Many types of fireworks (including firecrackers, roman candles, bottle rockets, skyrockets, torpedoes and other fireworks that explode, travel laterally, rise into the air, or fire projectiles into the air) are illegal in Virginia and may not be used on private property, public property, including streets and roads. You can also find a list of permissible fireworks, approved vendors, and public displays on the Fire Marshal page.
Please be reminded that if you are planning to use any of these fireworks over the weekend, you will be subject to fines. Although it is fairly easy to obtain these items by going across state lines, possession and use of these devices is a Class 1 Misdemeanor in Virginia, punishable by up to 1 year in jail and/or a $2500 fine. Depending on the classification of the device, federal explosives charges could also be imposed for interstate transport.
Fireworks are STRICTLY PROHIBITED in or around common areas to include Clubhouse parking lots.
To report any illegal fireworks activity, please contact the non-emergency Loudoun County Police number at 703-777-1021.
We encourage our Residents to attend a public display. Below is a list of Public Fireworks displays in Loudoun County.