Keeping the general aviation industry connected
SmartSky Networks has completed the nationwide rollout of its air-to-ground network in the United States with hundreds of ground-based sites as it works with shops and resellers on equipage.
The SmartSky air-to-ground service uses the unlicensed 2.4 GHz spectrum band and both 4G and 5G technology in a scalable system that can operate even in the high-interference environment over congested cities. The network uses advanced beamforming technology, innovative network architecture and 60 MHz of spectrum to deliver consistent and secure connectivity to aircraft in the continental U.S. More...
DNT Avionics: Tending to Aircraft is This Family's Business
At DNT Avionics in western Colorado, the Pinson family works together to keep pistons, turboprops and light helicopters flying. Stop by the shop at Grand Junction Regional Airport and you’ll find Danny and Tina Pinson and their sons, Nathan and Milton, and even occasionally their 19-year-old granddaughter, Brianne, helping in the office, and 14-year-old grandson, Bobby, washing airplanes.
It’s been a family business since 2016, but for Danny Pinson, working with aircraft began 42 years ago when he joined the U.S. Navy. He served 10 years primarily troubleshooting electrical systems on the SA-3 surface-to-air missile system. After the military, Danny developed an extensive knowledge of avionics while working for and managing several other avionics shops. At one point, he and Tina even owned and operated Omega Avionics at the same airport. More...
FAA Industry Webinar Set for Nov. 15
United Kingdom Part 145 Maintenance Implementation Procedures for U.S.-based repair stations
The Federal Aviation Administration, Aircraft Maintenance Division, Repair Station Section, will host a webinar, Nov. 15, at 10 a.m. EST, to provide information on the United Kingdom Part 145 Maintenance Implementation Procedures for United States-based Part 145 repair stations. The webinar will consist of a presentation covering the upcoming revision to the UK MIP, and live Q&A session. The webinar is available to all 14 CFR Part 145 repair stations based in the United States, specifically repair stations that hold European Union Aviation Safety Agency Part 145 approval.
When attendees register, they will receive a confirmation email with the Zoom information. They will also receive two automatic reminder emails with the Zoom info (24 hours before the event and 10 minutes before the event). To register for the Nov. 15 webinar, click here.
Ask the Industry
In terms of sales, how did your company's third quarter in 2022 compare to your third quarter in 2021?
2022 AEA Rate and Labor Survey Results Now Available to AEA Members
With year-over-year inflation rates hovering near or above double digits in most countries around the world, approved maintenance organizations have increased both their shop and labor rates in 2022. According to the AEA Rate and Labor Survey, government-certified repair stations raised their service rates in the United States, Canada and the South Pacific. Labor rates also rose across the board for avionics installers who are in high demand.
The overall outlook for 2023 remains positive, as more than 60% of shops in the United States expect their business to increase in the next 12 months. In Canada, 53% of AMOs expect business growth next year, while 56% in the South Pacific region expect increased business. AEA members may download the survey results with their member login and password. More...
New ELT Technology Solutions
ACR Electronics’ Artex is developing next-generation distress-tracking and portable survival ELTs – the 5000 DT and 4000S
Earlier this year, ACR Electronics strengthened its position as a leader in emergency locator transmitter technology by securing agreements with Embraer and Boeing to use the Artex ELT 5000 Distress Tracking for GADSS compliance on their commercial aircraft, as well as by releasing a new portable ELT – the non-lithium survival ELT 4000S.
“The two contracts secured by ACR Electronics to supply the Artex ELT 5000 DT to the world’s major aircraft manufacturers are a powerful endorsement for our multifaceted distress tracking ELT program,” said ACR Electronics President John Nguyen. “It demonstrates the high confidence in the industry that the development of the next generation ELT 5000 DT will future-proof aircraft with a state-of-the-art emergency distress signaling and tracking solution.” More...
Cybersecurity 2022
What you don't know can hurt you
What do 18th century sailing ships and 21st century business aircraft have in common? Attacks by pirates. Of course, the crew of a Brigantine, Frigate or Galleon had the advantage of knowing when they were going to be attacked. Seeing the Jolly Roger is a dead giveaway that dreadful things are going to happen.
Today’s digital pirates are a lot more subtle. In most cases, you don’t even realize you’ve been hornswoggled until they’ve got their booty and are over the horizon. Blimey! Seriously though, unfortunately, like in every other sector of your expanding digital life, cybercrime in aviation is on the rise. So much so that the International Civil Aviation Organization designated 2020/2021 as the Year of Security Culture. More...
