HFG Spring 2023 Newsletter
Your Chambers Plan coverage includes Business Assistance Service (BAS) at no additional cost!

Included in the BAS service is access to Arete's Healthy Business Bookmark (HBB). This online library of resources can help business owners increase their knowledge of, and find answers to, common human resource issues that can impact their organization.

Included are sections on self-development, people management, and business essentials. You’ll find articles, infographics, podcasts, links to relevant legislation, checklists, sample documents, and various guides. It’s your first stop when faced with a human resource challenge.

Access is easy when you login under your Chambers Plan Administrator profile at www.my-benefits.ca

Maternity and Parental Leave
Any breach of regulations protecting the rights of pregnant women or new mothers and fathers can result in litigation, stress, damaged reputation – all of which can prove costly for your business.
Parental leave laws are complex, so click on the links below to learn more about the basics (these will vary depending on whether your business is a federally-regulated concern, as well as on the specific provinces or territories in which it operates).

Are You Policy Compliant?
Click on "Read More" below for a checklist of four recommended activities to ensure your policies are both meeting compliance requirements and are serving your business well by communicating your organization’s best-practices and standards.

Is an Employee Handbook the same as a Policy Manual?
The terms ‘employee handbook’ or ‘human resources manual’ or ‘policy manual’, or simply ‘company policies’ are often used interchangeably—but are they all referring to the same thing? The answer to this question is— possibly. An employee handbook, and even a policy manual, can take on many forms and could include a wide variety of contents, depending on its purpose and design. This guide will walk you through it all.
associated with the work.

Personal Benefits available through the Employee my-benefits® portal includes various Travel Insurance products, Life Insurance, Critical Illness, Employee Retiree Plan, and ContinYou. Employees can get a customized quote and apply on-line!

The Chambers Plan Customer Service team is there to help!
Toll Free: 1(800) 665-3365

Or use the live ‘Chat’ function in my-benefits.
Hynek Financial Group
5500 North Service Road, Suite 209, Burlington, ON  L7L 6W6
PH: (905) 319-9999
Email: info@hfgb.ca