Manufacturing voice | Workforce | Relationships | Health plans

Fall 2024

Letter from TSMA president

Greetings TSMA members!


Fall has arrived, and with it comes a chance to appreciate the hard work and dedication of our manufacturing community!!


Happy manufacturing month to our valuable manufacturers!

Throughout October, manufacturing facilities across Minnesota are celebrating Manufacturing Month and opening their doors for the Statewide Tour of Manufacturing. These tours are especially valuable for students and educators. By fostering connections between schools and manufacturers, we can shed light on...Read more.

Upcoming events

Celebrate in October:

Minnesota Manufacturing Month and Statewide Tour of Manufacturing

To celebrate, manufacturing facilities throughout the state are opening their doors for tours. Manufacturers can offer in-person or virtual tours; reach out to local schools and offer presentations about manufacturing career pathways; sponsor school’s VEX Robotics programs; or set up scholarships with local colleges.

Read more.

TSMA Lunch meeting

October 8 • 11:30 am

Outstate Brewing • Fergus Falls

Brenna Johansen, Industry Relations Coordinator at the Fargo Moorhead West Fargo Chamber of Commerce, will speak on the Good Jobs Challenge. Immediately following the meeting, Marc Sikkink will host a tour at SCR Solutions. Registration is limited to 30 people. 


Employer Health Plans

October 25 • 9:00 am • Online

If you have two or more employees and are interested in saving money on your health plan, we invite you to invest 30 minutes to learn about Employer Health Plans. No cost to attend. Note: You CAN switch health plans mid-year; no need to wait for your renewal date.


Joint lunch meeting

November 19 • 11:30 am - Fargo

Spectrum Aeromed has designed and developed air ambulance medical interiors for hospital programs, military branches around the world, multi-mission charters and private operators, as well as custom VIP emergency medical interior suites for executive aircrafts and heads of state.


New member orientation

November 19 • 2:00 pm • Online

Join us to learn more about:

  • the relationship between AMFA, CMMA, RRMEA, TSMA, and MMA
  • the staff
  • the Member Information Center
  • the four central pillars
  • promotional options
  • and more


TSMA holiday social

December 3 • 5:00 pm


Bring your spouse, a date, or colleague to enjoy a sit down dinner, and play some holiday games. You may even go home with a prize!


Webinar and meeting recordings

TSMA Dream Team update

Our TSMA Dream Team wrapped up the 2023-24 school year in fine form. They were busy with many classroom presentations, connecting with students, and inspiring an amazing level of interest in manufacturing career opportunities.

Read more.

2024 Sponsorship packages

As the central office serving TSMA, our job is to help your business succeed. Prorated partial 2024 sponsorship packages are now available. You can reach your prospects, customers and fellow members. Learn more!

Purchase sponsorship

A new MMA membership directory was mailed in early April to all members. Please contact the office for additional copies.

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Board bio: Phil Johnson

Name: Phil Johnson

When did you join the board? 2020

Where do you work? PAYDAC Plastics

Position? Owner

What are some of your responsibilities? Day to day management

Education/training? high school diploma

What was your first job? I worked at a feed mill, unless you count farming. I was raised on a beef and then dairy farm.

Hometown? Pelican Rapids

Family: Spouse of 32 years is Teresa, 2 kids Dacia (30) and Payton (27)

Pets? none

What are some of your hobbies? No real hobbies anymore. I volunteer at church in my free time.

Favorite book or author? I haven't read books for a long time but used to read all of the Star Trek series of books

Favorite movie? Top Gun

Favorite food? Scalloped potatoes

Comment on your involvement in TSMA: I enjoy networking with people that have similar interests. Tri-state offers that opportunity, along with a chance to see how other companies have their operations set up.

TSMA seeks nominees for board of directors election

Nominations are being accepted for terms on the board. Nominations will be accepted through October 11, 2024.

White list our email addresses

Please white list or add our emails to your contact list:

Welcome new member!

Tim Fisher

9300 Hennepin Town Rd #100 • Eden Prairie, MN 55347

(763) 251-8992

Public insurance adjusting firm specializing in commercial building property damage claims

Member anniversaries

5 years

TSMA information

MBiz Solutions: Lower your operating costs

Responding to your needs, we have carefully selected three partners —
vetted by our board and endorsed by fellow members— to provide
a cost savings to your operation, including...

Interested in adding dental and vision to your employee benefits? Dental health has a profound impact on overall health. Vision care is important to prevent visual impairment. We offer a range of plan designs. Learn more.

Contact us to learn more: 800-654-5773 or

Thank you to our valued sponsors! | 800-654-5773 |

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