745 Little Neck Road

Virginia Beach, VA 23452

(757) 340-2840 

info@kgpc.org www.kgpc.org

 Discerning God’s Will for Worship at KGPC



Session and the Worship Ministry Team are in the middle of a discernment process for what worship schedule best meets the needs of everyone in this church and those who are yet to come. It is not an easy task and we ask for your prayers and understanding as we seek God’s will. To bring you up-to-date, here is where we are in this process that we hope will conclude by the end of June.


Where We Have Been:

           About this time last year, the Worship Ministry Team brought a proposal to Session to begin the Fall 2022 church year with one year-round 10:00 blended worship service. Because we were emerging from Covid and worship attendance was low, because of several transitions in our staffing, and because there was a desire for the entire congregation to worship together, Session approved this change in our worship schedule for this year with the intention to evaluate our worship needs for following years. Now that it’s Spring of 2023, we are in the process of discerning how best to meet the needs of current and future members in a Fall 2023 worship schedule.


Where We Are:

-----As the Worship Ministry Team was discussing various options, they decided to share those options with you to gather your thoughts. Please know this is not a vote, a poll, or a survey. They and Session are in the discernment process to follow where the Spirit is leading. But your opinions are important to them as they listen to God. There are two more Sundays to give your input on the Connect Card as a way to express your interest in the various options they have considered, along with space to write your own ideas. We will also have the Connect Card online with a link to the highlights so you can fill it out electronically if you prefer. Please only fill out ONE card, either electronically OR on a Sunday morning. Please put your name on it (no names will to anyone) so we can ensure only one card was filled out per person. You are encouraged to check ALL the boxes that you would be open to.

These options include:


1)     Keep a one-blended morning service year round


2)     An early Praise and Worship service and a later morning Traditional service (times to be determined)


3)     An early Traditional service and later morning Praise and Worship service (times to be determined)


4)     A morning Traditional service and a 5:00 Praise and Worship service


5)     15-30 minutes Praise music with prayers followed by one Traditional morning service.


Where We Go From Here:

With such a diverse and active congregation, there is bound to be a wide variety of opinions and preferences. Trying to meet the needs of the entire congregation as well as the future growth and direction of the church is quite a challenge. But God will be in all of it as we discern God’s will in this important decision. Please contact Paul Chidester if you have further questions. You may also email the Church Office to share your response. Please be in prayer as the Worship Ministry Team and then Session prayerfully discern how and when we will praise, glorify, and worship God in Fall 2023 at King’s Grant Presbyterian Church.

Grow Stronger, Shine Brighter, Love Deeper, Transform Your World,

Pastor Chris


Please send in your input only once, either online OR in person.

Please continue to fill out your Connect Card weekly.

Postponed Until Further Notice

Greetings KGPC!

The video below is a wonderful story and song that supports the topic for this week’s sermon theme. This song is so poignant and the story so moving that I encourage you to take a moment and listen.

Perhaps some forgiveness will show up in your life this week too…


Sunday, April 30

8:45 AM– Adult Faith Formation

9:00 AM– MS & HS Faith Formation

10:00 AM- Worship Service & King’s Kids

11:30 AM– Open Table Presentation

12:00 PM– Connect Mtg.

5:30 PM-MS Youth Fellowship

6:30 PM- HS Youth Fellowship


Monday, May 1

9:00 AM- Trinity Preschool 

9:30 AM– Quilters

12:00 PM- Lunch Bunch


Tuesday, May 2

9:00 AM- Trinity Preschool 

6:00 PM– Grow Ministry Meeting

Wednesday, May 3

7:00 AM- Prayer Breakfast

9:00 AM- Trinity Preschool 

9:00 AM– Property Mtg.

4:30 PM– Children’s Music

5:15 PM– Youth Music

5:45 PM– Praise Team Rehearsal

7:30 PM- Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal


Thursday, May 4

9:00 AM- Trinity Fine Arts Day

7:00 PM– Chancel Bells


Friday, May 5


Saturday, May 6

9:00 AM- Property Outdoor

----------Clean-Up Day

Click HERE for the Full Calendar

Church Office Hours are 8:00 AM - 2:30 PM



If you would like to help keep KGPC looking beautiful,

stop by on the 6th and join in the fun...

After the Congregational picture, please join us for a reception in the Fellowship Hall to celebrate and honor our High School Graduates, Sean McNulty and Kyle Restrepo!

