Straight to the Point

May 2, 2023

Attention Choir Members!

Choir will be meeting at 9:30am every Sunday in May. We will perform Sunday May 14th and Sunday May 28th. After May we will take our usual summer break and resume in mid-September.

Celebrate World Labyrinth Day!

Join others around the world in a walking meditation for peace.

Saturday, May 6th, 1:00 p.m.

St. Thomas Episcopal Church

1200 Douglas St.

Missions Committee

The Missions Committee monthly meeting will be held on Sunday, May 7, at 9:30.

From the Bridge Pastor

The Fifth Sunday of Easter. “Show us the Father.”

Jesus said to [Thomas], “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” Philip said to [Jesus], “Lord, show us the Father, and we will be satisfied.” Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you all this time, Philip, and you still do not know me? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on my own; but the Father who dwells in me does his works. Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; but if you do not, then believe me because of the works themselves. Very truly, I tell you, the one who believes in me will also do the works that I do and, in fact, will do greater works than these, because I am going to the Father. I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If in my name you ask me for anything, I will do it.”

How do we see God? In people who look like us? In people whose skin is a different tone from ours? In people whose sexual self-identification is different from ours?  Can we show God to others? Of course! We care for the weak and vulnerable; we donate our time, talents, and money to help those in need; we visit the sick and dying to remind them that they are not forgotten by their church family; and in so many other ways. First Congregational United Church of Christ in Sioux City very definitely shows God to others as we eagerly share time, money, and other resources. Thank you!

Fundraiser at Buffalo Alice.

Mark your calendars for Sunday, May 7, 2023, from 4:30-7:00 PM. The next fundraiser at Buffalo Alice will be for the Siouxland Soup Kitchen. Donations of canned fruits and vegetables and other non-perishable items will be collected at the door. $15 for adults, $1/age of the child, ages 2 and under are free. Silent and live auction items will be available for purchase. 100% of tips go to the Soup Kitchen.

Please invite family and friends to enjoy this event with you. If you are not able to attend but wish to contribute, you may send your money with me and I will put it in with the tips. Thank you.

The Siouxland Soup Kitchen. 

The Siouxland Soup Kitchen was founded in 1987 with a simple mission: To provide a free hot meal to anyone in need. Serving between 100-150 meals per night, they remain committed to this mission. Through the generosity of community donors and volunteers, The Siouxland Soup Kitchen serves diners from 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM Monday through Friday, Noon to 1 PM on Saturday, and 3-4 PM on Sunday. Regardless of what brings people through the doors, all are welcome.

Donations are accepted from Noon to 4 PM Monday through Friday at the back door of the Soup Kitchen where there is a doorbell for your convenience. Volunteers are always welcome, but they ask to be contacted to schedule a day and time.

Do you have questions or concerns about how things are going at First Congregational UCC?

Included in my duties as your Bridge Pastor is listening to those questions and concerns and doing what I can to answer the questions and/or to facilitate a resolution to the concerns.

If you are not able to visit me during my regular office hours, please call my cell phone and we can arrange a time and location that works best for you. Thank you. (712) 490-6510.

Help support the Calico Kids Preschool.

Our sister congregation, Mayflower Congregational Church, is hosting a fundraiser for their preschool. Please help them out. 1407 W. 18th Street, Sioux City.

If you are someone you know would benefit from a pastoral visit, please call the office, and let Michael or me know.

In Christ,

Pastor Del

Mission of the Month: Food Bank of Siouxland

  Mission of the month for May will be the Food Bank of Siouxland. Needs in the community increase constantly. If you wish to contribute to the Food Bank, please issue a check payable to the Church and put Food Bank in the memo line.

Fellowship Hosts

Please check the list of open dates for fellowship hosts to see if there is a Sunday that would work for you.

Rummage Sale

The rummage sale has been set for October 13 and 14. We will start the Wednesday work nights on August 23. Please mark your calendar.

