Breslov Bridge
Pinchas 5782
(Balak Outside Eretz Yisrael)
LIVE WEEKLY SHIUR in Chayey Moharan - The Biography of Rebbe Nachman. Today, Sun. 11 Tammuz (July 10) at 4:30 pm Israel, 9:30 am EDT.
Rabbi Maimon's DAILY LIVE LIKUTEY HALAKHOS SHIUR meets every every weekday morning at 8:05 am Israel, 1:05 am EDT. To register, contact Yossi@BreslovTorah.com.
B'ezras Hashem, R' Nasan is scheduled to be in the U.S. from the 19th of Tammuz through the 26th of Av (July 18th - August 23rd). He welcomes friends to contact him!

Zoom classes today and this coming week are scheduled to meet as usual.
Pinchas 5782 - Repair Through Reincarnation (Text Video, 3:42)
Why did Nadav and Avihu, the sons of Aharon HaKohen, return to the world as the mysterious “double soul” of Pinchas? Text: Likutey Halakhos, Yoreh Deah 1, Hachsher Keylim 4, Para. 33. Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
The Sea Rises Up Against the Emperor of Rome (Slide, 5:03)
Historical background for the mourning period of the Three Weeks, including the destruction of the second Beis HaMikdash (Holy Temple) in Jerusalem.
When Aspanyanus (Vespasian) became emperor he assigned his son Titus to continue the siege of Jerusalem. Titus profaned the Beis HaMikdash, but when he later voyaged back to Rome, the water surrounding his ship rose up to defend the honor of Hashem. Text: Ein Yaakov, Gitin 56. Speaker: Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld z"l.
Breslov Bridge is edited by S. Y. Wurtzel, Jerusalem