a microbiology newsletter -january 2024

A newsletter of, by, and for microbiologists. Copyright 2024, all rights reserved

In this issue...

  • Are face masks effective?
  • The Hepatitis C success story
  • New Drug Susceptibility table
  • Hardy's new GSA government contract
  • New antibiotic disks for two new drugs
  • New regulations for USP <797> for pharmacists
  • Upcoming trade shows and conferences
  • Phraseology: "UNCLE SAM"
  • Abigail Salyers - Trailblazer in microbiology
  • Free lab tutorial videos on YouTube from Hardy
  • Compact Dry - For rapid plate counts
  • Wisdom from Leonardo da Vinci
  • Brain Teasers: Your cranial stimulant
Past Issues...

Happy New Year to all our friends in the laboratory.

May 2024 be the best ever for you and your families!

Studies are conflicting,

hence the controversy remains...

To Mask

or Not to Mask?

The Debate Continues...

Do masks work?

There is not an easy answer to that question. Having endured the Covid pandemic, all of us have worn masks either willingly or unwillingly. After three years, the efficacy of mask wearing is still in question and is oftentimes hotly debated. In this article, we will present studies on both sides of the controversy, so our readers can make up their own minds as to how beneficial face masks are in preventing the spread of respiratory disease.


A randomized controlled trial with 6,000 participants from Denmark was published in Annals of Internal Medicine in November 2020. Infection with SARS-CoV-2 occurred in 42 participants with recommended masks (1.8%) and 53 control participants (2.1%). The authors stated, “Although the difference observed was not statistically significant, the 95% CIs (confidence interval) are compatible with a 46% reduction to a 23% increase in infection. This shows a modest reduction in risk of coronavirus infection among individuals who received free surgical masks and were told to wear them outside the home, but this result was not statistically significant.(3)

A cluster randomized controlled trial of 342,183 participants published in the journal Science in December 2021 found that handing out free masks and promoting their use in communities in rural Bangladesh led to a 29 percentage point increase in mask wearing and reduced the risk of COVID-19-like illness by about 9%. They found very little difference in results with surgical versus cloth masks.(4)


The non-profit prestigious Cochrane group from the UK, performed a meta-analysis of 78 studies from around the world; six of them were performed during the pandemic.(1) The researchers concluded “Wearing masks in the community probably makes little or no difference to the outcome of laboratory-confirmed influenza/SARS-CoV-2 compared to not wearing masks.” Regarding the types of masks used, they concluded, “There were no clear differences between the use of medical/surgical masks compared with N95/P2 respirators in healthcare workers when used in routine care to reduce respiratory viral infection.” However, the authors cautioned, “The high risk of bias in the trials, variation in outcome measurement, and relatively low adherence with the interventions during the studies hampers drawing firm conclusions.”(1)

Another study from Norway carried out a randomized study from 3,209 participants.(2) The researchers concluded, “We found that the incidence of self-reported COVID-19 was 33% higher in those wearing face masks often or sometimes, and 40% higher in those wearing face masks almost always or always, compared to participants who reported wearing face masks never or almost never.” Due to these surprising results, the authors said, “We believe the observed increase in the incidence of infection associated with wearing a face mask is likely due to unobservable and hence nonadjustable differences between those wearing and not wearing a mask.(2)


To add to the confusion, Dr. Anthony Fauci said on February 5, 2020, "Masks are really for infected people to prevent them from spreading infection to people who are not infected rather than protecting uninfected people from acquiring infection. The typical mask you buy in the drug store is not really effective in keeping out virus, which is small enough to pass through material." Then on March 8 he said "There's no reason to be walking around with a mask." He later reversed his stance on mask wearing saying that the earlier statements were made because he was worried about health care workers not having enough protective equipment.(5)

So what do our MicroBytes readers think? Are masks effective? We would appreciate hearing your comments and opinions about this controversial topic. In our February edition, we will post some of your comments (without names). Send your thoughts HERE.

