Memorial Day Prayer

"O Judge of the nations, we remember before you with grateful hearts the men and women of our country who in the day of decision ventured much for the liberties we now enjoy. Grant that we may not rest until all the people of this land share the benefits of true freedom and gladly accept its disciplines. This we ask in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen." The Book of Common Prayer, Pg. 839. The church offices will be closed on Monday, May 30, in observance of Memorial Day.
Thrift House
Donation Drive
This Sunday, May 29

It's time to clean out the closets and part with treasures. Donate clothes, shoes, jewelry, housewares, decor items, books, sports items, and small furniture pieces to the Thrift House. Donations can be dropped off in the Gathering Space or St. Mary's this Sunday! The Thrift House, located at 1027 S. Tejon, is owned by St. Michael's, Grace & St. Stephen's, and Chapel of Our Savior. We always need more volunteers - three hours once or twice a month really helps. If interested, contact Kay C. Mast
Robb Elementary School
Mass Murder Message

CLICK HERE to read a message from the Rector in the wake of the Robb Elementary School shooting. On Wednesday, May 25, we offered a Litany in the Wake of Mass Shootings during the Healing Service. CLICK HERE to watch the service & litany on YouTube.
This Sunday, May 29, 2022
Seventh Sunday of Easter

7:45 - 11:30 Nursery Care is Available
8:00 AM Holy Eucharist In-person & Online*
Watch on YouTube
Watch on Facebook
Sunday Bulletin:
10:30 AM Holy Eucharist In-person
5:00 PM Holy Eucharist In-person

Coffee Hour in the Gathering Space & St. Mary's after each service.
Cookout Sunday
June 5, Pentecost
After 10:30 Service

This summer you are invited for fellowship and lunch every other Sunday after the 10:30 AM. We will supply all the food - you just show up! Suggested donation of $3 per person. Can you help set up, serve, or clean up? CLICK HERE to volunteer or contact with any questions.
Pentecost Sunday
June 5, Wear Red!

Don't forget to wear red on Pentecost for the 8:00 AM indoor service or the 10:30 AM outdoor service. Pentecost marks the 50th day after Easter and is the day the Holy Spirit descending upon the Apostles.
Summer Faith Box
Pick up begins June 5

The clergy and staff have prepared a Summer Faith Box for each family in our parish. What is inside? Find out by picking up your box on Sunday, June 5, or in the church office beginning Monday, June 6. Use your summer faith box to help you continue to grow your faith in the coming months.
Lawn Rangers &
Gardeners Wanted

Lawn Ranger: Trusted to operate heavy machinery? Enjoy spending time outdoors? We are looking for several more Lawn Rangers to help cut the grass during the summer months. Help out during the week or on weekends. Interested? Contact Jim Marquart:
Gardeners: Do you have a green thumb? Our amazing gardeners gather during the week to cut, prune, water, plant, and care for our beautiful gardens. Contact Susan Maltby:
New Volunteer Sign Up
Coming Soon!

We have partnered with a new Volunteer Sign Up vendor (Signup Genius) to make signing up easier! For events starting in June you'll notice the sign up screen looks a little different. Contact Rev. Angela with any questions or feedback.
Reflect & Connect
Attention: High Schoolers
2nd & 4th Monday's
7:00 - 8:15 PM

High Schoolers are invited to our Reflect & Connect Summer Gatherings! These will be relaxed evenings that give our high schoolers the opportunity to stay connected this summer! Evenings will begin with a spiritual practice (reflect) and then we will have time to catch up and eat s'mores (connect). Look forward to seeing you there! Save the Dates: June 13 & 27, July 11 & 25, August 15 & 29.
Widows Support Group
Lunch on June 17, 11:30 AM

All widows are invited for lunch and fellowship on June 17 at Biaggi's. Please RSVP or send questions to MaryDee Weigel:
Name Tags

Wearing your name tag will help us get to know one another ... and jog the ole memory! Need a new name tag? Fill out the NAMETAG form on the Newcomer Table in the Gathering Space or email Pick up your name tag on the whiteboard in the hallway outside the sanctuary.
Laundry Love
Volunteers Needed
Mondays 9:00 - 11:30 AM

We are in need of volunteers to help with Laundry Love Mondays 9:00 - 11:30 AM. CLICK HERE to sign up or email Deacon Gary with questions:
June & July: Summer Camps
Children & Youth Summer Camps are a great way to have fun, learn about God, and make memories. CLICK HERE to be directed to Cathedral Ridge's website for more information.

August 5-7:
St. Michael's Family Camp
(All ages welcome)
Space is limited and filling up quick!
Enjoy a long weekend of delicious meals, arts & crafts, hikes, high ropes and archery, field games, worship, s’mores, and so much more. Intergenerational as well as age-appropriate activities will be offered. CLICK HERE to learn more or email
This week at a glance... (All blue links are clickable)

Friday, May 27
9:00 - 10:00 AM - Celtic Spirituality Group Online & In-person

Saturday, May 28

Sunday, May 29
7:45 AM - 11:30 AM - Nursery Open
8:00 AM - Holy Eucharist In-person & Online
10:30 AM - Holy Eucharist In-person with Children's Chapel
5:00 PM - Holy Eucharist "Come as you are"
Monday, May 30, Memorial Day (Church offices are closed)
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM - Laundry Love

Tuesday, May 31
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM - Staff Offsite
6:30 PM - 9:00 PM - Boy Scouts - St. Andrew's
8:00 PM - Virtual Compline

Wednesday, June 1
12:00 PM - Healing Service & Eucharist in Chapel
12:30 PM - Wednesday Bible Study in Chapel

Thursday, June 2
6:00 PM - Adult Choir Practice in Choir Room
6:00 - 7:00 PM - Cub Scouts - St. Andrew's
8:00 PM - Virtual Compline

Friday, June 3
9:00 - 10:00 AM - Celtic Spirituality Group Online & In-person
1:00 PM - Women's Friday Book Group in St. Mary's

Saturday, June 4
9:00 AM - Kairos in St. Mary's
2:00 PM - Carolyn Shipley & Don McCleary Wedding
2:00 PM - Caregivers Support Group in Chapel
Birthdays This Week:

May 30 - Geoff Bennett
May 30 - Henry Hudson
May 30 - Linda Wilsey
June 1 - Pam Callihan
June 1 - Laura Johnson
June 1 - Carrie Petersen
June 2 - Denise Notzon
June 2 - Mikey Priest
June 2 - Ann Whitlock
June 3 - Barbara Kean
June 3 - Kim Poli
June 4 - Bob Kean
June 4 - Floyd Reichert

Anniversaries This Week:

May 29 - Mark & Linda Wilsey
May 31 - Chad & Rachel Stoller
June 2 - Michael & Jan Lundy
June 4 - Al & Sally Creely
St. Michael's Episcopal Church
7400 Tudor Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80919

Office Telephone: 719-598-3244
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM