Campaign Update
June 6, 2023
After teasing his Progressive base on TV the day before the vote that he is “far from a yes” on the Biden-McCarthy Debt Bill, Jim Himes predictably pivoted to vote ‘Yes,’ to continue to fuel the out-of-control Biden spending-and-debt machine.  Of course he did. He’s proven time and again that he doesn’t care what his fiscally conservative constituents want. But the hard-lefties, who hustle-up every two years to keep him in office wanted a ‘No’ vote.... and he doesn’t care what they want either. For Jim Himes is loyal to no one but himself, his donors, and his role within the ‘Machine.’ That would be the politico-corporatist machine that is driving the country into debt-laden economic implosion.
By voting Yes, he served to perpetuate the Washington myth that the country faced “default.” We did not face default – the Treasury takes in about $386 billion every month in tax receipts, and pays about $40 billion in interest on the debt, covering its debt obligations by a multiple of 9x. Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, veterans and military pay could all have been met. But on the rest, Treasury would have had to do some serious prioritizing, delayed payments, or staff furloughs... and THAT is anathema to the Administrative State. So the contrived ‘fear-of-being-blamed-for-default’ forges those loyal to the machine into yet another deal to raise the debt ceiling, and plunder our children’s birthright. 
This time, rather than put a dollar limit on the debt ceiling (it is open-ended dollar-wise) the ‘ceiling’ was pushed to a date-certain past the ’24 election to January 2025. Both Republican and Democrat “negotiators” thought that was a splendid idea. Now the issue of the national debt is taken off the table for this election cycle. We can only shudder at how much more they’ll indebt us in the next 19 months. And the donor class has its patron, Jim Himes, their sentry sitting on the House Financial Services Committee, protecting their interests at the seat of power.  
Of course, Himes praises himself as a hero for voting to avoid the phony default. In selling out the Republic, he called the Debt Bill a “nothing-burger.” And, just for good measure, he called for “the elimination of the debt ceiling,” so he could take his place at the head of the spending-palooza into infinity. He’s already voted for $20 trillion ($170,000 per household) of the nation’s $32 trillion of debt - in just 14 years! And he’s demonstrating to us all, that he has absolutely no interest in slowing down. 
Inflation has already taken a massive bite from all our household budgets – and our purchasing power will continue to erode in lockstep with the Democrats’ projected Federal deficit spending. Himes’ donors are making sure their protector is out-raising my campaign right now. We don’t need to match them – we’ll deploy our resources smarter.  My campaign will do fine if everyone receiving these updates can make a modest donation. You can make a donation right here: DONATE
It would be deeply appreciated.
As Jim Himes continues to vote to bankrupt our nation, reception to my candidacy around the 4th District has been positive. I am encouraged and very appreciative – thank you so much. 

                      Jim Himes is NO Moderate
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Help is on the way,

Bob MacGuffie
Candidate for Congress