We have room to store items you may have for the October rummage sale. Items may be brought church and will be stored in the northernmost room across from the former Perry Creek Pre-School room (now housing Support Siouxland Soldiers) on the second floor.

Moving-On Box Ministry

In supporting the 'gift' of moving on, we fill lives with hope and household essentials for those leaving transitional housing at Safe Place.

Current MOB Needs:

Small plastic glasses

Dish rags and towels

Dish soap

Laundry soap

All-purpose cleaners

Plastic wrap

Toilet cleaner and brush

Toilet paper

Kleenex/tissue paper

Dish set
Children's cups

Trash Bins

Dish set

Plastic totes

If you have any prayer requests, please notify the office!

Thank You, Volunteers!

A big "thank you" goes out to our volunteers who helped with services this week.

Fill-in Minister- Todd Siefker

Worship Leaders- Greg Gregerson

Live Stream- Pam Ridgway/Jerrod Kiernan

Sound/Lighting- John Kiernan

 Screen- Jerrod Kiernan

Managed by the Office
We are using Instant Church Directory. Printed versions of our directory are available in the narthex or by request. Please inform the office of any directory updates that you would like to include for yourself or your family. You can also pick up one of the directory update forms on the table outside the church office or find it on our website.

To access the directory online visit and you should be able to create a login using the email listed in the church directory. If you need any help accessing the directory or would like a copy emailed to you, contact the church office for assistance.
Join Us

We invite you to engage and strengthen your faith with these practices:

THE PRACTICE OF WORSHIP: Live Streamed on Facebook and Youtube, and recorded
We Live Stream our Sunday morning worship service via the church’s page on Facebook and Youtube at 10:30am on Sunday mornings. Every service is recorded and available to play at any time on those platforms. If you have trouble, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the church for help. 
THE PRACTICE OF LEARNING: Zoom learning sessions each week 9:30 a.m. each Sunday.
Engage your mind in learning through theological reflection, asking hard questions about God and life, and test your embedded theology to see if that where you want to be.
A Closing note about ZOOM:
If you don’t have the ability or the equipment to use Zoom or Facebook to participate in these practices, please call the office. We will be happy to help you find a solution to fully participate in the life of the church.

Link to our Youtube where you can watch our services live and recordings of past services:
Click HERE

FCUCC Finances for April 2023

Updates from Church Treasurer

Giving last month amounted to $8,779 from mail-in, online giving, and Sunday offerings.

You can help us stay on track by mailing in your check or setting up an automatic payment from your bank. You can also contribute through a simple app called  is our online, app and web-based giving system. It's convenient because it:

  • Accepts debit, credit or bank account info
  • Can be set up for a one-time payment, or automatic regular payments
  • Can be changed at any time (there are no contracts or commitments)

Go to to sign up online, or download the app on any iPhone/Apple or Android device.

Remember to Support FCUCC Financially During this Time!

Church Office Hours

Sunday 11:30am-3:30pm
Monday-Thursday 9am-1pm

Pastor Del's Office Hours

Monday 8:30am-12pm, 1pm-4:30pm
Tuesday 1pm-4:30pm
Wednesday 1pm-4:30pm
Thursday  8:30am-12pm, 1pm-4:30pm

During posted hours, Pastor Del might be called to visit someone in the hospital or who is homebound. It will be a good idea to call ahead to ensure that he is available for an in-person visit.

Church Staff:

Rev. Del Olivier

Michael Danner, Church Office/Organist

Todd Siefker, Intergenerational Coordinator

Jim McCrory, Custodian

Jessica Orr, Nursery Coordinator
Church Contact Information

(712) 239-3385

Pastor Contact Information


Pastor Del is also available for emergencies in addition to office hours. Please call his cell phone at (712) 490-6510.

4600 Hamilton Boulevard
Sioux City, IA 51104
(712) 239-3385
Email Us
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