On May 16, the Multnomah County Board of Commissioners in a unanimous 5-0 vote passed the following as part of the resolution:
"To strongly urge the Oregon Legislature pass, and the Governor sign a bill, that creates a publicly funded, comprehensive, equitable, and high quality universal single payer system of health care that is accessible to all – without discrimination and that is affordable for all." Read the Resolution.
Listen to the introduction, commissioner comments and testimony beginning at the 1:15 mark of the meeting.
We thank the dedicated organizing work of advocates and lots of written testimony.
"I have been a small business owner for 30 years. It is my strong belief that health care should not be connected to employment.... It makes sense for small business because it eliminates a benefit that give larger businesses a competitive advantage." Deborah Field
The USA has proved that adequate
healthcare for everyone cannot be provided by markets and private enterprises which maximize profits for owners rather than health outcomes." David Parker
"Any step towards universal healthcare is a step in the right direction for fixing our inefficient and costly health care system. The pandemic has greatly amplified the problems inherent in how Oregonians are able to access care and pay for it." Diana Boss, MD.