Our annual benefit yard sale is around the corner on June 10th! Our yard sale is an important part of our ministry that serves many purposes beyond raising money for those in need. Each year, we invite people in need such as Samaritan House clients, JCOC and PIN clients, and VBCPS families in need to come shop and take what they need for free, providing a place where people in our community who have lost everything and are starting over can come and start to rebuild.

We also provide a way for our members and anyone else who donates to make a difference by sharing some of their excess in a way that directly benefits people. This gives each of us an opportunity to look at all we have and to wonder what might be a blessing to others (and to us when we remove what we no longer need from our homes).

Finally, the yard sale provides a chance for the community to see the church in action working to help others and to experience the love of our church family.

Please consider helping with this year’s yard sale by:

  • Donating items for sale (the more items we have, the more money we can raise and the more people we can bless!)

  • Sharing information about the sale with your friends, neighbors, or coworkers by word of mouth or posting our event flyer at your office, school, or anywhere in the community (this not only helps to get more donations and more shoppers, but it is also an easy way to introduce people to our church!)

  • Volunteering (we need volunteers June 7 to 9 to sort donations, early morning volunteers June 10 to carry everything outside, and volunteers during the sale.)


November 2023 marks KGPC’s 60th anniversary!! King's Grant Chapel was organized on 11/17/1963 as the 64th church in the Norfolk Presbytery. Worship services were held at King's Grant Elementary School. With so many new homes being built in 1963 and planned to be built for several years thereafter, the founding members had a vision that one day their church would be one of the bigger churches in the Norfolk Presbytery.

Based on the paperwork we have discovered from 1963, the “theme” of the program for King's Grant included the following:

1) Salvation through service

2)Teaching God’s word through actions

3)Service to others in Christ’s name

4) Christ through service to others

Needless to say, the committee has truly enjoyed researching our church’s beginnings. Service to others has been consistent and intentional throughout the decades. As a result, the 60th committee is planning several service projects throughout the celebration. A separate email with the details will go out to the congregation in early to mid-May as plans for all of the events are finalized.

Start thinking and jotting down your favorite memories throughout the decades. Over the summer, we will be reaching out via connect cards and emails for these memories as we complete a timeline from 1963 to 2023 showing a history of serving!!

60 years…Still Serving!!

Please feel free to reach out to me at any time with comments and/or suggestions.


Bruce MacCall (757-403-4989 )


Credo: I Believe…

April 30 Forgiven to Be Forgiving

Matthew 26:27-28; Matthew 18:21-35

May 7 Youth Sunday - Come join our youth as they lead us in worship and celebrate our graduates.

May 14 2023 What Happens When We Die?

John 11:20-27; I Corinthians 15 (selected verses)

The Apostles’ Creed ends, “I believe in…the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting.” Will we be resurrected? Jesus didn’t talk much about what happens when we die, but he did claim he was the Resurrection and the Life. What is the significance of that, both for him and for us? We wrap up our worship series diving into how believing in life after death shapes our life before death.

May 21 (ascension) Holy? Catholic? Church? Saints?

Acts 4:32-35, I Peter 2:9-10a

The church is a bunch of people who come together to worship God. But is it more than that? The Apostles’ Creed talks about a holy, catholic church. What does that mean? What exactly is the church and the communion of saints? No offense but there aren’t too many saints in our church. So why does the church exist, why do we need to be a part of it, and what is its purpose? How does that affect who we are and what we do at KGPC?


Grow In Your Faith!

Sundays at KGPC

8:45 AM: Adult Study- Creed - Exploring the Apostles' Creed/in the Connection Point

There is no Adult Faith Formation on May 28th

9:00 AM: Middle School & High School Session/HS Rm 104: Discussion & Donuts

10:00 AM: Worship and King's Kids: During Passing of the Peace, children may follow their teachers to and be picked up from: 

 Pre-school/Rm 118 & Elementary School/Rm 104

April 30: Youth Fellowship- Youth Sunday Planning

MS: Join us from 5:30 PM-7:00 PM for Youth Fellowship. We will enjoy fellowship time together from 5:30-6:30, and then eat dinner with the high schoolers from 6:30-7:00.  

HS: Join us from 6:30 PM-8:00 PM for Youth Fellowship. We will eat dinner with the middle schoolers from 6:30-7:00, and then separate to enjoy fellowship time together from 7-8:00. 

May 7: Youth Sunday - Following the Youth Sunday Service the Congregation is invited to a reception for our graduates in the Fellowship Hall.

Youth will meet after the reception at 12:00 PM to carpool to the beach for some fun in the sun! Families are welcome to come.

