For All the Saints--Canonized and Otherwise

Happy All Saints' Day! This is one of my favorite days of the year. I spend it thinking about the saints like Paul, Maria Goretti, and Elizabeth Ann Seton who inspire me, and those like Teresa of Calcutta who challenge me and my safe, easy life. I also think about my ancestors: But I believe they each did the best they could, day in, day in.

This year, I have a new reminder of those ancestors! I was at Paschal Lamb Catholic Books & Gifts last month, and saw a display of saints' candles. Imagine my surprise to see one for St. Cajetan, for whom my Polish great-grandfather was named. (Cajetan's feast day was close to my great-grandfather's birthday). St. Cajetan (1480-1547; later Pope Paul IV) was an Italian priest who founded the Theatine community. The members today describe themselves as "a small company that seeks above all the Kingdom of God and his Justice."

Today when I'm working on a writing project, I'll light the Cajetan candle as I give thanks for all the saints, canonized and otherwise, whose lives illumine the way of Christ.

On the Nightstand: This Is Where It Ends

I bought this book earlier this year and put it on the shelf, but forgot about it until a sister Christian fiction writer recommended it recently. So, back to the top of the nightstand it goes!

This Is Where It Ends is the story of Minerva. Eighty years ago, her husband left her a box he said was filled with gold. He swore her to secrecy about the box and its contents. Now she must answer a question: how long is one bound by a promise? I'm looking forward to learning what her decision is and how she makes it.

What's on your nightstand?

A Month of Remembering and Beginning

It has been a while since I had this much going on besides the weekly Bible study and prayer time! Here's a quick rundown of places we may see each other (beyond a cousins' reunion in the Minneapolis area, a couple of Washington Capitals hockey games, and the new "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever" movie):

I also have some prayer requests. I'll be preparing materials for a retreat on Unforgettable that I'll be facilitating December 6-7 at the Mount Saint Mary House of Prayer in Watchung, NJ, and working on the April 5, 2025, Future with Hope Women's Conference here in Arlington, VA. Please pray that I am attentive to God's desires for these events. And, please let me know how I can pray for you.

May your November be filled with joy, peace, great food, and much gratitude! Blessings, Melanie

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