MFGA eBulletin - June 2023

#DauphinStrong: On behalf of Manitoba Forage and Grassland Association board, staff and families, we extend our deepest condolences to all the individuals impacted by the recent tragic accident at Carberry. Our hearts are with you all. To the first responders and medical personnel, we are thinking of you and so very grateful for your efforts in these tragic times. Thank you.

photo credit: Nerbas Bros. Angus

From the Desk of the Executive Director

One by one, they used different words to tell the same tale.

But the worry was evident across the board.


“Dry….”, said one about the family dairy farm north of Minnedosa. “...starting to get really worried….”


“Grasshoppers already…full of them…clouds of them as you walk forward...,” chimed in a beef producer from the already semi-arid lands near Glenboro.


“Neighbour a couple miles over got smoked by a rain storm the other day,” added a mixed farmer from Strathclair area. “We got a couple drops only, not nearly what we hoped or thought we’d get… guess I can’t complain compared to some of the others here but…we sure do need more rain…”


They, in this case, were members of the MFGA board sharing small talk chit-chat updates before a mid-June mixer organized to introduce them and bird surveyors from the Province of Manitoba and Birds Canada.


While some areas of the province may be absolutely fine, and might even be hit by rain over the weekend and storms forecast for this week, on the whole, things are dry. Provincial precipitation maps are coming in below 50 percent normal precipitation May 1 - June 11, 2023 with a wide swath of darkest, driest brown colour right across the middle of the province from border to boreal. 

Farmers are worried. Which in a big picture way makes one wonder why water management, water retention and water conservation are not higher priority among, well, everyone.


Across the board, projects and programming and other similar efforts primarily aimed at carbon always include water benefits as a key outcome. But are we emphasizing the water-boosting, farm-benefiting abilities of these programs and practices enough? Is it because, on even our driest day, we are only tomorrow away from the next all out soaker that we are hoping for and need? Is it because there are fall back insurance policies (thank goodness) and Ottawa-launched recovery triggers through government and producer group collaborations toward bigger agriculture recovery?

As we take prescribed steps to sequester carbon and work toward Canada’s commitment on climate change and implement carbon-storing BMPs is it perhaps time to really accelerate and increase awareness around the good of these practices for our water resources, and by doing so, actually help position the carbon sequestration efforts even more solidly?

Around our MFGA board table, we talk often - and rightfully so - about the role healthy soils play for all of us, and in fact, have played in civilization. Time and time again, we bring forward the fact that the healthiest of soils can be water-saturated and water-friendly in slowing and stowing water flows and increasing water absorption. And we also talk about how if we manage the soil for water needs of the farm, the carbon storage potential increases via most soil-friendly practices.

I don’t know, it just seems as we face down the first hard core signals of another potentially dry year, that we could – and should - start championing easy-to-engage proactive water mechanisms to farmers, from BMPs to nature-based infrastructure to incentives to hydrologic modelling and forecasting tools that enhance, maintain, plan for and sustain our water resources for farmers and society with water at the forefront alongside all our ongoing carbon efforts.

I’m purely an armchair quarterback on this topic. But I see and hear about our water woes. And honestly, I don’t know if we will ever carbon sequester our way out of a drought; but I sure do think we can water-smart our collective way into more carbon storage.


And, that’s a huge win-win in my eyes.

Muchos Grasses ALL,

Duncan Morrison, MFGA Executive Director

MFGA's 2023 Green Gold Final Report available

This year's MFGA Green Gold Program (alfalfa scissor clipping) included 23 registered fields from Central, Eastern and Western Manitoba. Through testing, the MFGA Green Gold Program declared the 2023 Optimum Alfalfa Harvest Dates as:





MFGA's 2023 Regen Ag Conference - Registration to open in the next few weeks

With world-class keynotes such as Brendon Rockey and Dr. Jonathan Lundgren of Blue Dasher Farms/Ecdysis Foundation at the podium, we are thrilled with the quality of keynote speakers scheduled to date for the sixth annual  2023 MFGA Regenerative Agriculture Conference to be held November 13-15, 2023 at the Victoria Inn and Conference Centre in Brandon, Manitoba. Other speakers include Paul Galpern of the University of Calgary on pollinators and prairie landscapes; Ian Steppler, who many will be familiar with from his work with Manitoba Beekeepers Association; and Derek and Tanis Axten, who are awesome speakers and valuable additions to our conference to showcase the way they farm in Saskatchewan. Watch for registration details in the next few weeks!

Canada and Manitoba provide $7.5 million in support for commercial beekeepers following high winter losses in 2021-22

Manitoba beekeepers will be eligible for $7.5 million in support from the federal and provincial governments to rebuild their colonies following extraordinary losses incurred over the winter of 2021-22, federal Agriculture and Agri-Food Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau and Manitoba Agriculture Minister Derek Johnson announced today. Read the full news release.

Central Grasslands Roadmap part of Calgary Stampede

Organizers of the Canadian working group for the Central Grasslands Roadmap were thrilled to receive permission to set up materials in the Cattle Trails section at the 2023 Calgary Stampede. The Central Grasslands Roadmap is a collaborative guide to increase conservation of North America’s Central Grasslands, which span 700 million acres across Indigenous Lands, Canada, the United States and Mexico.

