fun-filled weekend will take place Friday, August 4 - Sunday, August 6. There will be activities, games, and programming for all ages. All are welcome! Please CLICK HERE to register and reserve your spot by July 1! We currently have guaranteed rooms for 23 families (with 19 rooms already filled). Email with questions. See you there!

Lost & Found

Our Lost & Found basket is overflowing (literally)! We also have numerous pans and dishes in the kitchen that have been left behind or used to deliver meals to the Lerena family. If you recognize an item, please pick up Sunday - Thursday. Have you lost something at church but don't see it in the picture? Call the church office 719-598-3244.

This week at a glance... (All blue links are clickable)

Friday, April 28

8:30 AM - Faith Leaders Meeting in Parish Hall (Outside Group)

9:00 AM - Celtic Spirituality Group in Chapel

11:30 AM - S.M.A.S.H Old Spaghetti Factory Event

7:30 PM - Virtual Evening Prayer

Saturday, April 29

8:00 AM - Boy Scout Training in Parish Hall

10:30 AM - The Artist's Way in Multipurpose Room

1:00 PM - Christian Pettigrew Eagle Scout Court of Honor

Sunday, April 30

7:45 AM - 12:00 PM Nursery is Open for children 5 and under.

8:00 AM - Holy Eucharist

9:15 AM - Episcopal Essentials in Downstairs Conference Room

9:15 AM - Sunday Forum - Youth Panel with Owen Copps

9:45 AM - Adult Choir Rehearsal

10:30 AM - Holy Eucharist

12:00 PM - LEV Meeting & Lunch in Chapel

Monday, May 1

9:00 AM - Laundry Love Offsite

Tuesday, May 2

8:00 AM - Virtual Men's Fellowship

9:15 AM - Staff Meetings

9:30 AM - Spiritual Direction in Prayer Room

3:30 PM - Girl Scouts in St. Andrew's

6:30 PM - Boy Scouts in St Andrew's

8:00 PM - Virtual Compline

Wednesday, May 3

12:00 PM - Healing Service and Eucharist in Chapel

12:30 PM - Bible Study in Chapel

2:30 PM - Virtual Contemplative Prayer

5:30 PM - Middle School Youth Group in St. Andrew's

7:00 PM - High School Youth Group in St. Andrew's

Thursday, May 4

5:30 PM - Cub Scout Den Meeting in St. Andrew's

6:00 PM - Celtic Spirituality Group in St. Francis

6:30 PM - Adult Choir Rehearsal

8:00 PM - Virtual Compline

Friday, May 5

9:00 AM - Celtic Spirituality Group in Chapel

1:00 PM - Friday Book Group in Prayer Room

7:30 PM - Virtual Evening Prayer

Saturday, May 6

9:00 AM - Kairos Women's Ministry in Parish Hall

10:30 AM - The Artist's Way in Multipurpose Room

2:00 PM - Caregivers Support Group in Chapel

Birthdays This Week:

May 1 - Marsha Sterling

May 2 - Charles Brown

May 3 - Terry Bryan

May 3 - Claire Rische

May 4 - Jonathan Farmer

May 4 - Jim Moore

May 4 - Gavin Wandfluh

May 5 - Sarah Fulton

May 5 - Trenton Sears

May 5 - Grace Smullen

May 5 - Julie Waidelich

May 6 - Michael Torrey

Anniversaries This Week:

May 1 - Carl & Michele Nesbitt

May 4 - Rev. Joanne Sanders & Kathy Armstrong

May 6 - Barry & Nancy Oswell

St. Michael's Episcopal Church
7400 Tudor Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80919

Office Telephone: 719-598-3244
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

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