May 2, 2022


It was not until the next morning that I noticed it.  The night before I had spilled water that was on my night table. It was late and dark, and I knew the spill was minimum so I let it be till morning.  But what I didn’t know was that the water landed on my phone…so for months I have had a water stain on my phone that was a reminder of the silly spill.  

To me, I could live with it, and the time and effort and expense to have the screen replaced was not worth the effort…I thought.  But one day my daughter Jenn was  at my house and was using my phone and said Mom, why don’t you get that fixed, it is just a $10.00 protector that can be replaced in a few minutes  Sure enough, there was a protector that I must have included in the phone purchase years ago, but had forgotten and in ten minutes and $8.00 later phone was as good as new. 

All this to say, that protector was invisible, there all the while to do its job but I, who was the holder, was totally unaware of its existence much less its ability to block an ultimate infraction. 
We, so many times tell friends and family to “Be Safe”…but it occurred to me that what we should be saying is “May God keep you safe and protect you” as you go about your life experiences, be it travel, recreation, health, adventures, athletics etc. Though we cannot see God he remains tightly connected to each of us who believe in him. 

Psalm 5:11 But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you.

Just as an umbrella is an effective covering  and protection from the elements of rain and often sun, so does God provide his umbrella of protection for all of us who are willing to follow his commands  and depend upon his guidance to keep us safely tucked into HIS way for our life. So often we tend to get off path and scoot away from the umbrella thinking we can handle stuff on our own or want to be self-dependent rather than God dependent. Our safety and protection from God depends on our relationship and  trust  in where God is leading us and then following what we believe to be a call that will not only strengthen our faith but land us in the place that God wants us to be. And often those are reasons that we may not understand at that time, but places that God is to use for his ultimate plans.
God’s umbrella of protection is sufficient to shield us from evil and harm if only we stay within the bounds that he has identified for each of our lives. We live in a society where the enemy is lurking about us, seen and unseen and we do need  God’s umbrella to shield us and keep us from harm.    Ultimately, our protectioncomes from God. In times of physical and spiritual attack and in threatening situations of all kinds, those who trust in the Lord find Him to be a strong Protector. "He shields all who take refuge in him" ( Psalm 18:30 ).

Today, Just imagine God’s glorious umbrella that shadows you and covers you with protection and safety. Oh but God’s umbrella provides us with His love, grace and mercy And when the rains of trials come pouring down, trust God to be your refuge as he shelters you in his arms with his love and faithful oversight. 

And next time you are think to tell someone to “Be Safe”…maybe think to ask “God to keep them safe”….. for God hears our prayers and our petitions and putting safety in God’s hand is a good place to be. Don’t you think  

Praise God wherever you are and whatever situation He has allowed you to be in . . . His glory will shine through!
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