November 2024

Enabling Pennsylvania communities to thrive through a successful forest products industry.

Hello Doty McDowell,

Welcome to Forest 411, our newsletter dedicated to keeping you informed about the Pennsylvania SFI Implementation Committee and promoting sustainable forestry in Pennsylvania. Stay tuned for more valuable insights and information!

Don't forget to get your training before it's too late!

Check out our fall training block now! Become a Qualified Logging Professional in Pennsylvania or earn continuing education credits to maintain your qualification. This is the perfect opportunity for you.

While training is geared towards professional loggers, courses are open to anyone with an interest in the subject matter. Landowners, foresters, and other resource professionals are all welcome to participate in any of our training.

Register for Training

Loggers - Get money back on training fees!!

Are you aware of an agricultural training reimbursement program from AgConnect? This can help offset the cost of training for eligible employers/trainees with a reimbursement of up to 50% of the course cost. Logger training courses offered through the Pennsylvania SIC qualifies for reimbursement under this program.

Read how to get 50% back!!!
Apply for Savings


PA SFI Implementation Committee supports PFA Clay shoot to benefit Log a Load for Kids.

On Friday October 4th, the Pa SIC sponsored and took part in the annual Pennsylvania Forestry Association's clay shoot. This shoot is an annual benefit for the Log a Load for Kids charity.

In 1988, a dedicated telethon volunteer with the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC), William (Bill) Boyce, Boyce Distributors and SC Yemassee loggers Larry Connelly and his wife Carol, and Telethon Coordinator for MUSC Hospital Lorraine “Rainey” Evans, played a key role in establishing the Log A Load For Kids® campaign through the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals Telethon.

The basic concept of Log A Load For Kids® is for loggers and wood-supplying businesses to donate the value of a load of logs, or any amount, to a nearby Children’s Miracle Network Hospital to be used in treating ill and injured children. In addition, special fundraising events are organized by Log A Load For Kids® volunteers to supplement donations to the hospitals.

The South Carolina Forestry Association took this concept and developed the first successful Log A Load For Kids® program to raise funds for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. Since that time the Log A Load For Kids program has spread to 39 states, and has raised more than $44 million for 75 member hospitals.

Both the Pennsylvania Forestry Association and the Pennsylvania Forest Products Association are state contacts for Log a Load for Kids in Pennsylvania. Over the past several years they have raised over $75,000.

PA SFI Implementation Committee partners with the Allegheny Hardwood Utilization Group and Pa's Bureau of Forestry to conduct a Walk in Penn's Woods.

On Sunday October 6, the SIC, AHUG and PA Bureau of Forestry partnered for a Walk In Penn's Woods along the Elk Trail within the Elk State Forest. This site is a prime example of the sustainable forestry practices championed by the DCNR Bureau of Forestry and implemented by the region's forest/wood products industry. DCNR's State Forests are proudly certified to the Sustainable Forestry Initiative’s forest management standards, and this hike provided excellent opportunities to showcase innovative projects that demonstrate how the Bureau manages this working forest while prioritizing sustainability. 

Fourteen people - ranging in age from 10 months to 77 years - attended this year's walk which highlighted the collaborative efforts among various state agencies, conservation organizations, and private companies within Pennsylvania's forest and wood products industry. These efforts included aspen cuts for bird habitat, herbicide application for combating invasives, shelterwood thining, overstory removals, prescribed fire to encourage diverse forest regeneration, pollinator fields for bees and butterflies and herbaceous openings for elk. All of these activities are practiced atop the Elk Trail and this hike helped deepen participants understanding of the crucial balance between forest conservation and a robust forest and wood products economy that benefits not only our local communities, but the entire Commonwealth. Much thanks to those who participated in our hike, and to the staff at the Elk State Forest for their assistance in providing AHUG and SFI with the information to lead the tour! 

The PA SIC is a founding partner of "Walk in Penn's Woods event and it provides statewide sponsorship each year.

