Sunday July 10th

Please won't you be my neighbour?

Mr. Rogers asked a good question. But we also ask the Sesame Street question "Who are the people in your neighbourhood? They're the people that you meet when you're walking down the street, they're the people that you meet each day!" Kids' songs hold a lot of theological truth. 
We'll ponder the story of the Good Samaritan on Sunday with our special guest, Rachel Barton.  Rachel will be joining us virtually from Boston, Massachusetts . Come hear about just who is your neighbour.

 Watch Sunday's Service Online, Live @ 9:00 AM EDT

Join us in live, online worship this Sunday at 9:00 am. 

You can find the service on Facebook Live or on our YouTube channel.

The service will be saved at both locations through the week.  

 Join us for In-Person Worship @ 10:00 AM

Email Jenny Morrison if you would like to join our volunteer team and

help us provide a safe and warm welcome to all who gather.

Pro tip: Arrive before 9:50 am to enjoy a warm beverage and cookie at your seat!



Camp Week One

Animals Alive!

What a fantastic first week of camp! We have had a blast playing, crafting, singing, dancing and more this week. Campers, staff and volunteers will sleep well this weekend! Our Camps are currently full for the summer, but you can add your children to the waitlist.

Don’t have a camper but want to support this ministry?

You can…

  • "Sponsor-a-camper" with a financial donation through our regular donation channels (please note that it is a "camp donation")

  • Continue to pray for safety, health and wellbeing of all involved in our camp programs this summer.

  • Make an in-kind donation of craft materials (old CDs/DVDs, toilet rolls, empty milk/juice cartons, empty water bottles, etc), activity supplies (skipping ropes, bean bags, hula hoops, etc).

We are also in need of snacks for the campers. We are hoping for the following items:

5 Big Boxes of individually bagged chips

Rice Krispies Squares (80 individual squares)

3 Big Boxes of Goldfish

Fruit 2 Go (80 individually wrapped)

Bear Paws (80 individually wrapped)

3 Boxes of Freezies (60 pack)

Drop off at the church as you are able! Thank you for your continued support of our summer camp!

Volunteer Music Coordinators

Over the last couple years, we have been blessed to have the musical stylings of our virtual choir. Now that was are back in our building, we want to find ways to make music together, while still having our virtual choir for online services.  

Amy Bolton and Matt Morrison will be working together to bring more music into our space. 

Do you have ideas? Songs you want to hear?  Musical abilities you'd like to share? Connect with Matt or Amy

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Wednesdays at 8:00 PM

Thirty minutes of fresh air for your soul. Join us on Zoom and enjoy a reading, a prayer, some music and a guided meditation. Email the office here to get the link to join us each week.

We will be continuing Mid-Week Breath through the month of July. In August, you can look out for weekly resources to help you take time on your own for a mid week breath.

Friday July 22nd @ 5:00 PM

Our next Food Truck Friday event will be here before you know it! Come on out for food, fellowship and fun. 

Don't miss this delicious event!

Bring your friends and neighbours. All are welcome to join us!

Friday July 22nd @ 6:30 PM

Come for the food trucks, stay for the movie! 

Join us to watch a movie on the big screen. Pyjamas, pillows and stuffed animals are always welcome.

This month we will be watching Luca the 2021, coming of age film about a young sea monster boy on a life changing land adventure.

We are blessed at Norval United with many dedicated volunteers and staff. Some of the people you know and see often and others work behind the scenes. 

Over the next few months we will be highlighting some of the folks at NUC. 

Keep a look out each week to meet someone new!

This week, we introduce you to....

Asheleen Finbow

Camp Director

We asked Ashleen some questions so you can get to know her and her role at Norval United.

What is one word that describes you?


What are you reading or watching or listening to these days?

Currently reading Love Hypothesis and currently watching Drag Race All Stars 

What brought you to NUC?

I have been connected to NUC my whole life. My parents were married here, and I was baptized here. When I was a kid, I had a fascination with church and have been going ever since. 

What is your favourite thing about the NUC community?

Coffee hour, really allows people to talk as a community and spend some time with each other after service.

What is your role at NUC?

I am 1 of 3 nursery supervisors and 1 of 4 of the leadership team for summer camp.

What is one thing people would find surprising about you?

I can be quiet sometimes.

If you could be a kitchen utensil, what would you be and why?

A spork, I'm soft with a hint of edge to me.

What is your favourite thing to talk about?

My dog!

Ways to Serve

We are looking for folks who can help provide treats for Sunday morning's in person service. You can bake, pick up treats from the store, we even love the last minute run to Tim's for Tim Bits.  

We love sharing coffee and treats on Sunday morning before and after the service. If you would like to help provide treats for a Sunday morning, you can email Jenny in the office. You can bring them for a specific week or drop them off at the church to be stored in the freezer.

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Sunday Morning Volunteers

Baking not your thing?  Do you like to connect with people?  We need people to serve coffee, tea and treats on Sunday Mornings.  We will teach you everything you need to know to make the job nice and easy. If you would like to help out.  We are thankful for Bruce and Heather who have served up Sunday treats for us for quite a while.  They are hoping to take a break over the summer.  If you can help, contact Jenny in the office.

Other Opportunities to Serve

Here are a few other excellent opportunities:

Kids' Church Leadership (help run an activity with our kids on Sunday) 

Welcome Team (a great way to get to know people)

In-Person AV Team (help run the tech in the Sanctuary)

Food Truck Fridays (help set up and welcome/engage the community)

Consider these or other ways you feel called to participate in the life and work of NUC! Contact Jenny Morrison in the office at 905 877 6122 or by email.

I urge you, first of all, to pray

for all people. Ask God to help

them; speak up on their

behalf and give thanks for them.

1 Timothy 2:1

Here are some recent prayer requests

We offer prayers of thanksgiving and celebration with Julie and Andy Plata as they welcomed their grandson, Waylon Everett Agre O'Hara into the world.  We also pray for the family as they adjust to life with a newborn.

We pray for Elaine van Doorn's mom, Marg, as she moves into Woodhall in Brampton this week.

Local farmer, Craig Oldham asked for prayers for rain, but was marveling at the resiliency of the crops. 

Jen Stinson asked for prayers for Ron Smith and family as they mourn the loss of his sister and prepare for the funeral service. 

We give prayers of thanks for a successful first week at camp and we ask for prayers for the next 3 weeks.

Fred Paul is praying for his brother-in-law, Walter Clark, in Newfoundland as he deals with some health issues.

David Seunarine asked for prayers for his mother, Cynthia, 91 years of age, dealing with both memory and physical challenges.

Ron Chapman has asked for prayers for Allison and her family as Allison nears the end of her life. 

Margaret Atkinson asked for prayers for Henry who is currently in the IWK hospital in Halifax.

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Contact Jen Auger
Contact Paul Ivany
Contact the  Office