• CO Gives Day 2023
  • Fraser River Valley Lions Club Festival of Trees
  • Upcoming Events
  • Land Trusts in the News
  • Community News
  • Ways to Support CHLT
Colorado Gives Day 2023
Thank you so much to everyone who gave!
We are so thrilled to report that with your help, we raised over $24,420 on Colorado Gives Day 2023, from 103 donors! You made this happen.

The funds raised on Colorado Gives Day will help us continue to pursue our mission to conserve and steward the open lands and natural character of the headwaters of the Colorado River in partnership with the local community. In addition to the Granby Highlands-Trails Conservation Easement on land owned by the Town of Granby, we have other projects in the works, including the Black Fox and Marietta Creek conservation easements. Both of these new projects have been funded by Grand County's Open Lands, Rivers, and Trails.

We are also working hard to produce a fun and engaging calendar for 2024! These events include social gatherings, our annual Wildflower Walk and Stargazing on the Land, and the quarterly book club in partnership with Headwaters Trails Alliance! The first book club meeting of the year is scheduled - see below for more details.
You are always welcome to stop by our office in Granby, send an email, or call to chat, catch up, and learn more about our vision of an inclusive conservation community in Grand County dedicated to the protection of the land.
Together, we can continue to protect the lands we love in Grand County.
We hope you and your loved ones have a wonderful holiday season out on the land, wherever you are!
Thank you,
The staff & board of CHLT
If you missed Colorado Gives Day, it's not too late to support the land trust!
Fraser River Valley Lions Club
Festival of Trees
Conservation Christmas
An Eco-Conscious Tree
"Few are altogether deaf to the preaching of pine trees. Their sermons on the mountains go to our hearts; and if people in general could be got into the woods, even for once, to hear the trees speak for themselves, all difficulties in the way of forest preservation would vanish."
-- John Muir
We had a wonderful time with our friends, family, and community celebrating the holidays at the Fraser River Valley Lions Club Festival of Trees last Friday, Dec 01!

Thank you to our board and volunteers for putting together a gorgeous tree. Special thanks go to Jennifer Kilpela and Paula Stuart for creating the all-natural decorations and organizing the tree set-up.

Thank you to everyone who came out to support all the great nonprofits we have here in Grand County. Happy holidays!
Paula Stuart & Erica Bean putting together decorations.

Photo by Chris Larkin
David Doty adding the star!

Photo by Chris Larkin
Erica Bean & Jennifer Kilpela decorating the tree.

Photo by Chris Larkin
Upcoming Events
We're looking ahead to 2024 and have some great events in the works, including our annual wildflower walk in June and stargazing in August.
Stay tuned for news about those, and more!
Headwaters Book Club
Thursday, January 25
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Join CHLT and HTA for our quarterly book club meeting on Thursday, January 25 at 6:00 pm. Location TBA.

We are reading Oil and Water, by Stephen Grace. We will discussing the Colorado River and our relationship with water these days.

Land Trusts in the News
Colorado Sun 11/28/23

Keep It Colorado, the statewide coalition of land conservation groups, has a 10-year plan to conserve 3.3 million acres of private land by 2033.

That’s twice the amount of private land in Colorado that has been protected with conservation easements since 1965.

To get to 6.6 million acres, conservation trusts need to double the resources available and double its outreach in what Keep It Colorado boss Amy Beatie calls “doubling down on conservation."

“We have this sense that go-time is now,” said the new executive director of Keep It Colorado, citing growing pressure over the fragmentation of wildlife habitat, the increasing severity and frequency of wildfires and Colorado’s growing population. “We are feeling a real urgency in terms of being able to protect land and do it in a really smart way.”

Community News
  • Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests Pile Burning Update: Pile burning may continue this week near the Fair Tracts, east of Tabernash, along Water Board Rd (FSR 128). Fire crews are looking for opportunities to begin machine pile burning in several areas across Grand County as soon as Dec. 7. Learn more here.

  • River Network is hiring a Healthy Rivers Program Manager based within Colorado. They seek an individual who is passionate about providing capacity support and technical assistance for watershed groups; helping watershed groups move forward with project implementation; collaborating with Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) on watershed planning prioritization; and assisting with building and scaling integrated river management across Colorado's Western Slope.

  • The EPA has a Post-Doc research position open. This position will focus on development, enhancement, and operational transition of national models for forecasting freshwater harmful cyanobacteria blooms and seagrass habitat change, combined with emerging remote sensing technologies.

Click here to see employment opportunities on the Keep It Colorado Job Board.
Ways to Support CHLT
Kroger Community Rewards

Kroger Community Rewards program makes fundraising easy by donating to local organizations based on the shopping you do every day. Once you link your Card to an organization, all you have to do is shop at Kroger and swipe your Shopper’s Card. Click here to learn more.

Is your vehicle costing more than it's worth? Then hit the brakes on expensive repairs and consider donating your car, truck, motorcycle, RV, or boat to Colorado Headwaters Land Trust.
We accept all types of vehicles, running or not! We'll use the proceeds from your donation to continue to conserve and steward the open lands and natural character of the headwaters of the Colorado River in partnership with the local community. The process is easy, the pick-up is free, and your donation is tax-deductible. To learn more, click here.
Be Our Conservation Partner!
Are you or your business interested in becoming a Conservation Partner of CHLT? Click here for more information!
P.O. Box 1938 Granby, CO 80446 (970) 887-1177