July 14, 2023

Popcorn News

Kickoff days announced!

Reminder - Mandatory Online Registration Effective August 1st


Effective August 1, 2023, The Spirit of Adventure Council will strive to simplify Scouting for leaders and to drive usage of the BSA Online Registration System (rather than the old-fashioned paper applications). 


There are three key benefits to moving to online registration:

  • Speed

·        Registration is immediate. Youth show up in Scoutbook in 24 hours.

  • Accuracy

·        Data Entry is more accurate. Details are input by the parents directly.

  • Privacy

·        Personal information is input directly by the parents, and not viewed by others in the unit.


We wanted to announce this now, so that everyone has ample time to learn the online system and make a smooth transition to the online registrations. Over the next few months, we will be rolling out more resources, including trainings and tutorials to help with the change.

This Week at T.L. Storer

This Week at New England Base Camp, Milton

This Week at Base Camp Express, Woburn

Pulp & Paper Merit Badge

Salesmanship Merit Badge

Entrepreneurship Merit Badge

This Week at Lexington Day Camp

In-person Merit Badges at Base Camp Express

Art Merit Badge - Thursday, July 27 - 8am-12 pm - Woburn, MA

Textile Merit Badge - Thursday, July 27 - 1pm-4pm - Woburn, MA

Weather Merit Badge - Thursday, August 3 - 8am-12pm - Woburn, MA

Citizenship in Society Merit Badge - Thursday, August 3 - 1pm-4pm - Woburn, MA

Graphic Arts Merit Badge - Wednesday, August 9 - 9am-1pm - Woburn, MA

Painting Merit Badge - Thursday, August 10 - 8am-12pm - Woburn, MA

Leatherworking Merit Badge - Thursday, August 10 - 1pm-4pm - Woburn, MA

Calendar of Events

7/17-7/21 - Topsfield Day Camp - Topsfield, MA

7/17-7/21 - NEBC Day Camp - Milton, MA

7/24-7/28 - NEBC Day Camp - Milton, MA

7/26 - Citizenship in the World Merit Badge Online

7/27 - Art Merit Badge - Woburn, MA

7/27 - Textile Merit Badge - Woburn, MA

7/31-8/4 - NEBC Day Camp - Milton, MA

8/3 - Weather Merit Badge - Woburn, MA

8/3 - Citizenship in Society Merit Badge - Woburn, MA

8/7-8/11 - NEBC Day Camp - Milton, MA

8/9 - Graphic Arts Merit Badge - Woburn, MA

8/10 - Painting Merit Badge - Woburn, MA

8/10 - Leatherworking Merit Badge - Woburn, MA

8/14-8/18 - NEBC Day Camp - Milton, MA

8/16 - Citizenship in Society Merit Badge Online

8/21-8/25 - NEBC Day Camp - Milton, MA

8/21-8/25 - Chelmsford Day Camp - Chelmsford, MA

8/26 - Swimming Merit Badge - Manchester, NH

Spirit of Adventure Council

Customer Service Center 

2 Tower Office Park

Woburn, MA 01801

(617) 615-0004


New England Base Camp

411 Unquity Rd.

Milton, MA 02186

(617) 615-0004

Contact Us