AEA Members to Connect Next Week in Australia
Avionics professionals will gather at the AEA South Pacific Connect Conference in Sunshine Coast, Australia, Nov. 17-18. The AEA Connect Conferences are where aviation's technology experts gather for technical training from leading avionics, instrument and test equipment manufacturers. These two-day events allow technicians and business owners the opportunity to learn industry best practices; connect with regional sales and product support representatives; satisfy training requirements; see the latest products and services; and receive important updates on the most current regulatory news affecting their business. Advance registration is open for attendees and exhibitors. More...
Early-bird Registration Open for 2023 AEA Convention in Orlando
Register by Dec. 31 and save $200 per person
Registration has opened for the 66th annual AEA International Convention & Trade Show, the largest gathering of aviation electronics manufacturers, distributors and approved maintenance organizations in the world. It is the platform of choice for the introduction of new avionics products and services coming to market in 2023. The event will take place April 24-27, 2023, at the Gaylord Palms Resort & Convention Center in Orlando, Florida.
Attendees must register by Dec. 31, 2022, to receive the early-bird discount price of $695 (AEA member rate) for a full convention registration. The early-bird promotion offers a $200 per person savings off the on-site registration fee. The attendee full registration package includes: four days of technical training sessions; exhibit hall entrance for two full days with lunch; and networking with manufacturers and distributors. Register for the biggest training week of the year in the avionics industry. More...
Podcast: An In-depth Look at Honeywell’s Business Aviation Forecast
Honeywell’s 31st annual Global Business Aviation Outlook projects up to 8,500 new business jet deliveries worth $274 billion from 2023 to 2032, which is up 15% in both deliveries and expenditures from the same 10-year forecast a year ago. Learn all the key findings from Javier Jimenez Serrano, strategy and market research manager at Honeywell Aerospace, in this episode of AEA Amplified.
Sponsored by Genesys Aerosystems, a Moog Company, AEA Amplified is a podcast for aviation’s technology experts. Learn more about the ever-changing world of avionics technologies from industry professionals and aviation enthusiasts. Subscribe and listen on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, iHeartRadio, Pandora, Podbean or Spotify. Listen...
Attention AEA Members:
Take advantage of NATA Compliance Services' exclusive offer
Holding off on switching your third-party administrator or moving your anti-drug and alcohol misuse prevention program to a TPA due to setup costs? Well, NATACS has a treat just for you!
Set up your anti-drug and alcohol misuse prevention program with NATACS before the end of the year and your setup fee will be waived! Benefit from the electronic custody and control forms, FAA audit preparation, subject-matter experts, online checklists and more. NATACS can also help with your non-DOT drug program(s). More...
AEA Scholarship Applications Online
Need some financial assistance with your education? The Aircraft Electronics Association Educational Foundation will award multiple scholarships for the 2023-24 school year to students pursuing a career in avionics or aircraft maintenance, as well as students from AEA member companies.
Since its inception, the AEA scholarship program has awarded more than $1.5 million in scholarships. The deadline to submit a scholarship application is April 1, 2023. More...
New Training Courses Published at AEA AERO
Regulatory familiarization now available for AEA members
The AEA’s online training platform called AERO, short for the Aerospace Education Resource Online system, allows users to train at their own pace and operates like a personal learning management system. A brand-new course on Indoctrination Training: Regulatory Familiarization has been released and is free for AEA members with a member login and password.
In addition, a dozen new courses that took place at this year's AEA Convention in New Orleans are now available, including OEM technical sessions; Troubleshooting Antennas & Transmission Lines; Marketing Beyond the Runway; How to Succeed in Business (Aviation) Without Really Trying; Clarity is Magnetic -- A Discussion in Leadership & Personal Development; and Airplanes or Marketing: It’s All About the LIFT.
Convention attendees may access the sessions recorded at AEA New Orleans for free, and those AEA members who could not attend the convention may purchase them. Training content is exclusive to AEA members. AEA AERO will continue to add and update content to help members accomplish their training goals. More...
Request Your FREE AEA Pilot's Guide
Published annually by the Aircraft Electronics Association, the 2022-23 edition of the AEA Pilot's Guide was recently unveiled. This year marks the 20th annual edition of the AEA Pilot's Guide, a consumer's directory loaded with educational articles, timely information and data about the ever-changing world of avionics technologies. The publication helps pilots and aircraft owners make better buying decisions and locate nearly 1,300 AEA member companies in more than 40 countries, including government-certified repair stations specializing in maintenance, repair and installation of avionics and electronic systems in general aviation aircraft. It also includes the manufacturers and distributors of these products, as well as technical schools and universities, engineers and consultants for the industry.