MFGA hosts Bird Study Mixer

Photo: from left to right: Arron Nerbas, Tim Poole (Manitoba Wildlife), Mike Duguid, Amber McNish, Ian Cook (Birds Canada), Andrea Hamilton, Lawrence Knockaert, Sean Smith and Zack Koscielny met in mid-June to discuss plans for bird surveys on four different MFGA Regen Ag network farms: dairy, grain, mixed and forage. The results will be shared at the 2023 MFGA Regen Ag Conference.

MFGA Aquanty Forecasting Tool remains open in dry times

MFGA Aquanty Forecasting Tool remains open and free of charge for farmers and stakeholders to utilize during the dry start to the growing season in the Assiniboine River Basin and the Pembina Valley Watershed. MFGA is working on a subscription platform and will have news on that front soon.

Forage Management in a dry year

Moisture conditions across Manitoba are extremely variable according to the latest Manitoba Ag crop report. Viewing the map below we can see that large areas of the Central and Interlake have received less than 50 percent of normal precipitation to date. Other areas of the province are well below normal for this time of year. Read on...

Proposed changes to the Agricultural Crown Lands Program need your feedback

The Manitoba government is asking for public feedback on proposed changes to the Agricultural Crown Lands (ACL) program. A summary of the proposed changes can be found here.

Canadian Agri-Food Asset Map increases access to sustainable protein expertise

Industry, researchers, investors, and other stakeholders have more resources at their fingertips thanks to the recent launch of the Canadian Agri-Food Asset Map (CAFA). This interactive map is designed to foster connections and expand knowledge and expertise in sustainable protein and across the agri-food industry. More info.

Nuffield Canada $20K Scholarship - Apply by June 30

Application deadline for 2024 Nuffield Canada Agricultural Scholarships is June 30, 2023. Read the media release for more info.

Report Explores New Approach for Term CE Compensation

Driven by the need for greater understanding of the finances around incentives and Term Conservation Easements, the Saskatchewan Stock Growers Foundation (SSGF) and Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association (SSGA) have teamed up with the University of Manitoba to investigate the income differences between annual cropping systems and cow-calf systems based on models in southwestern Saskatchewan. Read the full media release.

U of M Alumni presented with Certificates of Merit for leadership and service

MFGA congratulates Jill Verwey, president of Keystone Agricultural Producers and Ian Steppler of the Manitoba Beekeepers Association for receiving Certificates of Merit, presented by the University of Manitoba Faculty and the School of Agriculture in recognition of leadership with agricultural organizations and outstanding service to the community at large. Full news release here.

Conservation and GROW Trusts Progress Reports

Conservation and GROW Trusts 2020/2021 and 2021/2022 Progress Reports have been posted. Some of the report details include a total of $38.6 million has been committed to 182 conservation projects delivered by 47 Manitoba-based groups. These and future conservation results are made possible by the Province of Manitoba’s decision to fund three trusts – the Conservation Trust, the GROW Trust and the Wetlands GROW Trust.

Read the 2020/21 Progress Report

Read the 2021/22 Progress Report

Industry Events

NCC community workshops - June 20 in Melita, July 25 in Killarney, July 26 in Glenboro

Nature Conservancy of Canada is holding workshops to share your priorities and connection to future habitat and species at risk conservation activities in your community and surrounding areas. More details here.

Mb Sustainable Protein Research Symposium - June 20, 2023, 9am-4pm CT

This 3rd annual event will feature plenary speakers, presentations on current protein research, and numerous opportunities for networking. Registration will open soon. Contact:

Regen Ag Farming Workshop - July 11, 2023, Clanwilliam, MB

Attend this On-Farm Workshop on “Regen Ag Farming: Optimizing Soil Health & Animal Performance”, held July 11, 9-5, Free of Charge. Experienced Farmers and Speakers include: Sean Smith, Paul Kernaleguen, Michael Thiele. Details here.

Birds Canada MarshWatch Live Webinars - Beginning May 10, 2023

Live webinars take place every Wednesday evening, starting May 10 and run for 10 weeks, ending July 12. We encourage you to visit a wetland each week – there really is no better way to learn than to be out with the birds! Registration and past webinars here.

2023 KAP Classic - July 24, 2023, Larters at St. Andrew’s Golf & Country Club

Lunch and registration at 11:00am, with noon tee-off. Dinner at 5:00pm and prizes available to win. All proceeds go to support the Manitoba Farmer Wellness Program. Sponsorship opportunities available! More info here or contact

2023 MFGA Regen Ag Conference - Nov 13-15, 2023, Brandon, MB 

Well-known regenerative agriculture experts Brandon Rockey and Dr. Jonathan Lundgren of Blue Dasher Farms lead our 2023 keynote speakers. Mark your calendar for this 2.5 day event and stay tuned here for more details!

Thank you to our 2023/24 Annual Supporters! 

Our new sponsorship year began in April - it's not too late to join these 2023/24 leaders who are some of the best of the best in the agriculture and conservation communities - sign up here!

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