Welcome, EC Families!
We are so excited to begin school! This newsletter features all of the back-to-school information to help you get started! Each month we will send an update on the fun and learning occurring at EC. We also want to keep you informed of events at EC. Please let us know what questions you have and don't forget to check our Facebook page often for additional information and photos.
We cannot wait to partner with you all and enjoy the year together!
Mrs. Phillips, Director
Mrs. McMunn, Assistant Director
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Online Back to School Forms
Nearly all back to school forms will need to be completed online through the SISK12 Parent Portal by August 9. ALL students (preschool through 12th grade) must have a parent/guardian complete these required forms. Take note that specific forms must be completed for students to participate in various activities, including technology usage.
While EC families filled out some forms during the registration process in the spring, additional forms are required to start school. Please complete these by August 9 through the SISK12 Parent Portal.
As a reminder, the SISK12 Parent Portal is a tool that makes the back to school form process as easy and smooth as possible for our families. Families can also use it to monitor items like meal balances, grades, attendance, etc. We recommend using it throughout the school year!
Click here for the SISK12 Parent Portal. This can also be accessed through the district's free mobile app. As a reminder, to login use the email address you have provided to the district and enter the password you have created. If you’ve forgotten it, simply click on the “forgot password” button and follow the prompts. For other SISK12 Parent Portal troubleshooting tips, click here.
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Notes Regarding Back to School Forms
Student/Parent Handbook: The Student/Parent Handbook provides a summary of the practices, policies and procedures our district follows. Please review the document here. The handbook will remain on the website throughout the entire school year, and printed copies can be requested by contacting our building office. Digitally signing the online Policy and Procedure Acknowledgment form indicates approval of this document.
Free/Reduced Meal Application: The Free and Reduced Meal Application is available for families to fill out on the SISK12 Parent Portal along with other forms required during online registration. Take note, qualifications for this benefit may have changed and the application must be filled out to utilize this benefit during the 2023-2024 school year.
Keep in mind, the Free and Reduced Meal Application affects more than just meals. It provides funding for our schools, discounts for families, as well as scholarships and financial aid for students. In addition, families who qualify for free and reduced meals may also qualify for the following:
- Reduced ADPP fees, as well as discounted home internet services
- Discounts on ACT test fees, college application fees and some dual credit courses
- Discounted tuition for the Republic Early Childhood Center and STRIPES 360 programming
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Weekly Schedule and Friday Early Release
To allow for more calendar flexibility, and in response to a survey in early 2023, 10 minutes were added to the end of each school day for the 2023-2024 school year. For more information about this change, click here. This will only affect full-day and afternoon classes at EC.
For the upcoming school year, Monday through Thursday school hours will be the following:
- Full Day Pre-K: 8:30 a.m.-3:40 p.m.
- Half Day Morning Preschool: 8:30 a.m.-11:20 a.m.
- Half Day Afternoon Pre-K: 12:20-3:40 p.m.
EVERY Friday, Republic School District students will be released one hour early to provide teachers time to collaborate for student learning. At EC, this impacts full day and half day afternoon students. Half day morning and ECSE students are not affected. Click here for more information on Friday Early Release. On Friday Early Release days, start times will not change, but release times will be as follows:
- Full Day and Half Day Afternoon: 3:30 p.m.
STRIPES 360 offers after school care for families who only need care on Friday Early Release. Learn more about that program here.
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The First Day of School
Students can be walked into EC on the first day of school:
- Monday through Friday students: August 21
- Monday/Wednesday/Friday students: August 21
- Tuesday/Thursday students: August 22
- ESCE students: August 22
EC families wanting to participate should arrive at 8:50 a.m.
This will only occur on the first day of school for your child's class option.
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Traffic Flow Map
For pick-ups and drop-offs, vehicles will turn onto Park Drive from Hines Street and enter the Early Childhood Center’s parking lot from behind Price Elementary, then exit the way they came. Please see the map below.
Please do not begin lining up until 15 minutes before dismissal to help avoid traffic trouble. Dismissal times are listed below. Please have your carline sign visible in the window of your car. You’ll receive this at our open house event on August 15. If you cannot attend, we will ask that you come into the office to pick yours up anytime after August 15.
At drop-off, staff will unload your student each day. To ensure safety, do not let your student out of the vehicle before staff is ready to help. At pick-up, staff will bring students to families in the car line. Parents are required to load their students in vehicles and buckle them in.
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Here are a few things to keep in mind when dropping off or picking up students:
- We will only unload and load at the designated drop-off sections of the traffic route. We have six numbered sections. When it is your turn, please pull to the farthest numbered sign to drop off or pick up your student. When all six vehicles are unloaded or loaded, all six can exit the car line.
