- Christ-centered, multi-generational community of disciple-making disciples -
Please watch the video below for a brief introduction to the
Old North Summer Institute (ONSI) 2022.
Register for a class using these links:
Often times we think that issues of theology are reserved for those that are mature in their faith; or those who would rather spend their time thinking about their faith rather than living it. This class will work through key theological concepts to reveal that good theology is essential to healthy Christianity.
(The text for the class will be JI Packer’s 18 Words)
Led by Chris Drombetta
Do we need to save the planet? Is the future of our world at stake? These days it's hard to escape questions like this in the media and the wider world. How would you answer? Maybe you're an environmental warrior, or maybe you are skeptical that there is anything to worry about at all. Have you wondered where God stands on this issue? Does he care about the world and what we do with it? Is God green? This class will take us through what the Bible says about the environment. 
(The text for the class will be Is God Green by Lionel Windsor)
Led by Jeff Moliterno
Those who are Christians need to be able to articulate what we believe and why we believe it to non-Christians. This course will seek to do just that by answering four main questions: What is truth?, Can I trust the Bible?, What is the Gospel?, and How should a Christian navigate our culture?
Led by Kyle Hoffsmith
Many would say they believe that Christianity is true. But do we KNOW it's true and can we defend it to people who may not believe our Bible? With an eye toward personal evangelism, we will scrutinize topics like the resurrection of Christ, the reliability of scriptures, biblical prophecy, miracles, the existence/nature of God and handling objections to the faith.
Led by Rich Heavener
When Christ ascended after the Resurrection, what took place? How and where did the church gather? What were their practices? How did the church interact with the culture of that time and what events culturally helped form the church and spread the Gospel message? This class will trace the historical developments of the church using Biblical and extra-biblical resources so that we might see how God works all things together for His glory and for the redemption of sinners!  
Led by Dan Osborn
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