Get to know your Vestry- Q&A with Anna Hiers
During Mother Nikki's sabbatical, the Friday newsletters will feature one Vestry member each week. Please thank them for their service to the congregation, and let them know if you are able to assist with their committee's work!
Q: Name?
A: Anna Hiers, 3rd year on Vestry
Q: What's your committee assignment?
A: Stewardship! As liaison to the Stewardship Committee, I get to connect with the wonderful folks who help us reflect on the importance of our beloved community at Saint Gregory the Great, and ask each of us to plan, in mindful and heartfelt contemplation, what we are able to contribute of our time, our treasure, and our talents to support our church in the year to come. Alice Mohor is chair of our stewardship committee, and she is seeking Gregorians interested in sharing thoughts on stewardship with our congregation, and/or to help with writing thank you notes or envelope stuffing this fall. Working together is a great way to make friends and feel more a part of our church family. If you would like to help with the Stewardship Campaign please contact Alice,
Q: What's the best part about serving on Vestry?
A: I enjoy getting to know and work with wise and wonderful Christians who cherish our beloved faith community. We are a diverse group, with each member having unique talents and perspectives, but collectively, we are a loving community doing our best to be of service to the congregants of Saint Gregory the Great Episcopal Church.
Q: What's has been the biggest challenge on Vestry?
A: Making announcements--I am a bit of an introvert, so I initially found it challenging to stand up in front of the church and make announcements, but after two and a half years, I am finally getting comfortable with it!
Q: What would you tell a person considering serving on the Vestry?
A: I encourage you to serve on the Vestry You will learn so much about the life of our church, become more aware of the many ways our congregants serve in our church and the local community, and you will spend a few seasons listening, learning, praying, and reflecting with fellow Gregorians, and engaging in collective decision making.
Q: What are your hobbies?
A: I enjoy reading, nature, music, and art. I also enjoy teaching yoga, and I offer a free community yoga class in our Parish Hall during fall and spring semesters. Yoga will start back in August. Look for the announcement in our weekly newsletter. All are welcome.