Calling All Faculty, Staff, Graduate Students, and Undergraduate Students to Sign up for One-Time Service Opportunities!
Have a busy schedule, but still want to participate in service? Check out the One-Time Service Opportunities that we offer throughout the semester!
Greater Cleveland Food Bank:

  • Wednesday, October 26 from 5:30 to 8:30 PM
  • Thursday, November 3 from 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM

The volunteer tasks may include:
  • Sorting through and repackaging Incoming Nonperishable, Perishable, and Non-food Donations
  • Shelf-stable Emergency Food Box Packaging
  • Commodity Supplemental Food Program Box Packaging
  • Backpacks for Kids Kit Assembly
  • Kids' Cafe/Summer Feeding Lunch Packaging

Transportation to and from the Food Bank is provided. Make sure to register on both GivePulse AND the Food Bank link on the GivePulse Page
MedWish International

  • Saturday, November 5 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

MedWish helps to re-purpose discarded medical supplies, and our volunteers help with this process. We collect tens of thousands of pounds of donated supplies each month and rely on volunteers to help us sort through these supplies, checking expiration dates and ensuring product viability.

Sorting takes place through a number of different steps, and volunteers can expect to participate in all steps of the process (examples include sorting medical supplies into categories, matching similar items together, boxing, and labeling inventory).

No medical experience is necessary!
Fatima Family Center Annual Breakfast Benefit

  • Saturday, November 5 from 7:30 AM to 11:30 AM

Fatima Family Center needs volunteers to help at their annual Breakfast Benefit. This is an annual fundraiser for Fatima that helps to bring together the community and provide financial support for Fatima.

Volunteers will help serve and facilitate Fatima Family Center's Annual Breakfast Benefit. This event will require students to help distribute breakfast and facilitate during the scheduled program. Students should wear warm clothing and comfortable shoes because you will be going in and out of the building to the parking lot.

Breakfast is provided! For more details about Fatima, click here!
For all one-time opportunities, click here!

Questions? Contact Tell your friends!
JCU Summer in the City Internship Showcase

Learn about CSSA's paid summer internship program. Find out all about the program and why you should apply from the Summer 2022 interns and community partners. Learn all that you need to know to submit a successful application to be part of the Summer 2023 cohort!

Interns in the program explore the systems and structures behind many of the current social issues of our times, gain valuable experience, and are matched with an organization based on their interests, goals, and aspirations. These paid internships are open to undergraduate and graduate students. Internship applications open on November 1, 2022.

Are you interested in the Showcase this fall or an internship next summer?
Click here to express interest!
Want to become an urban teacher and earn your masters for FREE?

Notre Dame's Alliance for Catholic Education (ACE) Teaching Fellows program prepares talented, faith-filled college graduates to renew and transform Catholic school classrooms. Over the course of two summers & two academic years, ACE teachers earn a cost-free Master of Education from the University of Notre Dame and eligibility for state licensure. During the school year, ACE teachers live in small communities of 4-8 members and together share the many challenges and rewards of teaching. 

Learn more about the fellowship opportunity from Taylor Kelly, an ACE '18 alum, who will be on campus on Tuesday, October 18th. 

9:00am - 11:00am: Visit our table outside the
Center for Service-Learning and Social Action (CSSA)

1:30pm - 5:00pm: Available for Appointments

6:00pm - 8:00pm: Post-Graduate Service Fair

Reach out to Taylor Kelly by email ( or phone (574-631-7307) with any questions!
Interested in what a year of service may look like? Attend the Post Grad Volunteer Fair on October 18th from 6-8 pm in the LSC Conference Room. This is a great opportunity to explore what a year of service after JCU might look like.

Over 20+ different national and international service organizations will be present on-site offering a variety of different service opportunities and locations. Some include: the Jesuit Volunteer Corps, Christian Appalachian Project, City Year, and the Alliance for Catholic Education at the University of Notre Dame. 

No need to pre-register, just show up with an open mind! 

Please reach out to Miles ( or Shelby ( with questions. 
This Week is Journey Center's Annual Week of Action

Domestic violence thrives in silence. To support and help victims and survivors, and to prevent domestic violence in the future, we all need to talk about it. As a supporter of domestic violence victims and survivors, you are needed to help us spread the word and get involved during Journey Center's Week of Action!

We hope you'll join us during this important week, and all month long, to let individuals impacted by domestic violence know that they are not alone and to engage advocates, partners, and our community in starting this important conversation.

Monday, October 17: Message Monday
  • Write a message of support to someone who is experiencing abuse. Let everyone know that they deserve a safe, healthy relationship

Tuesday, October 18: Let's Talk!
  • This Tuesday, and every Tuesday throughout October, Join Journey Center on our social media to talk about domestic violence and the impact it has on our community.

