**Tuesday, May 17: Restaurant Night at Nuggs
**Tuesday, May 24, 5:30pm: Grown Up Meet Up
**Monday, May 30: No School (Memorial Day)
**Wednesday, June 1, 9:30am: ECE4 Continuation
**Wednesday, June 1, 5pm: 5th Grade Continuation
**Thursday, June 2, 10am: Kinder Continuations
**Friday, June 3: Last Day of School! (Dismissal at 1pm)
(The Stedman Calendar can always be viewed HERE)
Note From Principal Atkins
It's hard to believe that we have 3 weeks left of this school year! Everyone has worked so hard and pushed through to get us here, and we're grateful for each and every one of you.
It was another busy week, I hope you can watch the Stedman News for a peek into some of the fun. It is so nice to see the smiles and joy on our babies' faces.
Please Note: Don't forget that Early Bird Registration is now open, if you register before May 20, you won't have to this Fall! Every student returning to a DPS school has to complete registration every year. Why not knock it out now? See below for links and instruction.
Please continue to read through the entire newsletter to make sure you don't miss any important information or resources. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Love you all to life!
Michael Atkins
Nota del Sr. Atkins
¡Es difícil creer que nos quedan 3 semanas de este año escolar! Todos han trabajado muy duro y empujado para traernos aquí, y estamos agradecidos por todos y cada uno de ustedes.
Fue otra semana ocupada, espero que puedan ver Stedman News para echar un vistazo a la diversión. Es tan agradable ver las sonrisas y la alegría en las caras de nuestros bebés.
Tenga en cuenta: ¡No olvide que la inscripción anticipada ya está abierta, si se registra antes del 20 de mayo, no tendrá que hacerlo este otoño! Todos los estudiantes que regresan a una escuela de DPS deben completar la inscripción todos los años. ¿Por qué no eliminarlo ahora? Consulte a continuación los enlaces y las instrucciones.
Continúe leyendo todo el boletín para asegurarse de no perderse ninguna información o recurso importante. Espero que todos tengan un maravilloso fin de semana. ¡Los amo a todos de por vida!
Michael Atkins
News from the Stedman PATH
We were lucky enough to enjoy Mariachi music together last week in celebration of Mexican culture. And while Cinco de Mayo is not a widely celebrated holiday in Mexico, we use this time to celebrate the beautiful heritage and culture of the nation. To learn more about the history of Cinco de Mayo, read here or here. Special thanks to Ms. Dafne, Ms. Deb, and the PTA for bringing this excellent experience to Stedman! View footage in today's Stedman News!
Tuvimos la suerte de disfrutar juntos la música de mariachi la semana pasada en celebración de la cultura mexicana. Y aunque el Cinco de Mayo no es una festividad muy celebrada en México, usamos este tiempo para celebrar la hermosa herencia y cultura de la nación. ¡Un agradecimiento especial a la Sra. Dafne, la Sra. Deb y la PTA por traer esta excelente experiencia a Stedman!
Developing in Ms. Kyra's Class
Students in Ms. Kyra's 4/5 Immersion classroom have been working with an architecture firm to develop plans for Park Hill Golf Course. They've created quite the model with equity and inclusion in mind! See more about it in today's News video above.
Los estudiantes del salón de clases de inmersión 4/5 de la Sra. Kyra han estado trabajando con una firma de arquitectura para desarrollar el campo de golf Park Hill. ¡Han creado todo un modelo teniendo en cuenta la equidad y la inclusión! Vea más sobre esto en el video de noticias de hoy arriba.
Special thank you goes to New Hope who brought books and gifts for all of our 3rd Graders this week!
¡Un agradecimiento especial para New Hope que trajo libros y regalos para todos nuestros alumnos de 3er grado esta semana!
Visitors from Manual High School
Students from Manual High School have spent time learning about Mathematicians, particularly women and people of color, and they made a coloring book with their research to share with some of our students! Thank you to Manual and Mrs. Hoste for bringing them to our students for some educational fun!
Los estudiantes de Manual High School han pasado tiempo aprendiendo sobre matemáticos, particularmente mujeres y personas de color, ¡e hicieron un libro para colorear con su investigación para compartir con algunos de nuestros estudiantes! ¡Gracias a Manual ya la Sra. Hoste por traerlos a nuestros estudiantes para divertirse educativamente!
Registration: Open until May 20!
Inclusion Corner
May is Jewish American Heritage Month! We hope you are able to take some time to learn about and celebrate other cultures as we all seek to become more inclusive and equity-minded.
Shout out to some of our ECE Team, Liz Grant (our HFDK coordinator) and the volunteers who came to help clean up the Stedman Garden last weekend!!