References: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

What is Hardy Diagnostics all about?

Watch a two minute video about how your media is made... View here...

Read a short article in Company Week that explains what makes Hardy Diagnostics different... Find out...

Attn: Government Labs

You'll be glad to know that Hardy Diagnostics has a GSA contract. You are now pre-approved to purchase over 1,500 of our products online. Simply click on this link.

Our contract no. is: 47QSWA22D0077

For further information call: 800-266-2222

For help from our friendly reps: Click Here

Did you know that Hardy Diagnostics was the first to introduce Chromogenic Media to America in 1996?

Chromogenic media allows the microbiologist to make identifications based on colony color. The principle involves a carbohydrate molecule in the media that is bound to a colorless chromogen. When a specific bacterial enzyme cleaves the bond, the chromogen turns color, thus creating color throughout the bacterial colony.

Want to see the complete list? Just type "HardyCHROM" in the search bar here.

Want to learn more? See this short video. Interested in trying out any of our HardyCHROM plates? Contact your account rep here for free evaluation samples.

HardyCHROM Plates...
Make Micro Easy!

chromo plate
HC MRSA 48 hours

New Drug Susceptibility Table

The Infectious Disease Special Edition has released an Antimicrobial Efficacy table that will be of great value to laboratorians and clinicians.

In this updated table, you can select the microorganism in question and find out which drugs would be most effective as treatments.

The drugs are classified into four groups:

  • First Line Agents
  • Alternative Agents
  • Limited efficacy, low level of activity
  • Not effective or insufficient data

You can access this useful table HERE.

Having Supply

Chain Issues?

Maybe Hardy can help!

Many products have been discontinued by other media companies. Be assured that Hardy manufactures 2,700 products for microbiology and is standing by to assist you in any way possible.

You can search by a competitor's product number here..

Upcoming Conferences

Look for us in the Exhibit Hall!

Thomas Scientific - Atlanta

January 8 and 9

Avantor American NSM - Orlando

Coronado Springs, January 16 & 17

Thermo Fisher NSM - Red Rock Resort, Las Vegas - January 30 to February 1


"Uncle Sam"

The origin of the term Uncle Sam, though disputed, is usually associated with a businessman from Troy, New York (pictured at bottom left).

Samuel Wilson was involved in the Revolutionary War by tending a herd of cattle used to feed the troops. Then later, during the War of 1812 with Britain, he and his brother won a contract to supply 5,000 barrels of beef and pork to feed the soldiers fighting the British. The barrels of beef that he supplied the army with during the War were stamped “U.S.” to indicate government property. That identification is said to have led to the widespread use of the nickname "Uncle Sam" for the United States.

Over time, any army property marked "U.S." also became linked with Wilson's name, and "Uncle Sam" became a figure of speech to describe the United States. A resolution passed by Congress in 1961 recognized "Uncle Sam" Wilson as the namesake of the national symbol.

* * *

Becoming free of hepatitis C

Hep C: An Anti-Viral Success Story

Hepatitis C is the primary cause of liver caer and the need for liver transplants among patients infected with the virus.

Infection is often the result of coming into contact with contaminated blood, usually through injected drug use, but also from sexual intercourse, babies born to infected mothers, sharing of contaminated instruments (toothbrushes, razors, nail clippers, glucose monitors, etc), and unregulated tattoos and body piercings.(8) There is no vaccine for hepatitis C, as there is for A and B.

Cases of hepatitis C begin as an acute infection within the first six months of exposure, and for many people, this stage has no symptoms. As the disease progresses, possible symptoms that could occur within weeks or months after exposure include fever, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, dark urine, clay colored bowel movements, joint pain, and yellow skin or eyes. Most cases (approximately 75%) develop into a chronic infection, which in turn, result in large amounts of cirrhosis if left untreated. Without treatment, liver failure and death may occur.(4,5) The CDC estimates that over 2.4 million persons are living with hepatitis C in the US.

