The FUUSN Chime

Weekly Newsletter of the

First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton

November 7, 2024

Worship Service: Post-Election Sunday

Rev. Dr. Debra Haffner and Rev. Joel Miller

Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 10:15am

The results of the election mean big changes for us all, and some of us and some of our neighbors face fearful threats in these difficult times. It will be good to be together, to quiet ourselves after this fraught election year, to look at our roles promoting justice and equity going forward, and to find comfort and joy. Please consider inviting a neighbor or friend to join you. Rev. Debra and Rev. Joel will be co-leading the service and preaching. Immediately after the service, there will be a conversation with coffee in the Alliance Room.

You may also join us on Zoom:

Submit your Joys and Sorrows here.

A blue flyer with diagonal white and light blue stripes reads, "Newton Interfaith Post-Election Gathering, Thursday, November 7, 7:30pm, Union Church in Waban, 14 Collins Road - Join with Congregations and Community Members throughout the city for reflection, connection, and music. An evening of prayer and hope after the national election

Join Rev. Debra at the Newton Interfaith Post-Election Gathering Tonight, November 7, 2024 at 7:30pm in Waban

The Newton Interfaith Leaders Association (NILA) have organized a brief post-election community gathering for Thursday evening, open to all in Newton and its religious communities. This is a non-partisan gathering of prayer and hope, seeking to meet some of the needs that will come up this week and build connections for whatever is to come. Mayor Fuller will be present and will offer some remarks, as will some members of the clergy/religious community leadership, including Rev. Dr. Debra Haffner.


From FUUSN's Board of Trustees

In early October, FUUSN’s board of trustees held a retreat with Revs. Debra and Joel. During this retreat, the Revs shared with the board their initial observations on FUUSN. Additionally, the board was led by the Revs in the first appreciative inquiry session. As many of you know from participating in these sessions, it was a heartwarming experience in which we reflected on our many strengths and opportunities. We had the opportunity to be vulnerable with each other and really listen and be heard as we shared our hopes and dreams for the future. Going through this exercise to get us in the right frame of mind and having heard the Revs’ initial observations on FUUSN, we were well positioned to discuss priorities for this year. These are the priorities that rise to the top: 

  • Develop a vision and mission statement
  • Develop a governance model
  • Grow the congregation
  • Develop a communication plan that includes social media

The recently held appreciative inquiry sessions will help us start work on the first priority. Stay tuned as we continue moving these priorities forward! 

A hanging red sign with the word "CLOSED" in black letters

The FUUSN Office will be Closed on Veterans' Day - Monday, November 11

We will reopen on Tuesday, November 12th at 9am.

Sign Up to Receive Texts

Want to receive important text messages from FUUSN? Sign up here.

Flyer decorated with evergreen branches and a hanging red ornament with gold snowflakes, with the words, "FUUSN First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton HOLIDAY FAIR Saturday, December 7, 2024, 1326 Washington Street, West Newton, MA 02465, 9:30am-2pm,"

Time to Start Planning for the FUUSN Holiday Fair, December 7, 2024

One of the best ways to make new friends (and keep the old!) and have fun while you are doing it is to do a project with your community. The Holiday Fair will give you loads of opportunities to drop in for a few hours at a time starting now. Click here to learn how to get involved and here to learn about donations. You’ll be glad you did!

Scam Alert!

Scammers are becoming more sophisticated. Several people have received text messages from the Care Crew line pretending to be Rev. Debra requesting help. This is a scam - do not respond. If you received this message, please let Jenise know. Rev. Debra and Rev. Joel will never ask you to run errands or buy gift cards for them.

Events This Week

Revolution Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow - Discussion Series conducted by the UU Urban Ministry begins Thursday, November 7

The UU Urban Ministry is offering a virtual and in person 4 session series on the American Revolution with a focus on events that took place in Roxbury. The first session (Revolution in Roxbury) will be virtual on Thursday, November 7th from 6-7pm. Your UU Urban Ministry Delegates will be streaming the session in the Children's Chapel at FUUSN. There will be light snacks, and discussion after. Please make plans to join us for this interesting event. While not required, an RSVP to Pat Rohan if you plan to attend will be appreciated. There will be three more sessions on January 9, 2025, March 6, 2025 and April 3, 2025. Here is a link for more information:

Dinners for 7 - Saturday, November 9

Dinners for 7 is an opportunity for a small group to get together for a meal at a host’s home. The host provides the main course and the guests are each assigned to bring something. The groups are arranged so that you have an opportunity to get to know different people each time. Note: Sign-ups are closed. Can't find your dinner assignment? Contact Lynne Karlson.