Wednesday, October 19: DVAM Day of Giving
  • Support Journey Center by donating for those who have experienced abuse and domestic violence.

Thursday, October 20: Purple Thursday
  • Share your images on social media and tag Journey Center to show off your purple Outfit of the Day.

  • During this 1-hour webinar, we will take time to learn about “trending” topics, phrases, and tactics in the world of domestic violence. 1 CEU available.

Saturday, October 22: Speak Up Saturday
  • Have an intentional conversation with at least one person about domestic violence. 

Sunday, October 23: Support Survivors Sunday 
  • Share things you can or would say when a domestic violence survivor shares their story with you: “I believe you,” or “You deserve to be treated with respect".

Additional Ways to Get Involved

Download and share Journey Center's DVAM 2022 Toolkit. Journey's Toolkit includes information about how you can help someone impacted by abuse, graphics for DVAM, and information about ways to get involved in October and beyond! 

Daily Action Calendar and Facebook Group
  • Join Journey’s DVAM 2022 Facebook Group for an entire month of daily action. Each day, Journey and our supporters will participate in one action to promote and support safe, healthy relationships for all while taking a stand against domestic violence.

  • Domestic Violence: What's Trending, Friday, October 21
  • Dynamics of Family Violence, Friday, October 29 

Follow Journey Center on Social Media. Follow us on FacebookTwitterInstagram, and LinkedIn, and be sure to join us every Tuesday and Friday on Instagram for #LetsTalkTuesday and #FridayFacts

Journey Center is excited to take this Journey with you throughout October as we create awareness about domestic violence, the importance of healthy relationships, and learn ways to help those we love. Everyone deserves a relationship built on love, respect, and trust. #Every1KnowsSome1 #DVAM2022 #DVAMcle
Catherine Steinwachs '23

Major: Child and Family Psychology Major

Hometown: Saratosa, FL

This semester I am doing service at Roxboro Middle School. Every Tuesday we go to tutor and socialize with the middle schoolers enrolled in their after-school program. We do this to not only help them with the subjects they are struggling with but also to talk and socialize with them. My favorite aspect of service is hearing them talk about their lives and the different things they are excited about. I also love to hear about what they think college is like and when they ask questions about the classes I am taking.

One thing I had to relearn, in order to get the most out of service, was how to be fully present in a moment. Oftentimes, I am thinking of what I have to do next. I tend to think a step ahead and like to figure out when I’m going to study or get my homework assignments done. In order to maintain fully present to those I am working with, I had to unlearn this. Now, prior to service, I plan out what I need to get done that night. This way, I am able to stay focused and be more present with the students.

One thing I have learned by participating in service is that it is a two-way street. Meaning, both groups are benefitting and serving each other. When participating in service, sometimes you can think of it as a one-way street. For example, you feel as though you are helping them but they are not helping you. However, every time I participate in service, I feel that they are helping me just as much, if not more than I am helping them. It is so fun to hear about their lives and hear about their perspectives on different topics. Even when talking about simple things like favorite food it’s interesting hearing their take and rationalization of different topics.
Katelyn Gojevic '23

Major: Finance

Hometown: Avon Lake, Ohio

Favorite Quote: "Do small things with great love." - Mother Teresa

This year, I’m a Liaison for Lutheran Metropolitan Ministries’ Chopping for Change program. It helps women who are currently incarcerated with their integration back into society. How? By teaching them how to cook. With this program, these women can learn to be great chefs for all kinds of restaurants.

LMM’s Chopping for Change is doing great things, and it’s got me thinking, “what else can I do?” Perhaps I can do some research on the stigma between mental health and incarceration, or do something small for a friend to cheer them up. Thanks for reading my Ted talk!
Get Connected! Stay Informed!

Follow us on social media to get the latest news from CSSA, learn about upcoming opportunities, find ways to stay connected and engaged, read posts by featured students, and learn about all of the great things happening in the Center for Service-Learning and Social Action! We post frequent updates daily, so be sure to stay tuned in!

Connect with us NOW to join the fun!

Instagram: @jcu_cssa

Facebook: @JCUCSSA

Twitter: @jcu_cssa

Dr. Katherine Feely, SND, Ed.D  | Director |   | 216.397.1966
Heather Craigie | Associate Director | |216.397.6233
John Jackson  | Asst. Dir. Community Partnerships |  |  216.397.1662
Blake Yoho | Asst. Dir. Data and Communications | | 216.397.2024
Maggie Klem | Graduate Assistant | | 216.397.6283
Maddie Panus | Data Analytics Intern | 
Anna Glass | Marketing Intern |
JCU Center for Service-Learning and Social Action
Administration Building | AD-32 | 216.397.4698