Crisis in Russia

Head of Wagner military group threatens to bring soldiers into Russia

The feud between the Russian military and Yevgeny Prigozhin, head of Russia's private Wagner military group, has escalated into an open confrontation.

Prigozhin accused Russia of attacking his soldiers and appeared to challenge one of Putin's main justifications for the war in Ukraine. In response, Russian generals accused him of trying to mount a coup against Putin.

Prigozhin claimed to have control of Russia's southern military headquarters in Rostov-on-Don. Video footage showed him entering the headquarters' courtyard, marking the biggest challenge to Putin's authority since the invasion of Ukraine. Putin vowed to take decisive actions and Russian security forces scrambled to regain control in the south.

Meanwhile, Prigozhin stepped up his criticisms of the Russian military in social media videos and claimed he would bring soldiers into Russia in retaliation. Troops believed to be Wagner forces surrounded the military headquarters in Rostov, and tanks drove down the streets of the city. Signs of active fighting were visible near the western Russian city of Voronezh as well.

Russia President Vladimir Putin called the insurrection a “knife in the back” and said that the country was facing “the toughest battle for its future,” as he addressed the nation in a brisk morning broadcast. Armored vehicles were deployed in the Russian capital. The Kremlin accused Prigozhin of mutiny and opened a criminal case against him, while generals pleaded with Wagner troops to remain loyal to the state. Putin vowed to punish “those who went on the path of treason,” and said the armed forces had been given the “necessary orders.” Prigozhin responded that all his 25,000 men were willing to die “for the Russian people.”

The key figures in this conflict include Prigozhin, a businessman with close ties to Putin, President Putin himself, and multiple Russian generals that Prigozhin accused of treason. Ukraine's President Zelensky claimed Russia's weakness is evident, though Ukraine remains mired in violence.

How the crisis plays out depends on the loyalty of Russia's security forces, particularly the Russian National Guard. The British military has described this as the most significant challenge to the Russian state in recent times.