Interferon injection treatments, in use from the 1980s until 2015, have not been effective in reducing the viral burden from the body. Patients with this therapy were often subject to long-term treatments with significant side effects.(7) Although there have been incremental improvements over the years, treatments have largely become more effective for patients since 2015. Since then, therapies have changed to the use of protease inhibitors that interfere with viral replication with the liver cells.(7) Protease inhibitor treatments are available in oral pill formats that can be taken over eight to twelve weeks.(2,4,7)

Different treatments target specific hepatitis C genotypes, and may not be utilized if the patient has cirrhosis or other medical conditions. Consequently, it is important to know which genotype of hepatitis C a patient has and the health and condition of their liver.(5) Genotype 1 is the most common type of hepatitis C and, thankfully, most of the new treatments cover this type.(2)

Zepatier, Mavyret, Harvoni, Viekira Pak, and Epclusa are some of the brand names of treatments available in pill format.(2,3,4) Each treatment regimen varies from taking one to three pills per day. The drug Mavyret, FDA approved in 2017, targets all genotypes of hepatitis C. This is a welcome option for patients who may have a less common genotype. However, for Mavyret to be effective there needs to be mild to no evidence of cirrhosis present.(4) Another benefit to the Mavyret treatment is the eight week treatment duration.

In 2016, Epclusa was the first FDA-approved treatment for all types of hepatitis C in pill format, with a low number of side effects and a high cure rate. In 2020, FDA approved Epclusa to treat hepatitis C in children ages six years and older; another breakthrough in earlier treatment options for younger patients diagnosed with hepatitis C.(4,7) This medicine offers a twelve week regimen with a low number of side effects and a high cure rate.

The availability and effectiveness of today’s treatments offers significant hope to those diagnosed with hepatitis C. However, “the cure” does not mean living completely virus free. Efficacy is defined as blood concentrations below detectable levels three months post-treatment.(3) A 2015 study showed patients who achieve this milestone have a lower risk of liver-related deaths.(4) While patients may never be 100% free of hepatitis C, the reduced viral burden allows patients to live longer and healthier lives.

References: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

By Anna Klavins


Hardy announces two new Kirby Bauer disks

New Antimicrobials


New Therapies for Difficult-to-Treat Pathogens:


and Rezafungin

Healthcare professionals face a constant challenge with ever-evolving bacterial and fungal infections. Multidrug-resistant pathogens threaten the efficacy of existing treatments and highlight the need for new antimicrobial therapies. These microorganisms are typically resistant to the majority of antimicrobial agents, including carbapenems, making them difficult to treat. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has identified carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii (CRAB) as an urgent public health threat.

Sulbactam-Durlobactam (Xacduro) was FDA approved in May to treat hospital-acquired bacterial pneumonia (HABP) and ventilator-associated bacterial pneumonia (VABP) caused by Acinetobacter baumannii-calcoaceticus complex. HardyDisk™ AST Sulbactam-Durlobactam was subsequently FDA cleared 44 days later. The intravenous drug developed by Entasis Therapeutics Inc., provides a promising solution to treatment of CRAB.

Rezafungin (Rezzayo) is a new antifungal agent that gained FDA approval in March. HardyDisk™ AST Rezafungin was subsequently FDA cleared 71 days later. Cidara Therapeutics developed this echinocandin antifungal agent to combat invasive fungal infections. This marks the first new treatment option approved for individuals with candidemia and invasive candidiasis in over 10 years.

Drug-resistant fungal infections are becoming more common, especially in patients with weakened immune systems. Serious fungal infections are often life-threatening with a mortality rate of up to 60%. Candida is part of the normal human microflora and invasive infections can occur if the organism is introduced into the bloodstream via catheter insertions, injections, endocarditis, or peritonitis. Candidemia and invasive candidiasis are often treated with antifungal agents such as fluconazole, caspofungin, and amphotericin B. However, the emergence of antimicrobial resistance in Candida species has complicated treatment strategies.

