In the newsletter

  • Welcome from SIG Co-Chairs
  • In Case You Missed it: Healthcare and ChaptGPT Webinar
  • Featured Article
  • ISBNPA 2023 - See you in Uppsala!

Welcome to our Pre-Conference Newsletter!

If we could write a love letter to summer, it would go something like this:

Dear Summer, can you slow down? And what better way to fika, (swedish for making time for friends to have coffee), then to welcome you to join your colleagues and friends for e-&mHealth-related activities at the ISBNPA Annual Meeting 2023 in Uppsala, Sweden. 


Before even packing your bags or perhaps, while you are packing your bags, make sure to check out the highly attended webinar on healthcare and ChatGPT. We also want to introduce you to the workshop on ‘mobile health app development using a no-code app builder’ at the ISBNPA conference on Tuesday, June 13 by the featured researcher Amanda Willms. Importantly, we highlight the e-&mHealth sessions at the ISBNPA 2023 Annual Meeting and make sure to coffee with us at our business meeting where we plan to ‘show and tell’ ChatGPT use for research purposes. Congratulations to everyone for a productive year, and especially to those who have been short-listed for our top paper and presentation awards, we look forward to your presentations!!


For those of you who can't make the conference or the planned events, you can keep up to date with e- &mHealth content by following us on Twitter. If those in attendance could help out by using our hashtag #isbnpa_emh in your tweets, that would be great. We are also recruiting for leadership positions. Please let us know if you are interested in joining the e-&mHealth SIG! Email:

Take a moment and enjoy our newsletter!

Your Co-Chair,

Mavra Ahmed, PhD

Research Associate

Department of Nutritional Sciences

Joannah and Brian Lawson Centre for Child Nutrition

University of Toronto, Canada

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: Healthcare and ChatGPT Webinar

We recently hosted a timely webinar on the opportunities and challenges associated with ChatGPT and AI’s evolution to educate, deliver health information and/or automate tasks and its potential implications for researchers, providers, patients and consumers. 

We were joined from people across the globe and had a great discussion of next steps using ChatGPT and other AI chatbots. 

In Case You Missed it: 


Featured Article


Let’s meet the first author of this article, recently published in JMIR Formative Research, and learn more about her interests: 

Amanda Willms, PhD Student, Digital Health Lab, University of Victoria


Twitter: @amanda_willms

Tell us a little about yourself.

My name is Amanda Willms, and I am finishing up my first year of my PhD in Kinesiology at the University of Victoria, Canada. My research interests are in mHealth, incentives, and physical activity promotion. I am currently researching how just-in-time adaptive interventions coupled with incentives can help improve mHealth engagement and physical activity adherence.

Are you going to Uppsala? If so, what are you excited to see or do there? 

In Uppsala, I am looking forward to co-leading a pre-conference workshop with my supervisor, Dr. Sam Liu on Tuesday June 13 called “Mobile Health App Development Using a “No-code” App Builder”. Additionally, I am excited to explore other sessions relating to digital health research, including the latest research in ecological momentary assessments and just-in-time adaptive interventions, and to explore the city of Uppsala!

What did you learn from this paper that will inform your future work? 

From this paper, I learned that there are so many avenues to explore with incentives for behaviour change. Particularly, I am interested in exploring beyond financial incentives to virtual rewards and gamification and how those rewards can impact physical activity levels.

Besides this awesome paper, what else have you been up to recently?

Recently, we just started a family-based just-in-time adaptive intervention to promote physical activity. We co-designed the mHealth program with parents of children aged 8-12 using Pathverse and are currently exploring its effectiveness. LINK HERE

Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, or other - best social media platform and why (research or personal)? 

I have been an active “academic Twitter” user over the course of my graduate school experience so far. However recently I have shifted to Instagram and have found a strong network of PhD students and early career researchers who share daily updates, motivation, memes, etc. who I interact with daily.

Would you like to be featured in the next newsletter? Let us know! Email:

e-&mHealth at ISBNPA 2023

Who is excited to see everyone in Sweden? We ARE!  Please see below for opportunities to connect and the shortlist for upcoming awards announced at the meeting.


“Connect & Collaborate” Social Gathering

Wednesday June 14th from 6:15 PM, Stationen Brasserie Bar & Cafe (Olof Palmes Plats 6, 753 21 Uppsala): 

Come and exchange ideas, share experiences and expand your network with researchers from around the globe. Whether you’ve an established researcher in the field or just starting, this gathering is a perfect opportunity to gain insights and forge new collaborations in a casual and friendly setting. 

We’ve booked a section in the bar area. Order your own drinks/food. We can’t wait to see you there!

SIG Business Meeting: Networking and ChatGPT in Research

Friday, June 16th, 11:15- 11:45 AM , Room K7 : Please Join us at our upcoming business meeting and learn more about how to make ChatGPT work for your research.