On the Radar: Upcoming Industry Events
AEA South Pacific Connect Conference
Sunshine Coast, Australia
Nov. 17-18, 2022
The AEA Connect Conferences are where aviation's technology experts gather for technical training from leading avionics, instrument and test equipment manufacturers. Join us at the Novotel Sunshine Coast Resort. More...
AOPA Aviator Showcase
Fort Worth, Texas
Nov. 17-18, 2022
The Aviator Showcase at Fort Worth Alliance Airport will feature an exhibit hall, aircraft display, and educational seminars presented by event sponsors. For pilots looking to upgrade or still searching for the perfect aircraft, local services such as paint shops, avionics manufacturers, and aircraft detailers will be on hand to help. Attendees can also talk to aviation finance professionals, insurers, and dealers about purchasing an aircraft. More...
Women in Aviation International Conference
Long Beach, California
Feb. 23-25, 2023
Don't miss the inspiring keynote speakers, professional development seminars, education sessions, exhibit hall, scholarship awards, and 2023 Pioneer Hall of Fame inductions. There's no better place to be inspired, share your enthusiasm, and connect with others who share your passion for the aviation industry. More...
Atlanta, Georgia
March 6-9, 2023
Celebrate the vertical aviation industry with endless networking and hundreds of education courses with 14,000 industry professionals and more than 600 exhibitors. More...
SUN 'n FUN Aerospace Expo
Lakeland, Florida
March 28-April 2, 2023
The SUN ‘n FUN Aerospace Expo is Florida’s largest annual convention of any kind, and the second-largest air show in the world. Join over 225,000 aviation enthusiasts for six exciting days of cutting-edge technology exhibits, forums, workshops, career fairs, and breathtaking aerial displays by some of the best air show performers in the business. The event is the primary fundraiser for the Aerospace Center for Excellence. Proceeds go directly to support year-round education programs supporting STEM and aviation. More...
AERO Friedrichshafen
Friedrichshafen, Germany
April 19-22, 2023
The show will take place at the Friedrichshafen Exhibition Center. Discover what direction the developments in general aviation are going. With more than 600 exhibitors from 35 countries, 33,000 visitors and 600 journalists from all over the world, this event is the international community’s annual meeting place. More...
AEA International Convention & Trade Show
Orlando, Florida
April 24-27, 2023
Join us for the largest gathering of aviation electronics manufacturers, distributors and approved maintenance organizations in the world at the Gaylord Palms Resort & Convention Center in Orlando. Attendees can save $200 per person with the early-bird registration, which is available through Dec. 31. More...
Avionics Training and Professional Development Classes
Certified Repair Station Training (10 seats remain)
Jan. 9-13, 2023
In-person course; Lee's Summit, Missouri
This weeklong course provides an interactive environment to learn, understand and implement the regulations that govern repair station design and operations. Current quality managers, technicians, mechanics, and repairmen who are involved in the management of a repair station as well as individuals looking to establish a 14 CFR Part 145 repair station should plan to attend.
Primary Flight Display Installation & Configuration (12 seats remain)
Jan. 25-27, 2023
In-person course; Lee's Summit, Missouri
Technicians will learn how to plan, install, interface, configure and check out an installation of a primary flight display, EHSI and GPS/Nav/Com consisting of dual Garmin GI 275, a Garmin GTN 650 touchscreen, and a Garmin GTX 345 transponder. Designed for technicians who have experience with avionics installation practices and are looking for more training integrating common general aviation installations.
Avionics Testing Fundamentals (11 seats remain)
Jan. 30-31, 2023
In-person course; Lee's Summit, Missouri
This course is designed for technicians who have experience with basic avionics installation practice, familiar with basic soldering skills and are looking for experience in LRU bench testing and avionics troubleshooting. Bench testing Nav, VHF comm and transponders will be the focus of study. Technicians will fabricate a general-purpose test panel that they will use in the course. Attendees will keep their fabricated test panel at course completion.
Transponder Service Training (9 seats remain)
Feb. 1, 2023
In-person course; Lee's Summit, Missouri
This course is designed for technicians who have experience with basic avionics installation practice and are looking for experience in transponder LRU bench testing, transponder flight line testing and aircraft troubleshooting. ADS-B transponders systems will be the focus of study. Attendees will keep their fabricated wire harness at course completion.
NAV/COMM Equipment Service Training (9 seats remain)
Feb. 2, 2023
In-person course; Lee's Summit, Missouri
This course is designed for technicians who have experience with basic avionics installation practice and are looking for experience in avionics flight line testing, LRU bench testing and aircraft troubleshooting. VOR, localizer, glideslope, marker beacon and VHF comms will be the focus of study.
