Gator Tales

News & Updates

June | 2023

Membership Renewal Picnic

Our annual renewal picnic will be on Saturday July 15th, 2023. Come out and enjoy a day of fun and activities with your fellow archers.


Membership fees for the 2023-2024 season have increased. The cost of operating the range has gone up just like everything else. Below are the new fees:

  • Family $300
  • Single $250
  • Military and Student $200

* new members additional $35 key fee

Non-member rate $15 per day

Spotlight Bullseye

New 3D targets are making their way out on the range.

Reminder ABSOLUTELY no broadheads allowed. Except in the sand pits on the Flint Range.


Several of our members have been competing around the state at ASA events representing Everglades Archers.

  • Octavio
  • Nelson
  • Cesar
  • Norland
  • Helicesai

Range Improvements

We have installed new sun shades on the Flint Range. Thank you to Albert, Juan, Octavio, and Robert who came out and got the job done.

In addition, there has been painting and sprucing up all around the picnic area and pavilion.

We are always looking for members to assist in our Saturday work parties.

3D Shoot July 29th 9:00AM

There will be a 3D shoot for compound and traditional bows.

Entry fee is $25 and includes lunch

The roof over the Conex containers and picnic pavilion had become rotten. The affected areas were repaired and new roofing installed

Thank you to EGA member Johnny Burns for giving us a good deal on the repairs and doing a great job.

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