The introduction of Sulbactam-Durlobactam and Rezafungin expands the armamentarium of healthcare professionals. These new therapies provide hope for improved patient outcomes when drug-resistant microorganisms are encountered.

HardyDisk™ AST Sulbactam-durlobactam and HardyDisk™ AST Rezafungin will allow clinicians to make informed treatment decisions, ultimately improving patient care, and contributing to the global fight against antimicrobial resistance. Click here to see Hardy's complete selection of products for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing.

By Anna Klavins and Lauren Hamilton

Sulbactam-Durlobactam (Xanduro)

   Catalog# Z9461 - Single Pack

   Catalog# Z9465 - 5 Pack

Rezafungin (Rezzayo)

   Catalog# Z9471 - Single Pack

We may be a 43 year-old company, but we continually strive to keep pace with the many changes that most businesses face. This is why we have upgraded from old website and created an innovative and modern online shopping experience. Spend less time looking for the products you need, and more time doing the lab work that really matters.

View our short Website Tutorial!


Are you involved with a compounding pharmacy? If so, you will want to see our summary of the changes that are happening with USP <797>.

Click here to see the new revisions!


CVM Transport

Free Tutorial Videos

As a free service to all microbiologists, Hardy has produced a series of instructional videos to help you train new technologists.

Here is our clickable list...




Unsung Heroes

Who was one of the main pioneers in discovering genes of antibiotic resistance and campaigned tirelessly for good antibiotic stewardship?

Find out HERE...

Mini Catalogs


Chose the Mini Catalog from Hardy that suits your interest...

Covid/Flu/Strep Supplies and Test Kits

Strep A - Worst Season Ever?

We began to see an increase in the number of strep throat cases in beginning in late spring of this year, not only in pediatric patients, but in adults as well. Now, in the winter, cases of Group A Streptococcus (GAS) continue to rise.

During one newscast out of the Midwest, some physicians say this has been the worst year for strep throat that they can remember. Watch a short video about the rise of Strep here.


To help aid our health care partners, Hardy Diagnostics offers a number of products to help detect and diagnose GAS including but not limited to our easy-to-read chromogenic media HardyCHROM™ Group A Strep, Selective Beta Strep Agar for Group A Strep, Selective Strep Agar (COBA medium) for groups A, B, C, and G, and now two CLIA waived point-of-care rapid lateral flow tests the Status™ Strep A Strip Kit and the Status™ Strep A Flip Kit.


Please view all our offerings for clinical products here:

AloeSafe, a better way

Hardy's hand sanitizing gel guards against drying of your skin with Vitamin E, soothes with Aloe Vera, and has a pleasant scent with lavender oil. No harmful ingredients (such as parabens and propylene glycol) as with the cheap drug store variety! Don't your hands deserve the very best?
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DisCide Wipes

With Hardy's DisCide Ultra you get 160 towelettes that are soaked with two powerful killing agents, isopropyl alcohol and quaternary ammonium. Effective against bacteria and viruses.


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Viral Transport Medium
Hardy's viral specimen transport is ideal for COVID-19 antigen testing. The shelf life has been increased to 365 days at room temperature. Swabs are sold separately.
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Airborne Virus Testing

Now it's possible to detect viruses from the air! This device will also collect air samples to detect bacteria, fungi, and yeast.

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Double your

killing power

Cavicide spray utilizes the power of both quaternary ammonium compounds and 17% alcohol. Bacteria, fungi, and viruses don't stand a chance!

Click here...

Comfy Lab Coats

For added protection on the job, Hardy offers disposable lab coats, featuring three pockets, and comfortable knit cuffs and collars.

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flocked swab
Specimen Collection Swabs
Hardy offers swabs in the flocked, foam, and spun polyester formats.
Choose from nasopharyngeal, oropharyngeal, standard, or urethral.

