All four meetings will provide the same study information, and will include a formal presentation, question and answer session, and opportunities to provide input and comments on the study. The in-person meetings will also include an open house period allowing attendees the chance to view exhibit boards and interact with staff individually to learn about the study.
Study information is available at Meeting materials including a public opinion survey/comment form, informational boards and brochure will also be available at this study website. This information can also be reviewed at VDOT’s Northern Virginia District Office (4975 Alliance Drive, Fairfax, VA 22030), or obtained by calling 703-691-6715 for assistance.
How to Provide Input:
Input on the 495 Southside Study can be provided to VDOT in the following ways:
Completing a public opinion survey/comment form at or at the in-person public information meetings
- Providing comments orally or in writing at the virtual or in-person public information meetings
- Submitting comments by email to
- Submitting comments by mail to Nick Nies, AICP, VDOT 495 Southside Express Lanes Study Project Manager, 9030 Stony Point Parkway, Suite 220, Richmond, VA 23235
- Calling VDOT at 703-691-6715
All comments must be received by June 6, 2022, to be included in this public involvement process.
About the Study:
VDOT began the 495 Southside Study in January 2022, in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA), surrounding localities, and other federal, state, and local stakeholders. The goals and objectives of the study are to evaluate transportation improvements that extend and provide continuity of the Express Lanes system on I-95/I-495 (Capital Beltway), provide additional travel choices, reduce congestion, improve travel reliability, improve safety, and provide consistency with local and regional plans. The study also will be informed by a Transit and Transportation Demand Management Study initiated by the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT) and coordinated with the Maryland Transit Administration.
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