Worship Time 10:30 am

We will have a Christmas Eve Lessons and Carols service on Sunday, December 24 at 5 pm

We will therefore not be offering a morning service at 10:30 am on Sunday, December 24


Merry Christmas!


The fellowship team invites you to a viewing of the Sight and Sound Production of I Heard the Bells on Sunday, December 17 at 12:00 pm, after a light lunch of soup and sandwiches at 11:30 am. This is a film about Poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, who led an idyllic life until his world is shattered by tragedy. His family is torn apart, and he puts down his pen, silenced by grief. But it is the sound of Christmas morning that reignites the poet’s lost voice as he discovers the resounding hope of rekindled faith.


We have been “Experiencing the Bible in Historical Context,” the title of the series by Ray Vander Laan with the goal of understanding scripture and how God’s words and actions spoke to the writers of the Bible in the time that they lived and how the same words speak to us today.  The next six lessons focus on Life and Ministry of the Messiah in which we will learn the faith of Jesus.  Marvel at the magnificence of Herod’s palace, scramble among the ruins of Qumran and wonder at the simplicity and wisdom of Jesus’ parables. Discover how the events of Jesus’ day impacted his life, ministry, and communication…and then you will learn how it affects yours.

Judy Baldwin has graciously offered to lead this session of the study beginning December 14 and breaking until January 3 and then continuing on Thursday’s until February 1. The evening begins at 6 pm with a light supper of soup, salad, bread, and dessert.  Dessert donations are always appreciated and anticipated! Everyone is welcome! No prior knowledge of the Bible or Christianity is required. Contact: Pastor Jody Guerrera,, 860-364-5002  


Facilities Team--The team is happy to report that the construction of the new all-access ramp into the front of the church is underway! The exit driveway will be closed during installation.

Mission TeamDuring the mission minute at the beginning of this Sunday's service, Julie Grey introduced the young Haitian man our church is sponsoring. The sponsorship is for his education at a technical school to learn the trade of masonry. Julie has posted his picture and story on the mission bulletin board located at the back of the fellowship hall. We would love for you to take a minute to read his story and see his warming smile. At our last meeting on Sunday November 19, we voted to send money to the local food pantries in Amenia Union, Millerton and Lakeville and to send $1,000 to Samaritan's Purse for their aide in the middle east. 

Collections for the three gifts projects continues and now totals over $1,500. Thanks to everyone who has contributed! For those of you not familiar with this project, we work with the director of the Sharon Social Service Department to obtain a wish list for a child which includes something to wear, something needed and something wanted. We then shop and wrap the gifts and deliver them to the director in time for Christmas. We work to obtain these items for a combined total of $100 per child. See Terri Conti or Laura DeBoer for more details or questions.


The next mission team meeting will be Sunday, January 21 following the service. Everyone is welcome. 

Caring Team-- The caring team most recently discussed our food collection offering (the food basket) and decided to inquire with the new Sharon Social Worker, Melia Hill. Maggie determined that Melia would be most welcome to our offering, and we could deliver whenever suited our schedule. The team will continue to discuss this ministry and how to be more effective. Campbell has some great ideas that we will be exploring. Next meeting is December 9.

Melia also stated that these items are in short supply:


Laundry detergent

Dish washing detergent


Toilet paper

Condensed milk

Powdered milk

Gluten free foods

Sodium or low sodium foods

Sugar free or low sugar foods


And these items are always appreciated:

Cooking oil

Salt, pepper and spices


Tea bags and canned coffee

Boxes of sugar

Boxes of crackers

Cans of tuna, salmon or chicken

Worship TeamIf you enjoy sharing the Gospel by reading scripture on Sunday mornings, please sign up on the board in the fellowship hall or tell Pastor Jody direct; she would love to talk to you about it.

Fellowship TeamCoffee hour continues after the church service, with coffee, tea, or a cold beverage available along with cheese and crackers and often some sort of sweets. (Cookies, cakes or other yummy baked goods.) This is a wonderful time to enjoy a light snack and to connect with others in the church. There is also a group of people who occasionally go to lunch together after the service, frequenting local restaurants. There is no set schedule for these lunches, as it is often an impromptu decision during

fellowship time, but the group is always eager to invite others to join them.


A jigsaw puzzle group has also formed, gathering after the fellowship time to work on a puzzle together, and anyone who enjoys doing jigsaw puzzles is invited to join them.  


Volunteers to host coffee hour are always appreciated—a signup sheet is in the fellowship hall. Kathy Amiet – Fellowship Team Leader - 860-836-4294 or

Prayer Team--We invite all to take part in prayer time each Sunday before worship in the fellowship hall as we continue to pray for the service, preaching and the congregation in attendance.


If you have a specific prayer request, let Pastor Jody know or drop a note in the prayer box located at the back of the church next to the offering plate.  An email will then be sent to our list of faithful pray-ers. If you prefer, your request can be anonymous—God knows your needs!

Teaching Team--In addition to the Bible/Book study, we also offer this new book-of-the-month available now in our lending library in the fellowship hall.


Anatomy of a Revived Church: Seven Findings about How Congregations Avoided Death by Thom S. Rainer. It’s a book of hope that God can save your church. Thom Rainer reveals seven findings of revived churches. Through new research, he figuratively dissects hundreds of churches that were on the path toward death and then turned around and revitalized. They did so in the face of facts and naysayers who told them it could

not be done. Today, three out of four churches are declining in our nation, and twenty percent of churches are close to death. What are the secrets of the churches who avoided this fate and experienced revival? When you finish reading this book, you will have the tools to strengthen, restore, and energize your church. 


  • The next Executive Council meeting will be held via Zoom on Monday, December 18 at 6pm.
  • Check out the calendar on our website—updated when we receive new information about an event.


  • Communion will be served during our service on the first Sunday of each month, except during the Lenten season, and there will be a time dedicated each Sunday to the blessing of gifts.
  • A Bible-based, 12-step program for people in recovery meets in the fellowship hall on Friday evenings from 6–7pm. JoAnn Carman is the contact person.
  • Grief Support Group meets on Sundays at 5pm in the fellowship hall. For further details, please speak with JoAnn Carman.  
  • Child care is offered during worship time. Speak with a greeter if you have need of this service.
  • Our Sunday worship service and weekly Bible studies are offered on our website: If you would like to receive an email notification of either of these events, please let us know.
  • Our newsletters are available in the narthex, sent to our email list and posted to our website.

