This Sunday plan to join a follow-up discussion presented by MPEJ on "What Does Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery Look Like?" from 11:30 to 12:30. Enjoy a short video and presentation highlighting successful action taken, and come away with some additional resource information. Bring your coffee hour treats and learn something new!
WPC Printed Photo Directories will be available for pick up this Sunday in the narthex or in the office during the week (Mon-Thurs, 9-2). Deacons and elders, your fresh copies are in your mailboxes. Contact the church office if you need help obtaining a copy.
Women's Night Out is Monday, January 8, at 6 pm at Epilogue (508 State St.) for trivia night! RSVP to Michele Hare at or (408) 402-2396.
Men's Night Out is Tuesday, January 16, at 6 pm at The Ram. Please RSVP to John Dalen ( or 503-364-8095).
Considering becoming a member at Westminster or interested in learning more about being Presbyterian? Join the new members' class meeting January 21 and 28, 11:30-1:00. RSVP to the church office ( or talk to Pastor Kelly or Katie Nelson, Elder for Outreach.
Do you enjoy Westminster’s annual Christmas cantata, but waiting another twelve months is too long?
You are invited to join the Westminster Chancel Choir and String Ensemble as we present a Palm Sunday Concert! Members of Westminster and the Salem community are invited to take part in this powerful musical experience. Rehearsals will begin January 11 at 6:30. The concert is March 24 at 4 pm. All are encouraged to participate, regardless of skill level! Please contact Jeffrey Larkin [] for additional information and to acquire music.