Pitot-Static, Transponder, RVSM, and ADS-B: Testing & Inspection (10 seats remain)
Feb. 3, 2023
In-person course; Lee's Summit, Missouri
Attendees will learn the proper methods for conducting pitot-static and transponder tests and inspections. This full-day course offers hands-on training, including a regulatory review and an explanation of the proper administrative procedures for completing these critical certifications. Preparing and performing RVSM inspection tasks. ADS-B session covering installation, wiring and return to service review.
Avionics Installation for Experimental Aircraft (13 seats remain)
Feb. 6-8, 2023
In-person course; Lee's Summit, Missouri
This course is targeted for the homebuilder or avionics technician who wants to learn about performing an avionics installation in an experimental aircraft. The class focuses on the Garmin G3X Touch system, and a simplified example harness is constructed as part of the hands-on portion of the class. While the G3X Touch system is the primary focus, the wiring principles and general guidance can be applied to any experimental avionics system. From the do-it-yourselfer to the avionics shop looking to carve a niche, this class has something for everyone.
Safety Management System Coordinator Training (15 seats remain)
Feb. 8, 2023
Virtual-Live Course
The AEA has developed a proprietary SMS program designed for maintenance organizations, sized for small businesses and leveraged by the 900-strong repair station membership. This program has been coordinated with the Federal Aviation Administration and Transport Canada Civil Aviation, as well as discussions with the Australian government's Civil Aviation Safety Authority and the European Union Aviation Safety Agency for future acceptance. The training will provide a solid overview of modern safety principles, the International Civil Aviation Organization guidance on SMS implementation and the use and operation of the proprietary AEA SMS program.
Basic Wiring and Avionics Installation (7 seats remain)
Feb. 20-22, 2023
In-person course; Lee's Summit, Missouri
This course is designed for certificated repairmen, new avionics technicians, aviation maintenance technicians and recent graduates interested in improving or acquiring the skills necessary to perform avionics installations. This three-day seminar employs in-depth theory and hands-on lab exercises to immerse the attendee in the best practices used to plan, manage and install a general aviation avionics panel.
Basic Pitot-Static & Transponder Theory, Testing & Troubleshooting (13 seats remain)
Feb. 23-24, 2023
In-person course; Lee's Summit, Missouri
This course is designed for entry-level avionics technicians or those looking for basic training on pitot-static and aircraft transponder systems. The two-day course covers the history and theory of operation of pitot-static instruments and transponders, as well as system setup, hands-on testing, and the troubleshooting skills necessary to perform FAR 91.411 and 91.413 checks.
Aircraft Instrument Systems (14 seats remain)
March 8-9, 2023
Virtual-Live Course
This course is designed for avionics technicians or apprentices who want to learn more about aircraft instrument systems and better understand their operation, installation considerations, and maintenance to become more effective troubleshooters. From simple mechanical gauges to complex electrical and electronic systems, this course covers nearly every instrument system in an aircraft.
ADS-B Configuration, Testing & Troubleshooting (15 seats remain)
March 15, 2023
Virtual-Live Course
This course is designed for currently employed repair station personnel and installers of ADS-B systems. Approximately 7% of all general aviation ADS-B installations are non-compliant based on the FAA’s ADS-B Performance Monitoring System. This course focuses on the proper configuration and testing of ADS-B installations to ensure your installation meets the performance requirements and regulations. Also included are troubleshooting tips and tricks that will help you resolve the common problems found in ADS-B installations.
Digital Databus Theory & Analysis (15 seats remain)
March 16, 2023
Virtual-Live Course
As today’s modern airplanes become much more technologically advanced, so must the professionals who maintain them. The advanced avionics and instrumentation systems used in these aircraft rely on various forms of digital databus communication. Understanding digital databus theory is becoming more and more important for avionics technicians, and even A&P mechanics, to effectively test and troubleshoot these highly advanced aircraft systems.
News from AEA Member Companies
Honeywell launched a newly enhanced and redesigned Flight Efficiency platform to provide insights to aircraft operators to help them make enhanced decisions around their fuel utilization. The platform, which was previously known as Honeywell Forge Flight Efficiency, will be renamed to Honeywell Flight Efficiency.
Anodyne Electronics Manufacturing Corp. launched a new remote-mount radio for special-role and multi-mission platforms. The MTR138-000GNW is a suitable replacement for certain legacy VHF NTX-series radios with the ability to integrate with glass cockpit applications, according to the company.
Texas Aerospace Technologies announced FAA TSO approval of the TXA201 Tri-Axial Accelerometer. The TXA201 is a crucial component required for meeting Flight Data Recorder mandates, according to the company.