¡Un saludo a algunos de nuestro equipo de ECE, Liz Grant (nuestra coordinadora de HFDK) y los voluntarios que vinieron a ayudar a limpiar Stedman Garden el fin de semana pasado!
Videos due May 13th - we'll release the Show Video on May 20th!
Los videos vencen el 13 de mayo. ¡Lanzaremos el Show Video el 20 de mayo!
Park Hill Neighbors for Equity in Education (PHNEE) is a group of engaged parents and community members working to ensure that all students attending our neighborhood’s elementary schools get a quality education. We host a community event virtually on the second Wednesday of each month to share ideas, hear from experts, and build a community of support for diversity, equity, and inclusion in our schools. Join us for this free monthly event on Wednesday, May 11 at 7:00 p.m. Colorado State Board of Education member Lisa Escarcega will be joining us. Register here. No ongoing commitment is required. To learn more about PHNEE, check out our monthly newsletter here.
PHNEE is also excited to announce the second annual Summer Passport Program! This project provides a way for families to learn more about the Greater Park Hill neighborhood and its rich history through a FREE, fun, family-friendly, COVID safe activity for kids, parents, grandparents, and community members.
It’s easy to participate! You can sign up here or scan the QR code above and we will send you a passport as soon as they are available. On the passport, you will find a map of key landmarks in GPH and activities that can be accomplished at each location. The map includes every elementary school and library in our neighborhood as well as a number of local businesses. Pick a location, walk, bike, or scoot on over, and perform the activity described on the passport or get a small prize from a participating business. You can then “stamp” your passport and move on to the next stop.
The project runs from June 4 - August 15 so you have plenty of time to get to each stop. When you have completed the passport you can take a picture of it and email it to info@phnee.org or drop it off at the PHNEE office at 1961 Holly St. If you visit all 5 schools, both libraries, and at least 3 businesses you will be entered into a drawing for Grand Prizes including tickets to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, gift certificates from Sexy Pizza and School of Breaking, a day pass to Elitch’s and much more!
Early Bird Registration is open May 2nd-20th this year. If your child is already a student in DPS, you can access registration through your Parent Portal. If your child will be NEW to DPS, we will be creating a household for you in our Infinite Campus records and you will be able to participate in our "Early Bird Registration" window opening May 2-20th. We will be sending you information with your student's new school ID to be able to create a parent portal account and complete the registration process. This process prevents you from spending excessive time this summer registering.
More information on HOW to register (detailed steps if you need them!) can be found HERE.
La inscripción anticipada está abierta del 2 al 20 de mayo de este año. Si su hijo ya es estudiante en DPS, puede acceder a la inscripción a través de su Portal para padres. Si su hijo será NUEVO en DPS, crearemos un hogar para usted en nuestros registros de Infinite Campus y podrá participar en nuestra ventana de "Registro anticipado" que se abrirá del 2 al 20 de mayo. Le enviaremos información con la nueva identificación escolar de su estudiante para poder crear una cuenta en el portal de padres y completar el proceso de registro. Este proceso evita que pases demasiado tiempo este verano registrándote.
Puede encontrar más información sobre CÓMO registrarse (¡pasos detallados si los necesita!) AQUÍ.
Summer Programming In Denver
DPS has a new website listing summer program offerings by grade level across the city. If you are still looking for camps/programming, check it out here!
DPS tiene un nuevo sitio web que enumera las ofertas de programas de verano por nivel de grado en toda la ciudad. Si todavía estás buscando campamentos/programación, ¡échale un vistazo aquí!
We are so grateful that our PTA has developed relationships with some local businesses who are now supporting our school community through a sponsorship! Please keep these amazing businesses in mind (and reach out to us if you know of other local businesses that might be interested in a sponsorship!).
¡Estamos muy agradecidos de que nuestra PTA haya desarrollado relaciones con algunas empresas locales que ahora están apoyando a nuestra comunidad escolar a través de un patrocinio! Tenga en cuenta estas increíbles empresas (y comuníquese con nosotros si conoce otras empresas locales que podrían estar interesadas en un patrocinio).
Hats for Sale!
If you're looking for regular Stedman gear (hoodies, shirts), please visit our vendor through the website! BUT, you may have noticed that they cannot sell hats at this time.
We have a limited amount of hats available for sale in the office, stop by if you're looking to purchase one!
- Grey/Black Snapback - $20
- Blue Flexfit - $20
- Blue Beanie - $12
Si está buscando equipo normal de Stedman (sudaderas con capucha, camisetas), visite nuestro proveedor a través del sitio web. PERO, es posible que haya notado que no pueden vender sombreros en este momento.
Tenemos una cantidad limitada de gorras disponibles para la venta en la oficina, ¡visítenos si desea comprar una!