Oral and Poster Presentation Award Finalists 

It is our great pleasure to congratulate our shortlisted awardees for ISBNPA best oral and poster presentation for their outstanding contributions to the field of e-&mHealth research. All abstract submissions were independently scored by a team of reviewers. 

Each shortlisted presentation will be presented during the sessions listed below. 

Oral Presentations

Wednesday, June 14th 4:15-5:30 PM

Mr. Ty Ferguson, The annual rhythms in physical activity, sedentary behavior and sleep of Australian adults: a prospective cohort study

Ms. Magda Rosin, Bridging the Gap: Development and evaluation of digital tools to support adoption and implementation of the New Zealand Healthy Food and Drink Policy

Dr. James Sanders,Using the Intervention Mapping Framework to develop a mHealth Snacktivity™ intervention to promote physical activity

Poster Presentations

Wednesday, June 14th 5:30-6:45 PM

Dr. Rebecca Krukowsi, Investigating Evidence of a Digital Divide in the Recruitment, Randomization, Engagement, Retention, and Efficacy in Post-Smoking Cessation Weight Management Clinical Trial

Mr. Matthew McGrievy, Design, technical challenges, solutions, and participant feedback of the mobile Lifestyle Intervention for Food and Exercise (mLIFE) app

Mr. Riley Brown, Utilizing technology for Diet and Exercise Change In complex chronic conditions across Diverse Environments (U-DECIDE Study): feasibility randomised controlled trial

Dr. Anke Hansen-Doose, Reliability of the digital physical fitness test digimot

Dr. Anna Jansson, Outdoor gym resistance training workouts delivered via mHealth: Process evaluation from the ecofit effectiveness trial

Ms. Georgina Wort, Pupils’ experiences of physical activity and wearable technologies within primary school

Ms. Chen-Chia Pan, Smartphone- & Wearable-based Activity Trackers–Determinants of Engagement: Study Design and Instrument Development

Mr. Jonah Thomas, A systematic scoping review of accelerometer-measured physical activity datasets that include markers of cardiometabolic health: The Global Physical Activity Dataset (GPAD) catalogue

Conference details can be found at this LINK.


Wednesday, June 14th 

Pre-conference Workshop #11: Mobile Health App Development Using a “No-code” App Builder. Additional details can be found here: LINK  closed for enrollment but look forward to seeing everyone!

Thursday, June 15th

8:25am - 9:40am - Symposia S.1.09 – The need for and feasibility of using ecological momentary assessment and just-in-time adaptive interventions in vulnerable groups

12:00pm - 1:15pm - Short Orals SO.1.09 The Latest Research on Mobile Interventions for Weight-Related Behaviors

2:15pm - 3:45pm - Orals O.1.09 -Multi-source data collection using e- & m-Health methodologies, towards improved mental and physical health

Friday, June 16th

4:20pm - 5:35pm - Symposia 2.39 – Opportunities, challenges and strategies for developing digital health intervention for the first 1000 days

Saturday, June 17th

8:25am - 9:40am - Symposia .3.49 – Artificial Intelligence as Applied Predictive Models for Food Composition Databases

9:40 am - 10:55 am Short Orals SO.3.27 Novel interventions and studies on e & mHealth

11:45 am - 1:00 pm Symposia S.3.60 Supporting the lifestyle professional in the application of (digital) tools for supporting lifestyle change

* Mountain Standard Time

Will you be presenting your work at ISBNPA 2023? Share with us @ISBNPA_emh 

Recent e-&mHealth Publications will return in our next newsletter

If you’d like your recent publication featured in our upcoming newsletter please Email: or tag us on twitter @ISBNPA_emh 

Stay up to date: Follow us!

Keep up to date on recent e- & mHealth publications and happenings within the SIG by following us on our various platforms.

Twitter: @ISBNPA_emh 

Feel free to tag us and we will try to share your publication as well!!

Spread the Word!

Encourage your colleagues to sign up for our SIG newsletter! 

You or your colleagues can join this mailing list by updating your membership profile and adding the SIG to your preferences or by sending an email to António Palmeira <>

2023 SIG Committee Members

  • Chair: Mavra Ahmed (Canada)
  • Co-Chair/ Secretary: Amanda Staiano (USA) 
  • Social Media: Claire Gough (Australia), Chen-Chia Pan (Germany)
  • Newsletter: Zenong Yin (USA), Chelsea Kracht (USA), Jasmine Petersen (Australia)
  • Events/Awards: Maria Vasiloglou (Switzerland)
  • Membership: Bridve Sivakumar (Canada)
  • Past Chairs: Andre Muller (Singapore), Camille Short (Australia)
  • Fellows: Carol Maher (Australia), Corneel Vandelanotte (Australia)