Cross-Congregational Opportunity:

Emma's Revolution "Moving Forward" Concert

Saturday, November 9, 7:30 PM

First Parish in Concord, MA

Activist singer/songwriting duo Emma's Revolution will perform in the First Parish in Concord Sanctuary on Saturday November 9th at 7:30pm. The concert is co-sponsored by Reclaiming our Democracy and the First Parish Music Ministry. This performance will draw on Emma’s Revolution’s 2024 “Keep on Moving Forward” concerts in this crucial election year. As one of the first concerts after Election Day, the energy at the Saturday concert will be sure to be electric. Tickets may be purchased online:

In-Person Tickets: $25 In Advance/$30 At The Door/$18 Low & No Wage.

Livestream Tickets: $20/$15 Low & No Wage  

UU Plant-Based Eating Club Small Group Potluck on November 10, 2024 from 6-8pm

Newcomers welcome! To learn more about the UU Plant Based Eating Club or the Potluck, please click here.

Events Calendar

Thursday, November 7

4:30-6:30pm: Creationdance Rehearsal, Headstart Room

5:45-8pm: UU Urban Ministry Presentation, Children's Chapel

7:30-9pm: Finance Committee Meeting, Alliance Room

Friday, November 8

6-6:30pm: Zoom Vespers, online

6-8:30pm: Creationdance Rehearsal, Headstart Room

Saturday, November 9

7am-12pm: Meditation Group, Parish Hall

10am-12pm: Committee Chairs Meeting, Children's Chapel

6-8pm: Dinners for Seven (registration closed), members' homes

Sunday, November 10

11:30am-12:30pm: Conversation with Ministers, Alliance Room

11:45am-1pm: Choir Rehearsal, Sanctuary

6-8pm: UU Plant-Based Eating Club - Small Group Potluck, offsite

Monday, November 11 - Veterans' Day - FUUSN Office Closed

Tuesday, November 12

6:30-8:30pm: OWL Meetings, Headstart Room

7-8pm: Member Services Meeting, online

Recurring Events

Wed., 6:30pm: Tai Chi Class

Wed., 7:30pm: Choir Rehearsal

Fri., 11am: Over 60s Walking Group

Pickleball at McGrath Park: Notify either Brian Gill or Kevan Hartshorn to get on Pickleball play times email list!

Next Week's Events

Member Services Investigation into Hearing Technology - November 13, 5pm on Zoom

There is a subcommittee of Member Services investigating improvements in the hearing technology in the sanctuary. We have invited internationally recognized audiologist Juliette Sterkens, who brings expertise that encompasses an understanding of a full range of assistive listening systems, advantages and disadvantages of each, and the ways in which people with hearing loss and the public spaces that serve them can adopt best practices. 

On Nov. 13 at 5PM, she will be making a presentation on Zoom for anyone who is interested in this topic. Here is the link: The meeting will be recorded for those who cannot attend at that time.

A flyer with a stylized logo resembling an atomic diagram with a lit chalice labeled "Love" at the center, surrounded by the words, "generosity, transformation, equity, pluralism, interdependence, justice." The flyer reads, "Love at the Center - Music Sunday - November 17, 2024, 10:15am - A service of music and readings reflecting the core values of Unitarian Universalism, featuring the musicians of the First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton. First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton, 1326 Washington Street, West Newton, MA 02165, image by Tanya Webster"

Music Sunday:

November 17, 2024

Love at the Center is a service of music and readings reflecting the new core values of Unitarian Universalism, featuring FUUSN’s wonderful musicians and dancers. Music of Johannes Brahms, Linda Hirschhorn, Carson Cooman, Bill Withers, and more.

Over 60s Sponsored November Presentation:

Understanding The Exciting New Cancer Therapies and Their Importance for Older Adults

Sunday, November 17, 2024, 12 noon – 1:30 pm

Alliance Room and On Zoom

PRESENTER: Kevan Hartshorn, MD

Kevan will take us into the world of medical research and progress as the pace of discovery in cancer therapy has become exponential in resent years. A majority of cancers develop in older adults who can experience increased toxicity from chemotherapy. He will address new therapies being approved every few weeks with three new approaches that can preclude or decrease the use of chemotherapy. We are so fortunate to have him join us with medical news of less toxic and highly effective methods and his experiences in this fast moving world of medicine.

