Special Edition Newsletter
April 1, 22
First, I'd like to thank all of the families we serve for your continued patience and dedication to Moms In Motion throughout the pandemic. We know that there have been so many regulatory changes these last two years and you have weathered those with us. Thank you!  

I'm happy to tell you that there seems to be light at the end of the COVID tunnel! The Federal Public Health Emergency may be coming to an end soon and once that happens, life will move to a whole new normal.  

How will the end of the Federal Public Health Emergency (PHE) affect your services with Moms In Motion?

The Telehealth flexibilities that the Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS) has allowed over these last two years will no longer be allowed once the PHE ends. Please note: We are advocating to keep Telehealth a permanent option for service delivery method. If you'd like to help us advocate for that, please contact your legislators and tell them how much it has benefited you and your family to be afforded the option of a virtual visit vs an in-person visit. 

Although we are hopeful that our advocacy will result in Telehealth being a permanent option, we have to prepare for the possibility that it will not. In order to get our team prepared for going back into the field and to make sure that they are seeing those families that live in their area, we are going through a little bit of restructuring. This means that there is the possibility that you may get a well-trained, compassionate Moms In Motion Service Facilitator that is new to you and your family.

We know that change is difficult and it is not our intention to disrupt your services or your family. We try very hard to keep people with one Service Facilitator for as long as possible. Please know that we are having to make these changes to adapt to doing in-person visits, so it is only because it is absolutely necessary.  

Don't fret! Not everyone's Service Facilitator will change. If you are one of the families this affects, you will be contacted by your current Service Facilitator who will let you know. You should also be contacted by your new Service Facilitator for introductions and to set your next visit date. And, you will receive an email with detailed information about the new Service Facilitator and their contact information.  

The good news is that for the time being, until the Federal PHE ends, if you are not comfortable with a Service Facilitator coming to your home because of fears related to COVID, you have the right to refuse our in-person visit and have a Telehealth visit instead. Simply let your Service Facilitator know that when they contact you. We will document that and do the visit using Telehealth methods.

As always, we will communicate with everyone whenever things change. We are dedicated to providing you and your families the best possible service. 
Moms In Motion/At Home Your Way is a Consumer-Directed Service Facilitation Provider for Individuals approved for Virginia's Medicaid Waivers: CCC+, CL and FIS Waiver