Available for immediate shipping!
More About Flocked NP Swabs...
More About Polyester OP Swabs...



Did you know that Forest Gump's email is "1forest1"?

If money doesn’t grow on trees, then why do banks have branches?


My wife said the kids refused to eat left over tacos. My wife said to throw them out. Now I have no idea of what to do with the tacos.


The inventor of the wind chill factor died recently. He was 82, but felt like he was 64.


I got home and found that my kids were on eBay yesterday. If they’re still there tomorrow, I’ll lower the price.


I got fired from the bank today. A lady asked me to check her balance, so I pushed her.


My wife was angry with me last night. I accidentally overcooked the rib-eye, and I told her that we all make mis-steaks.

Clinical Microbiology

Chromogenic SS plate that inhibits Proteus!

The HardyCHROM SS No Pro will select for Salmonella and Shigella while it inhibits interfering false positives from Proteus. Request free samples to try it out!

Click here

Petri plate sealing tape/shrink seals

Hardy offers two different ways of sealing your Petri plates. Ideal for TB and mycology cultures.

Petri Seal
PYR Test
Rapid Test Methods

Check out our mini catalog on rapid test kits that includes reagents and test cards. You'll see many "hard to find" products that will save you time and money!

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Loops of all kinds!

When it comes to loops, Hardy has it all. Nichrome, platinum, disposable, calibrated, needles, or spreaders. See our mini-catalog below or click here to learn about the convenient Loop Caddy.
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MBL organisms
QC Organisms

Hundreds of species are available from Hardy Diagnostics, your Microbiologics distributor. Available in the pellet or stick format. Quantitative or qualitative.
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Carba 5 for CRE Detection

With Carba 5 you can test for the 5 major enzymes of carbapenem resistance. Tests for gene expression not just gene presence. Read out in only 15 minutes. No equipment needed! See the video!
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The Derm-Duet

Here's an easy way to screen for dermatophytes and other fungal skin infections. DTM is on one side and Rapid Sporulation media on the other.

Individually wrapped or in a sleeve of 10 plates.

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Fast Strep Grouping

Strep season is in full swing! Hardy's StrepPRO will rapidly identify your streps into the proper Lancefield grouping. Takes only minutes! Kit includes Strep A, B, C, D, F, and G.

Short video...
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Pre-reduced anaerobic culture media, ready-to-use for your set-ups. Pouches are gassed out with nitrogen for superior growth. Click here for a short video. See our complete anaerobic catalog below...

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Dehydrated Media

Hardy manufactures a complete line of powdered media. It is conveniently packaged in five different configurations ready for export. Click here to watch a short video explaining the advantages of CRITERION.
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Seeing is Believing?

Believe it or not, these stars are exactly the same.

"Believe nothing you hear and only one half that you see"

Edgar Allen Poe

Pharmaceutical Microbiology

DuraRack for all

Petri Plates

Hardy now offers an indestructible rack for 100mm standard and 60mm contact plates. Click here to find out why this will be the last rack you will ever have to buy!

Click here...

Microorganisms for Growth Promotion Studies

Hardy offers a complete line of lyophilized QC organisms from Microbiologics, including EZ-Accu Shot, ready-to-use quantitative preparations.

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HardyVAL for all your USP <797> compliance needs

Hardy offers everything you need for proficiency testing to comply with USP regulations, including hazardous chemotherapeutics <800>.

Learn more about USP 797
Learn more about USP 800
MRSA Contact Plate

Surface Sampling

Hardy offers a complete line of products for Environmental and Surface Monitoring. Contact plates and more. Watch a brief video on what Hardy has to offer...

View the video...
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The next generation of

Impact Air Samplers are here!

Find out why Trio.Bas is the superior choice for your clean room monitoring


Food Microbiology

Due to increasing demand for our CompactDry™ line of culture media plates, Hardy Diagnostics is pleased to announce that we are able to offer lower pricing on all CompactDry™ plates. CompactDry™ is the easiest ready-to-use solution for plate counts, pathogen identification, and more.