UU Plant-Based Eating Club – Cooking Together For the Holidays - November 17, 4-7pm

On November 17 from 4pm to 7pm, John Dundon and Beth Zwick will be leading an interactive Cooking Together event in the FUUSN kitchen focusing on making holiday foods. Afterwards, participants will enjoy the fruits of their labors and eat dinner together in the Alliance Room. This event is sold out, but you may join the waitlist here.

A stylized image of white candles with blue, white, and pink flames against a background of streaked blue and pink clouds

Transgender Day Of Remembrance Vigil - November 20, 5-6pm

We invite people of all faiths and identities to our annual vigil in memory of all those around the world whose lives were lost to violence due to their transgender identity. the ritual includes a litany of the names of those who were lost, music, prayers and candlelight.

Volunteer Opportunities

You Can Find All Volunteer Opportunities on our Website

Not sure how to sign up for something? Looking for ways to connect and contribute to our community? Just go to the Volunteer page on our website:

Save the Date

Fran's Retirement Party - November 22, 6:30-9:30pm

Come and celebrate the extraordinary 38 years of service that our beloved office administrator, Fran Clancy, has given to our community.

Our party will feature lots of delicious food and drinks and child care with activities. If you would like to help out, contact Jeannie Chaisson. Have photos or memories of Fran to share? Contact Jenise.

Cross-Congregational Opportunity: Theodore Parker Church Winter Fair - Saturday, November 23, 10am-2pm

Did you make some friends with Theodore Parker Church folks at Ferry Beach? Here's a chance to reconnect with them.

A blue and white flyer with falling snowflakes and a line of pine trees reads, "Theodore Parker Church Winter Fair, Saturday, November 23, 10am-2pm, in the Parish Hall behind the church, 70 Corey St., Corner of Centre St., West Roxbury - More than 25 Vendors! - Crafts & Unique Gift Items - Our Famous Jewelry Table and New Dollar Table - Baked Goods - Homemade Soup - Hot Dogs - Raffle Baskets - Live Music

Kudos Corner

Standing before the gold dome of the Capitol building in Boston, a woman with blonde, shoulder-length hair and glasses wearing a purple jacket, blue T-shirt, and blue jeans speaks into a megaphone, surrounded by protesters, mostly women and many wearing pink hats, bearing signs saying "THIS PUSSY GRABS BACK," "WE WON'T GO BACK," and "HATE NEVER MADE A COUNTRY GREAT."

Kudos to Rev. Dr. Debra Haffner, who spoke at the Women's March on Saturday. You can view her on the news in this YouTube video.

Thanks to everyone who made our Halloween Fun and Games Night a ROARING success! There were over 40 people and lots of kids and we all had lots of fun dancing to Norm Thibeault's tunes and decorating cupcakes with Sara MacGaffey! Thanks to Emily Gelbert, Kate Tedoldi, Liz Roderick, and Pat Rohan who showed up early and stayed late to help set up and clean up. And a very special thank you to Jacki Rohan who dreamed up and organized the event. It was fabulous!

In a function hall with dark wooden beams on a vaulted ceiling, a smiling man with short dark brown hair wears yellow safety glasses and a black T-shirt covered with numbers and a young girl holding her cheeks with her mouth open in mock horror wears pink safety goggles and a white lab coat with rolled up sleeves over a black T-Shirt, while a large orange dinosaur-costumed child looms over them both, the child's face just visible beneath the enormous, gaping mouth of the dinosaur
A large format printer stands in a copy room surrounded by shelves, colored paper, a copier, a round wooden table covered with rolls of paper and office supplies, and a blue rolling office chair

Thanks to Neal Klinman, Alex Aminoff, and many helpers at the Halloween Family Fun Night for acquiring, transporting, and moving in our new large-format printer, kindly donated to us by the MIT Museum.

Submit News and Events

Have a news item you want to share? Want to schedule a FUUSN Event? Please use our web forms! Note that any event using physical space at FUUSN must be approved by Fran, and until you receive confirmation from her, that event will not be scheduled or added to our Events calendar.

Submissions for each newsletter must be sent in by the preceding Tuesday at 9am.

Submit News
Submit an Event

FUUSN Contacts

First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton | 617-527-3203

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