- Be aware of potential pedestrians along the traffic route. Be mindful of the park area.
- Please follow the arrows on the map. Deviating from the provided traffic route can be a potential safety hazard for pedestrians and can cause other drivers frustration.
- Do not park along the traffic route at any time.
- Be courteous of other drivers.
- From the time of dismissal, it will only take 15-20 minutes for every child to be picked up. Of course, the first few weeks it may take longer until the routine and traffic flow is in place.
Pick-up and drop-off times are listed below.
If your child will have a change in their daily plan, please contact the EC office at 417-735-3736 by 2:40 p.m. (1:40 p.m. on Friday) to notify the office of this change. If your child needs to be picked up early, they must be picked up by the following times:
- Morning classes: 11:00 a.m.
- Full Day and Half Day Afternoon: 3:00 p.m. (2:00 p.m. on Friday).
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Full Day and Half Day Afternoon:
Monday-Thursday mornings, the carline will begin at 8:10 a.m. with the school day beginning at 8:30 a.m. Students will be dismissed at 3:40 p.m. Vehicles can begin lining up for pick-up at 3:25 p.m.
On Early Release Fridays, students may still arrive beginning at 8:10 a.m. with the school day starting at 8:30 a.m. Dismissal will occur at 2:40 p.m. Vehicles can begin lining up for pick-up on Fridays at 2:25 p.m.
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Half Day Morning:
Monday-Friday mornings, the carline will begin at 8:10 a.m. with the school day beginning at 8:30 a.m. Students will be dismissed at 11:20 a.m. Vehicles can begin lining up for pick-up at 11:05 a.m.
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Class Lists
Class lists for all students will be posted on the front doors of EC on August 11 by 4:00 p.m. Your child's teacher can also be viewed through the SISK12 Parent Portal at that time.
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STRIPES 360 (Full Day Only)
STRIPES 360 is looking forward to another great school year serving our families through before and after school care programs. Students must be registered by August 11 to begin on the first day of school. Enrollments received after August 11 will not be able to begin until August 28.
Registration information can be found on the STRIPES 360 webpage.
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Food Services
The district Food Services Department offers daily breakfast and lunch options. At EC, this is only available for full day students. Meals may be prepaid by submitting cash/check to the school office in a sealed envelope with the student(s) name and amount enclosed on the outside of the envelope. In addition, through the SISK12 Parent Portal, families have the option to make online meal payments through a secure system, ConnexPoint. Like other online payment systems a processing fee is applicable. ConnexPoint charges a 3.99% processing fee for transactions. To make an online meal payment, simply log in to the SISK12 Parent Portal, select the Meal Service Balance icon and follow the prompts.
Meal prices for the 2023-2024 school year are listed below:
EC/Elementary Breakfast $1.25
EC/Elementary Lunch $2.60
Secondary Breakfast $1.40
Secondary Lunch $2.80
Reduced Breakfast FREE
Reduced Lunch $0.40
Adult/Visitor Breakfast $2.65
Adult/Visitor Lunch $4.80
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Transportation (ESCE Students Only)
Republic School District provides transportation for ECSE students to and from the Early Childhood Center. If you have a student enrolled in ECSE and are wanting to access transportation (bus) services this school year, we must have the documents below completed and turned in by August 9. Any documents received after this time, will not be able to start riding on August 23.
Bus Agreement
Parent Bus Information
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Community Back To School Eve | |
Please call the EC office with changes in contact information as soon as possible throughout the year. EC educators value communication with families and are always available for students and parents. The district and our building communicate through the following methods:
District Website
- Building Website
District Twitter: @republicschools
District Facebook: Republic School District
Building Facebook: Republic Early Childhood Center
Email: Director Alyssa Phillips - alyssa.phillips@republicschools.org, Assistant Director Shaina McMunn, shaina.mcmunn@republicschools.org, 417-735-3736
Peachjar E-Flyer Service: Weekly optional email with school related and approved e-flyers to keep families informed of district and community information.
Tiger Talk e-newsletter: Sent on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month during the school year. Parents who have provided an email account are automatically signed up. Others can sign up on our website.
- Mobile App
Voice calls and text messages at the building and district level (All numbers provided will receive these notifications, there is no longer a need to opt-in as in the past. However, opting out is still an option)
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Dates to Remember:
Visit republicschools.org for a full calendar
August 9: Online Registration Due
August 11: Class Lists Posted at 4:00 pm
August 15: EC Open House 5:30-7:00 p.m.
August 21: First Day of School (Full Day Classes, M/W/F Classes)
August 22: First Day of School (T/Th Classes, ESCE Classes)
September 4: Labor Day, District Closed
September 26: Grandparent's Night 5:00-6:30 p.m. (More details to come)
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