Garmin announced L3Harris Technologies’ selection of Garmin’s G3000 tandem integrated flight deck as part of a U.S. Special Operations Command Armed Overwatch program contract. L3Harris’ Sky Warden platform includes the first forward-fit deployable combat aircraft featuring Garmin’s G3000 tandem integrated flight deck.
Astronics Corp. received the Best Inflight Connectivity Innovation Award from the APEX and IFSA Associations at the APEX EXPO event in Long Beach, California. The award was for innovation in its newly introduced Wi-Fi 6E-enabled CWAP, CabinAXe.
Clay Lacy Aviation was awarded the ARGUS Platinum rating by the third-party safety auditor for the 13th consecutive year. It also achieved the International Standard for Business Aircraft Operations (IS-BAO) Stage III certification, the highest level, for the fifth consecutive year.
Duncan Aviation added two additional technical representatives to its Lincoln, Nebraska, headquarters to provide advanced technical troubleshooting and technical support for customers who operate Bombardier aircraft, as well as to company airframe maintenance teams. Trevor Bartlett and Max McElroy are Duncan Aviation’s latest members of the tech rep team. Duncan Aviation Component Services added to its bilingual customer service and sales team to increase support for its Latin customer base in Mexico, Central, and South America.
Precision Support Services announced that Microsoft Flight Simulator will introduce the Guimbal Cabri G2 helicopter in the Microsoft Flight Simulator 40th anniversary edition coming out Nov. 11.
Rebtech signed a global strategic partnership with Aveo Engineering. The two companies will cooperate to build the Aveo product line on a global scale while providing Rebtech with additional markets, contacts and expanding Rebtech’s NVG installation and product capability. Rebtech also signed a memorandum of understanding and cooperation with the optoelectronic device, night vision, and thermal imaging producer PCO, a part of the capital group, Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa. The two companies will cooperate in developing Rebtech’s Total Night Vision Package that includes night vision goggle service and support, conversion of airframes to night vision compatibility as well as flight training offerings.
SKYTRAC Systems Ltd. announced the successful testing of real-time medical data transfer through satellite communications and cellular connectivity with corpuls, a manufacturer of sophisticated preclinical patient monitoring systems, defibrillators, chest compression devices, and software products.
Avotek announced that Aircraft Nondestructive Testing dives deep into a modern take on NDT to maintain aircraft and extend an aircraft’s useful life even more. The book explores many types of NDT methods that are commonly used in the aviation industry and is a resource for aviation maintenance training students or a training tool for repair stations. Avotek also released a new online course to cover the Aircraft Water and Waste Systems material now required by the ACS.
Gulfstream Aerospace Corp. announced the official opening of its newest Gulfstream customer support service center at Fort Worth Alliance Airport. Gulfstream also appointed two new regional sales managers for customer support, Clint Bloom and Jennifer Skelton. Gulfstream also announced the all-new Gulfstream G700 is making its Asia-Pacific debut in Vietnam as the first stop in Asia on the G700 world tour.
AEA Jobs Board Offers Free Resume Posting
For individuals interested in pursuing professional opportunities in the avionics industry, the job listings page on the AEA website is your one-stop resource. The AEA jobs board provides informational links on how to get AET certified, an avionics technician job summary and wage review, along with scholarship opportunities within the industry. Search the AEA's job listings and see what's on your horizon. Free resume posting is available. Are you up to the challenge? More...
Are You Hiring? The AEA Works for You!
Is your business hiring? The AEA jobs board makes it easier for AEA members to find their next avionics technician, quality manager, inspector, sales representative or engineer.
AEA members may submit a free job posting after entering their username and password at AEA.net/Jobs. Member companies that optionally choose to upgrade their job posting for a premium will have preferred online placement and also will be published in the next edition of Avionics News. For more information about premium job listings, contact Rachel Hill, AEA advertising executive, at rachelh@aea.net.
Founded in 1957, the Aircraft Electronics Association represents nearly 1,300 member companies in more than 40 countries, including government-certified international repair stations specializing in maintenance, repair and installation of avionics and electronic systems in general aviation aircraft. The AEA membership also includes manufacturers of avionics equipment, instrument repair facilities, instrument manufacturers, airframe manufacturers, test equipment manufacturers, major distributors, engineers and educational institutions.
Aircraft Electronics Association
3570 NE Ralph Powell Road
Lee's Summit, MO 64064
Phone: 816-347-8400
Fax: 816-347-8405
Rachel Hill, AEA director of advertising
Phone: 816-366-5109
The "AEA Wired" e-newsletter is published twice a month by the AEA.