Writing, Creative Musings And Faith.

Sydney’s Favorites Devotional: Week 5
You have given him dominion over the works of your hands; You have put all things under his feet, all sheep and oxen, and also the beasts of the field, the birds of the heavens, and the fish of the sea, whatever passes along the paths of the seas.
~ Psalm 8:6-8

How amazing that we have been set in a place of dominion over creation, mammals, birds, sea creatures, and whatever passes along the paths of the sea. How cool is that? I wonder though if this played into God's master plan. He knew He would have to create a path to redeem creation. Our rulership was given in hope that we would choose rightly, but also in the knowledge of the ability of man to choose wrongly. God knew it would take a man's son to restore man's sons and daughters. It would take God coming to earth in the flesh, to redeem the whole of creation from the curse (Genesis 3:14-19 & 1 Corinthians 15:21,22).

Remember we talked about being image-bearers and stewards last week and the responsibility that comes with it? Well, let’s look at Genesis 3:22-23, we can deduce that there is a great responsibility with being made in the image of God and because man sinned, to save all of creation from further damage He had to send Adam and Eve out of the garden. But their responsibility did not change. He sent them out to work the ground, they still were responsible for caring for this world. We are still responsible for caring for and appreciating God’s great creation.

When I think about all the creatures God created with such care to give us a world to enjoy I am so grateful. I wonder if that gratitude may be expressed by truly caring for what He has made. First Timothy 6:17 tells us God gave us richly everything to enjoy, but with it comes the charge to not be haughty since we know it comes from God. I think that means not taking things for granted, including this vast creation He has given us. There are so many ways we as humans have squandered this gift. Animals have become extinct on our watch, and thoughtless litter has made a toxic wasteland where there were once-thriving habitats.

I know I can’t cure all the woes of the world, but I can care for the landscape He has placed me in: I can care for my home, and my community, and make everyday choices that contribute to the solution. Maybe I can honor God by doing my part, by asking Him what He would like me to do, and then obey. Every little thing adds up to a life of worship and honor for Him.
Take a moment to consider the creation and the creatures God has entrusted us with. How might you show your appreciation for all He has given? How might you live a life of worship by caring for the landscape He has placed you in?

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Until next time...

May the Lord bless you and keep you, May His face shine upon you, and May He give you peace.