Youth Summer Trip Details 2023
Massanetta Middle School Conference
Montreat High School Conference

MAY Women's Circles


Elizabeth Circle meets May 9th at 10:00 AM in the church Parlor. Contact Cindy Hiddemen for more details.


Eve Circle meets May 15th at 7:00 PM in the Parlor. Contact Pam Ponce for more details.

Lydia Circle will meet May 30th at 11:00 AM at the home of Claudia Hudgens. Contact Claudia Hudgens for more details.

 Summer Adult Class:

The Fruit of the Spirit

June 4th - July 30th

Click HERE for this week's Wired Word

Our Livestream is available Sundays on YouTube and also on Facebook! Use the links below. The links will also be in the Sunday Morning Worship email.

Click HERE for our 10:00 AM Worship Service
Click HERE for this week's Worship Guide

If you'd like to give perhaps an hour to help those in need, consider signing up for our

KGPC Foodbank

What's Involved:

  • Choose one day during the week of May 22-26
  • Call the Virginia Beach Dept. of Human Resources at 11:30 a.m. that day for referrals
  • Be at the church in time to give out provided grocery gift cards at 2:00 p.m. to referred singles/families or caseworkers who come to pick them up. 


If interested, please contact Dottie Benson or Vivian Phelps


Join our discussion on the last Tuesday of the month

at 7:30 p.m. in the Parlor.

Need a book, contact Julie Seipel for information.

Upcoming Book Club reads

  • May 23-- Looking for Salvation at the Dairy Queen by Susan Gregg Gilmore
  • June 27--Captive in Iran by Maryam Rostampour & Marziyeh Amirizadeh
  • July 25-- Switchboard Soldiers by Jennifer Chiaverini 

Lunch Bunch is back!

Mondays at noon in the Connection Point.

Bring a lunch and gather around the table as together this small group shares praises, concerns, scripture and study! Contact Julie Seipel for more information.


The Women’s Spring Gathering on April 21 and 22 was a great time of fellowship and learning.

Julie Seipel and Laurie Duquette led a back porch discussion about women’s important role in the kingdom of God, as reflected in the Hebrew bible’s use of the terms Ezer Konegdo and Koinonia.

Courtney Pierce, from Samaritan House, gave an informative presentation about human trafficking in our area and the work that Samaritan House is doing to help. A new facility, the Hallow, is currently under construction at the Church of the Holy Apostles. The Hallow will house minors (ages 11-17) who are victims of trafficking . We collected $925.00 that will help future residents of the Hallow purchase necessary personal items.

Thanks to everyone who helped plan this event, brought food to share and gathered in fellowship to learn, to serve and to be in Koinonia. 

Word Share Prayer is a monthly scripture reading/reflection that Session and the leaders of ministries use to start their meetings. We will include this in the monthly ENews for you to use throughout the month to read and meditate on.

John 4:19-24


The woman said to him, ‘Sir, I see that you are a prophet. Our ancestors worshipped on this mountain, but you* say that the place where people must worship is in Jerusalem.’ Jesus said to her, ‘Woman, believe me, the hour is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews. But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father seeks such as these to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.’



1)     Session approved the motion from the Janet Phelps Scholarship committee to award four awards to four very talented musicians. All of the recipients are graduates or currently enrolled in Governor’s School for the Arts. Collectively, they represent all of the attributes the committee was looking for when they started this project.

2)     Chris led a discussion/recap of our session retreat. Four topics that came out of the retreat and will be discussed at the upcoming Leadership Summit as our KGPC leaders discern in which direction God is nudging us for the new church year starting in September include:

·        Bring KGPC core values to the forefront in all that we do,

·        Address loneliness at many different levels,

·        Expand online interaction, and

·        Provide a variety of worship opportunities.

3)     A timeline for the 60th Anniversary celebration was presented. The focus of the celebration will center around six decades of serving. Service projects will be incorporated in to many of the planned events to continue serving others as we discern how we can continue to do God’s will.





Cash Income-------------$64,327

Cash Expenses --------($58,259)

Surplus(Deficit)---------- $6,068




ACTUAL INCOME:-------$147,264

ACTUAL EXPENSES:---($153,560)







Click HERE for Financial Summary
Contact Us

King's Grant Presbyterian Church

745 Little Neck Road

Virginia Beach, Virginia 23452

(757) 340-2840 


Office Hours: 8:00 - 2:30 M-F

Service Times

8:45 & 9:00 AM - Faith----------- Formation

10:00 AM - Worship

---------- Service

Visit our website