Everybody In! Nobody Out!
News, Events, and Actions
Only One Week Away
HCAO Annual Membership Meeting
June 11, 2022
Location: Virtual by Zoom
Featuring: Welcome by AFT-Oregon President Jaime Rodriguez
with Dr. Thuy Tran
HCAO Announces Nominees for the HCAO Board of Directors

Elections will take place at the Annual Membership Meeting on June 11, 2022. This is a reminder that the Member Meeting is limited to HCAO members. Registration and information are also available at

Not a member--become one or renew then register for the Annual Meeting.
Joint Task Force on Universal Health Care
Statewide Regional Listening Sessions in June
Share Widely
Community engagement is at the core of HCAO's work. Let's bring out the community voice.

Please see this invite to participate from the Oregon Health Authority. This invite has the links needed. This includes a June 28th session in Spanish. Your help is needed to let those in your network and/or community know about this opportunity to have their input into the design of the universal healthcare system for Oregon. (Cut and paste as needed.)

You can also participate and tell the Task Force what kind of a healthcare system you want.
In Case You Missed Them
Alarming Reports on the State of Oregon's Healthcare System
"Joint Task Force on Universal Health Care Study"

"Impact of Health Care Costs on Oregonians"

Volunteers Build Awareness and Support
HCAO had a strong presence at the Oregon Nurses Association Convention. Nurses must face daily the inequities of the system as they provide care for patients, families, and communities.

The delegates passed a resolution regarding their Health Policy Platform to: a) reflect the need for transformation of the healthcare system; b) work for the removal of all barriers to accessing health care; c) better serve the needs of nurses and the individuals, families and communities they serve; and d) improve the health of individuals, families and communities.
Multnomah County Passes Strong Single Payer Resolution
On May 16, the Multnomah County Board of Commissioners in a unanimous 5-0 vote passed the following as part of the resolution:
"To strongly urge the Oregon Legislature pass, and the Governor sign a bill, that creates a publicly funded, comprehensive, equitable, and high quality universal single payer system of health care that is accessible to all – without discrimination and that is affordable for all." Read the Resolution.

Listen to the introduction, commissioner comments and testimony beginning at the 1:15 mark of the meeting.

We thank the dedicated organizing work of advocates and lots of written testimony.

"I have been a small business owner for 30 years. It is my strong belief that health care should not be connected to employment.... It makes sense for small business because it eliminates a benefit that give larger businesses a competitive advantage." Deborah Field

The USA has proved that adequate
healthcare for everyone cannot be provided by markets and private enterprises which maximize profits for owners rather than health outcomes." David Parker

"Any step towards universal healthcare is a step in the right direction for fixing our inefficient and costly health care system. The pandemic has greatly amplified the problems inherent in how Oregonians are able to access care and pay for it." Diana Boss, MD.

Check out the all submitted written testimony. And more testimony.
HOPE is Here in 2022
The "Right to Health Care PAC"
Ready to Volunteer
With the Oregon Public Health Association and the Oregon Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals as the latest sign-ons, the campaign continues to build momentum. Emerson Hamlin (formerly worked for HOPE Amendment champion Rep. Mitch Greenlick) has been named campaign manager.

The campaign is now gathering names to volunteer. If you are ready, complete this form. Consider becoming a Field Lead. Read More.

Emerson can be reached at

Has your organization signed on? Organizations can sign on in support here.

Continue to inform everyone in your circle and network. Let them know that access to healthcare as a right is on the ballot in November and vote yes on SJR 12 in 2022.

At this time you can support our efforts by providing additional financial support to HCAO. Donate Now.
Primary Election is Over
On to the General
While the primary is over, the time for important engagement continues. Who gets elected in November is extremely important. You can check on the positions of candidates on universal healthcare and other issues you care about by going to their campaign website. Contact the candidates and make your position clear.

You can find candidates contact information here. Put in the following:
  • Year: 2022
  • Name of Candidate

You will find emails and phone numbers (often their personal ones) to contact them and express your thoughts. Don't hesitate! Make that call to express your thoughts! Find out where they stand on single-payer universal healthcare. Please: Report the results here.
To take action in your community to build awareness and gain supporters contact your local Chapter Chair or Kate Pfister-Minogue at
Your Financial Support Is Needed
The work to educate about and advocate for universal healthcare is possible ONLY because of YOU.
For further information and questions, contact Linda Alband (
Please become a member, make an additional contribution, or volunteer.
Everybody in! Nobody out!