About Izabela

Izabela's March Egypt Adventure

Hello WHL,

I had an incredible opportunity to go on this adventure and mediation retreat, taking me to the heart, spirit and culture of ancient Egypt.

We taveled from south to north on the Nile river, fully immersed in the healing energies of the ancient Egyptian Temples for the purpose of full integration of the body-mind and spirit. I was able to see Egypt through the eyes of mythology, history, academic and modern application of ancient spirituality. We were taking part in transformative vibrational coursework, movement, and yoga. It was a deep study of higher consciousness, self, healing and life purpose.

Let me take you on a recap of my journey through my pictures so you can feel, sense and see the glorious and ancient places that are taking us back to the cradle of our civilization. Here we go!

The amazing site of Abu Simbel. The colossal Temple of Ramses 2 cut into the rock/mountain. The Temple that Ramses dedicated to his wife, Nefertari.

I am getting ready for the sunset sail by feluccas (traditional Egyptian sailboats, that have plied the mighty Nile since the ancient times) to the Elephantine Island, the home of the creator gods, Khnum.

After we started our 5 days cruise on the Nile, we had a private evening visitation to the Temple of Kom Ombo dedicated to two gods - Sobek and Horus

Our two wonderful, expert Egyptologists who were traveling with us the whole 13 days. They were the source of amazing knowledge and made our trip super exciting and educational. We are here at the Temple of Edfu!

Horse buggies roll us thought the ancient city of Edfu to the Temple of Horus and his consort Hathor. This Temple is dedicated to the reunion of gods and goddesses.

Amazing Dr. Sue Morter who is the owner and director of the Morter Institute who made this exploratory trip available to us.

The Colossi of Memnon are two massive stone statues of Pharaoh Amenhotep III dating back to 1350 BC and stand over 65 feet tall.

We are exploring the Valley of the Kings with the tombs of the New Kingdom Pharaohs, the Valley of the Queens and the Valley of the Nobles.

By special permission from the Egyptian Antiquities Organization, we visited several tombs that are not open to the public.

Visiting the great mortuary temples of Hatshepsut.

The depiction of the goddess Isis ( the one with the wings) on the wall behind me.

Isis was the Egyptian goddess of love, healing, fertility, magic and the moon. Isis over time was the most worshipped goddess in all Egyptian culture. Such was her influence, the Egyptian goddess Isis continued to be worshipped during the Greek rule of ancient Egypt.

The Eye of Horus is a concept and symbol in ancient Egyptian religion that represents well-being, healing, and protection.

We sailed to Luxor and had another evening visitation in the Luxor Temple, dedicated to God Amen and Goddess Mut.

Luxor is a city on the east bank of the Nile River in southern Egypt. It's on the site of ancient Thebes, the pharaohs’ capital at the height of their power, during the 16th–11th centuries B.C. Today's city surrounds 2 huge, surviving ancient monuments: graceful Luxor Temple and Karnak Temple, a mile north from the Luxor city

We had a midnight, private visitation of the Temple of Luxor with a deep meditation lead by our Dr. Sue Morter!

Good Morning Luxor from the cruise boat The Nile. We are traveling North! Nile is the only river in the world that flows from south to north.

Egypt map just to give you the idea of the whole country of Egypt.

Exploring the elaborate complex of ancient architecture of the Temple of Karnak.

6 AM Sunrise Morning Yoga on the Nile. Heavenly experience and having a hot cup of cappuccino when the weather was just in the low 60 F was extra special!

The Temple of Hathor, goddess of love, music and art at Dandara. This temple contains early astrological signs carved on its celling.

The Temple of Abydous. The flower of life design on the Temple celling.

In front of the Temple of Osiris in Abydos, which is considered the one having the best wall-colored reliefs. It is dedicated to the God Osiris.

Behind the Temple at Abydos there is a pre-historic mysterious small temple, believed to be the tomb of the God Osiris.

Random, rural Egyptian town with its every day life, live markets on the street and people being transported by small motorcycles.

6 AM Sunrise Yoga on the Nile.

Morning visit to the Cairo Museum and its collections from the Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom and the New Kingdom, and the famous collection of King Tutankhamen.

I am super excited in having the great privilege to view the Great Pyramids at sunset.

Our whole group with over 120 people. What a lovely experience it was!

Riding a camel on the Giza plateau was so much fun! Camels are very gentle animals and riding them was super comfortable.

I am being silly using my Egyptian hands position!

I felt super excited to have my personal picture taken with Dr. Sue Morter!

6 AM private visitation and meditation time at the paws of the Great Sphinx.

I had a great time in Egypt! Through the above pictures and descriptions I was hoping to share with you some of my most amazing times.

My much more complete understanding of ancient Egypt, with its rich history, has only deepened my appreciation of the beauty of the world that we are living in.

I met many interesting and like-minded people who, like me, use tools and practices in their clinics to heal the mind-body and soul connection.

I am forever grateful for this trip, for all that I learned and experienced.

My level of understanding of the human consciousness and its potential for healing and integration has been deeply grounded.

We are here to serve you and help you to meet your goals and intentions.

In love and health,

Izabela Adamus, PT 

The second half of 2023 is open for scheduling

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