Need results in less time? Check out our latest CompactDry™ Total Count Rapid (TCR) plate for total aerobic counts in 24 hours (AOAC Certificate No. 082201). For rapid Yeast and Mold, we proudly offer CompactDry™ Yeast Mold Rapid (YMR) (AOAC Certificate No. 092002).


Experiencing backorders with your current media?  Running out of refrigerated storage? CompactDry™ plates are in stock and do not require refrigeration. You can depend on Hardy Diagnostics for your critical culture media needs.


There has never been a better time to try the best dehydrated plates available. Contact your sales representative today for samples and more information on our competitive pricing of CompactDry™ products.


Dilu-Lok Dilution Blanks

Hardy offer a complete line of ready-to-use dilution blanks in a variety of formulas including Butterfield Buffer, to make diluting procedures easy.

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Simple Listeria Detection

Hardy's PathFinder Listeria not only turns black in the presence of Listeria, it will fluoresce green under a UV lamp for reliable and accurate identification that eliminates false positives! See our complete Food Catalog.

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Hardy is your exclusive distributor of the AutoBio MALDI mass spectrometer. Identify most bacteria and fungi within minutes! Low cost per test.

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The Best Dehydrated Culture Media

Hardy manufactures a complete line of powdered media for the food industry. Packaged in convenient sizes from a 2L mylar bag to 10K buckets.

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Wisdom to Ponder...

Leonardo da Vinci

1452 ~ 1519

Italian renaissance painter, engineer, scientist, theorist, sculptor, and architect. Regarded as one of the greatest painters of all time for such works as The Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, and Salvator Mundi (pictured below) which sold for a record breaking $450M in 2017.

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication."

"I am not poor. Poor are those who desire many things."

"If you are alone you belong entirely to yourself."

"Experience is a truer guide than the words of others."


"Make your work to be in keeping with your purpose."

"Fix your course on a star and you'll navigate any storm."

"The greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinions."

"There are three classes of people: those who see, those who see when they are shown, those who do not see."


"Learning is the only thing the mind never exhausts, never fears, and never regrets."


"It's not enough that you believe what you see. You must also understand what you see."


"Be a mirror, absorb everything around you and still remain the same."

"Not to punish evil is equivalent to authorizing it."


"Your brain is much better than you think; just use it!"


"Beauty perishes in life, but is immortal in art."


"The average human looks without seeing, listens without hearing, touches without feeling, eats without tasting, moves without physical awareness, inhales without awareness of odour or fragrance, and talks without thinking."

 * * * * * * *

Self Portrait of

Leonardo from 1512.

Where does our

Blood Agar  come from?

Did you know that Hardy Diagnostics utilizes a herd of about 1,000 donor sheep in order to make their blood plates? These sheep live long and happy lives.

The veterinary supervised program keeps them healthy and antibiotic-free. They are humanely bled once per month to supply Hardy with the best blood possible that is used in your Petri plates.

"It worked just fine on our the lab rats...Now we're going to test it on the attorneys"

"Adam and Eve were the first ones to ignore the Apple terms and conditions."

Public Health poster from the 1930s



Get your free cranial workout here...

Click here.

Below is the Hardy Diagnostics' manufacturing facility in Springboro, Ohio. Click on the photo for a two minute video on how we make media!

During our 44 years of serving the microbiology community, we have continually aimed to provide the utmost in "a culture of service" for our valued customers. As a 100% employee owned company, we have even more incentive to please our customers as best we possibly can every day. Do you have a suggestion, comment, or question? Please contact me here.

Jay Hardy, CLS, SM (NRCM)

CEO and Founder of Hardy Diagnostics

Editor of MicroBytes

Contact us:


1430 West McCoy Lane

Santa Maria, CA 93455

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