- Gorra gris/negra - $20
- Ajuste flexible azul - $ 20
- Gorro azul - $12
COVID Vaccines for Ages 5+
Children age 5 years and older can get a COVID-19 vaccine. Vaccines are the strongest layer of protection we can offer children against COVID-19. This fall, COVID-19 rates have been higher in school-aged children than adults. While fewer children get severely ill with COVID-19 than adults, they still can get sick with the virus and spread it to other people. Some get sick enough to need hospitalization. Getting a COVID-19 vaccine can help your child stay healthy, keep them in school, and protect your family and community.
Click HERE to learn more and find locations or upcoming vaccine clinics.
Los niños de 5 años en adelante pueden recibir la vacuna COVID-19. Las vacunas son la capa de protección más fuerte que podemos ofrecer a los niños contra el COVID-19. Este otoño, las tasas de COVID-19 han sido más altas en niños en edad escolar que en adultos. Si bien menos niños que adultos se enferman gravemente con COVID-19, aún pueden enfermarse con el virus y contagiarlo a otras personas. Algunos se enferman lo suficiente como para necesitar hospitalización. Recibir una vacuna COVID-19 puede ayudar a su hijo a mantenerse saludable, mantenerlo en la escuela y proteger a su familia y comunidad.
Haga clic AQUÍ para obtener más información y encontrar ubicaciones o próximas clínicas de vacunas.
Mental Health Resources For Families of Color
Our Colorado based model of culturally-centered and responsive care promotes individual and communal resiliency. By crossing racial, ethnic, and cultural barriers we work more intentionally to connect and remove any bias that is prohibitive of the healing process of mental health care. This groundbreaking work has forged a portal of access for the community that is responsive, representative, trauma-informed, and delivered with compassion to advance mental health equity in communities of color.
If you order from Longmont Dairy, save all your milk caps! Send them to our front office and we are able to turn them in for a donation.
Do you shop on Amazon? An EASY way to help support our kids and teachers at Stedman is to link your AmazonSmile account to our charity, The Stedman Knights PTA. Click on the above image to be directed to our organizations link. Every purchase you make through smile.amazon.com sends a small portion of the purchase to our school! The money raised goes to supporting our students and the important work being done at Stedman!
Remind your family and friends to link to our school as well!
¿Tienda en Amazon? Una manera fácil de ayudar a mantener a nuestros niños y maestros en Stedman es vincular su cuenta AmazonSmile de nuestra caridad, “Stedman Knights PTA.” Haga clic en la imagen de arriba para dirigirse a nuestras organizaciones enlace. Cada compra que hagas a través smile.amazon.com envía una pequeña porción de la compra a nuestra escuela! El dinero recaudado se destina a apoyar a nuestros estudiantes y la importante labor que se realiza en Stedman!
Recordar su familia y amigos para enlazar a nuestra escuela, también!
King Soopers
Did you know that you can link your King Soopers account to Stedman and help us raise money without spending any extra dollars? It's so easy!
How To Use the King Soopers/ City Market Community Rewards Program:
Step 2: Sign in to your account (or create a new account with your email and King Soopers card #)
Step 3: Search for Stedman Knights PTA (NPO # -- XK374)
Step 4: Select Enroll
Congrats, you have successfully enrolled in the Community Rewards program and 5% of your purchases will support Stedman Elementary!!
¿Sabía que puede vincular su cuenta de King Soopers a Stedman y ayudarnos a recaudar dinero sin gastar dólares adicionales? ¡Es tan fácil!
Cómo utilizar el programa de recompensas de la comunidad de King Soopers / City Market:
Paso 1: vaya al sitio web: https://www.kingsoopers.com/account/communityrewards/
Paso 2: inicie sesión en su cuenta (o cree una nueva cuenta con su correo electrónico y número de tarjeta King Soopers)
Paso 3: Busque la PTA de Stedman Knights (NPO # - XK374)
Paso 4: seleccione Inscribirse
¡Felicidades, se inscribió con éxito en el programa Community Rewards y el 5% de sus compras apoyarán a la escuela primaria Stedman!
Virtual Library
Did you know that your student has access to tens of thousands of books and audiobooks online? This is an incredible tool that your student and family can use to read as many books as you could possibly want. Don't miss out on this resource! (You can also add the Denver Public Library to your profile to access even more titles)
To learn how to use this app, please watch the video below. (English & Spanish options below)
¿Sabía que su estudiante tiene acceso a decenas de miles de libros y audiolibros en línea? Esta es una herramienta increíble que su estudiante y su familia pueden usar para leer todos los libros que desee. ¡No se pierda este recurso! (También puede agregar la Biblioteca Pública de Denver a su perfil para acceder a más títulos)
Para aprender a usar esta aplicación, vea el video a continuación. (Opciones en inglés y español a continuación)