Hello everyone,
It’s June already and this year the beloved Fairfax Parade and Festival is back! We can celebrate the summer solstice this month and notice how the abundant sunshine has ushered in golden hills with pockets of green remaining in the shade. We have a host of activities planned this month to support your healthy aging, so we encourage you to connect with your neighbors and friends, in person, online, or both. Engage on topics from transportation for getting out and about, fire safety, medicinal cannabis, and more. Enjoy your month of June!
The Age Friendly Fairfax Task Force: Jody Timms, Barbara Coler, Susan A. Brandborg, Francie Bedinger, Anne Mannes, Jessica Price,
and Jackie Engstrom.
Aging in Fairfax, everybody's doing it!
Upcoming Events:
June 2: Commission on Aging
June 2: Ross Valley Seniors
June 15: Breakfast with Friends
June 22: Age Friendly Marin Forum
June 24: Age Friendly Fairfax Task Force Meeting
Marin County Commission on Aging Annual Forum
June 2, 10-11am
The Transportation Authority of Marin (TAM) will present how it funds transportation projects and programs to provide a transportation system that improves mobility, reduces congestion, and maintains economic vitality to improve the quality of life in Marin County. Information will also be shared on the steps Marin Transit and Marin Access are taking to recover from the Pandemic and what their plans are to serve our older adults post pandemic. Learn about the TAM and how it serves Marin and understand what Marin Transit and Marin Access do and what their plans are for pandemic recovery and beyond. Presenters are Li Zhang, Deputy Executive Director, Transportation Authority of Marin and Robert Betts, Director of Operations and Planning, Marin Transit.
Meeting ID: 838 2029 1566 Passcode: 662153
Call-In: (669) 219-2599
Ross Valley Seniors
June 2, 11-2pm
Come join us at the Fairfax Women’s Club-Bocce ball and social hour runs from 11:00am-12:00pm, lunch will be served at 12:00pm, and our presentation starts at 1:00pm. This month’s speaker is Todd Lando. He will give an informative presentation on Fire Safety and Prevention.
Age Friendly Marin "Breakfast with Friends"
Wednesday, June 15, 9:30-10:30am
Socializing is important for all and it's fun to connect. Join us for coffee, tea and/or breakfast and a friendly and enjoyable chat at Barefoot Café, in person!
Age Friendly Marin Forum
June 22, 10:30-11:45am
“Is Cannabis Right for Me?”: With growing interest in its potential health benefits, marijuana use is becoming more common among older adults. UCSD School of Medicine researchers report that older adults use cannabis primarily for medical purposes to treat a variety of common health conditions, including pain, sleep disturbances and psychiatric conditions like anxiety and depression. Come learn how cannabis is often effective either as THC or the non-psychoactive CBD. Find out how to discuss it with your health care provider, possible interactions with other supplements or medications and how to find a reputable source. The presenter, Catherine Goldberg, owner of WeedBar LA, focuses on non-smoking alternatives, Catherine provides effective tools and protocols that are easy for any adult to implement. She has been featured in High Times Magazine, Fortune and The Jewish Journal.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 520 207 8153 Passcode: 572332
Join by phone at 1-669-900-9128
Age Friendly Fairfax Task Force Meeting
June 24, 9:30-10:30 am
Curious about Age Friendly Fairfax? You’re welcome to attend our monthly meeting, bring your questions, feedback, ideas and energy!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 853 935 7484 Passcode: 398715
Dial in number 1+ (408) 638-0968
Fairfax Recreation Classes
Free online classes for older adults such as our popular yoga classes. We are offering six classes per week!
Mat Yoga 9:30-10:45
Chair Yoga 11:30-12:30
Mat Yoga 9:30-10:45
Chair Yoga 11:30-12:30
Mat Yoga 9:30-10:45
Chair Yoga 11:30-12:30
For a full list of current classes and how to register, click here.
Dance a la Moxie
Tuesdays from 2-3pm
Right Field Side of Contratti Ballfield
A progressive, FUN total body workout guaranteed to make you feel better, look better and be better! No experience necessary.
Chi Gong
Tuesdays from 10am – 11am
Bolinas Park
Chi Gong (Qigong) is the ancient Chinese practice of movement and meditation, deeply rooted in the balance and harmony of nature. Chi is the vital life force energy that animates all living beings. Through gentle exercises we learn to cultivate and direct the flow of Chi within ourselves and draw from the Universal Chi all around us. Empower yourself to health!
Questions about services for older adults?
Call 415-473-4636 (INFO)
Local News & Resources:
Marin County:
Adult and Aging Service's Information and Assistance Line, providing information and referrals to the full range of services available to older adults, adults with disabilities and their family caregivers: 415/473-INFO (4636) 8:30 am to 4:30 pm weekdays; 473INFO@marincounty.org
Town of Fairfax:
Are you receiving the weekly Town of Fairfax Newsletter? If not, we really encourage you to do so as there is LOTS of news, information and events listed. Click this link to start receiving the Town’s newsletter asap, subscribe here.
Fairfax Library:
Community Seed Library has returned: The Community Seed Library has returned to the Fairfax Library. The Seed Library is available for all to share! Donate some saved heirloom seeds, or take some seeds for your garden and grow, grow, grow! FREE
Friends of the Fairfax Library Book Club meets on the 2nd Thursday each month at 7pm on Zoom.
April 14th is our next meeting. We will discuss: Interior Chinatown by Charles Yu
Everyone is welcome to attend.
Climate Cafe: a Compassionate Sharing Circle - June 4th, 11a-12:30p An in-person, drop-in sharing circle at the Fairfax Library for people who are feeling concerned about the climate crisis and its impact at the global, local, or personal level.
Fairfax History: Patterns on the Land, Wednesday, June 8, 6-7pm on Zoom.
Register here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Dewey Livingston, Map Archivist at the Maps & Special Collections Annex at the Anne T. Kent California Room, will use maps, photos and graphics to show how Fairfax and vicinity grew out of a wild place into a busy place, looking at the natural patterns on the land and how they shaped modern Fairfax through history. This event is hosted by the Fairfax Library.
Supporting Your Trans or Non Binary Child with Lotus Đỗ, LCSW, Monday, June 13, 6:30-8pm PM on Zoom. To register for this free program, click here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. In this presentation, Lotus Đỗ will discuss how to provide social and emotional support for your trans or non-binary child. Lotus will address safety concerns as well as share important information about the medical, social and emotional process of transitioning. Lotus Đỗ (he/him/his) is a therapist of Vietnamese descent and transgender lived experience. He has nearly a decade of experience specializing in gender affirming care and public health. He has supported hundreds of children and their families, adults and older adults access medically necessary, gender affirming care through Medi-Cal.
Long COVID—An Overview, Thursday, June 16, 7-8pm on Zoom. To register for this free program, click here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Between 10-30% of people who get COVID develop long-term symptoms, known as Long COVID. This presentation will cover the basics of Long COVID: its symptoms, prevalence, and research done to date. It will cover promising treatments and give recommendations for what to do if you or a loved one has Long COVID.
Wondering what IS Age Friendly Fairfax??