PA SFI Implementation Committee attends the Keystone Wood Products Association's annual meeting

On October 8th, the PA SIC attended the KWPA annual meeting.

Pennsylvania's Secretary of Agriculture, Russell Redding, delivered an inspiring keynote at the event, showcasing the remarkable strides our state has made within the forest industry. His insights into the growth of the Pennsylvania Hardwoods Development Council and the hardwood utilization groups (HUGS) reflect a vibrant industry fueled by collaboration and innovation. Meanwhile, the Keystone Wood Products Association (KWPA) not only celebrated the achievements of the past year with a comprehensive presentation but also awarded the prestigious Lauchle Scholarship, underscoring the importance of educational opportunities in fostering sustainable practices. This event was a testament to the collective efforts of our partners, including the SFI Implementation Committee, and it sets a promising tone for the future of our forestry initiatives in Pennsylvania.

Upcoming Events

What Makes a Healthy Forest - PFA 138th Annual Symposium and Business Meeting

Join the Pennsylvania Forestry Association on Saturday November 16, 2024 at the Ramada Hotel & Conference Center (1450 S. Atherton St. State College, PA 16801) for the 138th Annual Symposium and Business meeting. This year's event will focus on "What Makes a Healthy Forest".

This event is open to all persons interested in the care and support of Penn's Woods.

Register here for the Symposium


Our monthly newsletter will showcase our SFI-Certified Organizations, and esteemed SIC Partners and Supporters who’s support of the SIC are making a positive impact on Pennsylvania’s forests. This month we are highlighting Pennsylvania's Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Bureau of Forestry

The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Bureau of Forestry’s mission is to ensure the long-term health, viability, and productivity of the Commonwealth’s forests and to conserve native wild plants.

The bureau accomplishes this mission by:

  • Managing state forests under sound ecosystem management, to retain their wild character and maintain biological diversity while providing pure water, opportunities for low-density recreation, habitats for forest plants and animals, sustained yields of quality timber, and environmentally sound utilization of mineral resources.
  • Protecting forestlands, public and private, from damage and/or destruction by fires, insects, diseases, and other agents.
  • Promoting forestry and the knowledge of forestry by advising and assisting other government agencies, communities, landowners, forest industry, and the general public in the wise stewardship and utilization of forest resources.
  • Protecting and managing native wild flora resources by determining status, classifying, and conserving native wild plants.

The state forest system comprises 2.2 million acres of forestland in 50 of Pennsylvania’s 67 counties for you to use and enjoy. It supports a multitude of resources, uses, and values, including:

  • Water and air purification
  • Recreational opportunities
  • Aesthetic beauty
  • Plant and animal habitat
  • Economic benefits through the provision of wood products
  • Environmentally sound utilization of mineral resources

Pennsylvania is divided into 20 forest districts. Each district is responsible for protecting all forest land within the district from:

  • Fire
  • Destructive insects
  • Disease

Field operations in each forest district are supervised by a district forester and conducted by staff. The district staff promotes wild plant conservation and private forest land conservation and stewardship.

Forest district staff also provide for the protection, administration, and management of state forest lands within the district.

PA DCNR Bureau of Forestry 2.2 million acres have been certified to the SFI Forest Management Standards for the past 5 years.

Visit Pennsylvania's Bureau of Forestry's Webpage

SFI-certified organizations are crucial to the success of the SFI program. These entities have pledged to uphold the SFI Standards and have received third-party certification from independent auditors confirming their compliance. SFI-certified organizations prioritize sustainable forest management and fiber sourcing practices, which include maintaining forest productivity and health, protecting water quality, preserving biological diversity, and safeguarding special sites. They also provide training and education for employees, contractors, and harvesting professionals, support research efforts, and promote sustainable forestry through landowner outreach and community involvement. In addition to implementing these practices on forestland they manage, SFI-certified organizations also advocate for sustainable forestry practices on other lands.

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