Dr. Bradley Doorn serves as the Program Manager for both NASA Harvest and WWAO, NASA's Agriculture and Water Resources programs, respectively. With over 35 years experience in applying Earth observations to societal issues, Doorn leads several NASA teams of water and agriculture applied research experts, coordinating a national community of funded researchers. As a leader of NASA's Applied Sciences Program, within NASA's Earth Science Division, he fosters collaborations with decision makers and partnerships with NASA research, satellite missions and education to enable the uptake and use of Earth observation data. He sat down with NASA APPEL's "Small Steps, Giant Leaps" podcast team to discuss applications for remotely-sensed data that contribute to solving some of today's most pressing challenges related to food security, water management, and building more resilient agricultural systems.
Harvest continues to closely track global crop conditions and supply chain issues in the context of the Russian war in Ukraine. Food security specialist, Gary Eilerts, chronicles the ongoing cost of living crises and highlights several countries most at risk of experiencing shortfalls.
In this GEOGLAM Crop Monitor Special Report, analysts detail the environmental conditions that have led to the 4th consecutive drought throughout Eastern Africa. Crops are suffering due to lack of rainfall as there is severe vegetation stress in many areas due to the multi-year dryness.
Hosted by ESA, the Symposium provides a platform for scientists from around the world to share their research using Earth observation data to increase understanding of the planet. Harvest partners are co-convening 5 sessions; giving 16 oral presentations; and serving as co-authors on dozens of papers and posters.
AI4EO is an ESA Φ-lab initiative, striving to bring the worlds of artificial intelligence and Earth observations closer together by encouraging collaboration between the two communities. In her keynote, Dr. Kerner congratulates the contestants and speaks of the impacts that this work has across the agricultural sector.
Organized by the Global Change Unit of the University of Valencia, the 6th International Symposium on "Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing" is taking place in Valencia, Spain September 19-23, 2022. Organizers are now accepting abstracts, which should focus on recent advances and applications of the different techniques and research methods used in remote sensing. For more information and to submit an abstract, visit https://ipl.uv.es/raqrs/.
- Deadline for abstract submissions: 31 May 2022
- Notificacion of Acceptance: 15 June 2022
- Early registration: 15 June 2022
- Preliminary Programme: 30 June 2020
Frontiers in Remote Sensing is accepting manuscripts for the special issue "Women in Remote Sensing". The editors hope to see a varied set of submissions from female-led research groups or individuals representing the true breadth of topics within remote sensing, as well as reflecting the array of institutional types, regions, backgrounds, diversity, rank, and organizations. The group of editors for this issue represent four female remote sensing researchers at various stages in their careers who are all excited to lead and engage with these diverse topics. Submissions for this issue are due by September 30th, 2022 and the organizers would appreciate an initial reflection of interest also be submitted in the form of an abstract, to allow us to manage submissions and reviews as efficiently and smoothly as possible.
Guest editors from the University of Maryland, including Harvest's Data Lead, Mike Humber, are accepting submissions to their Special Issue "Remote Sensing Applications in Wildfire Research and Management" in the journal Remote Sensing. The editors "aim to collect recent accomplishments in the field of remotely sensed wildfire products, modeling, and monitoring with the hope to inspire further development of fire-related remote sensing methodologies. These works can include developments related to remote-sensing-derived fire products as well as developments in the estimation and understanding of how fire interacts with other variables at the landscape scale, such as fuel build-up, fuel post-fire succession, fire regimes, and vegetation type." Manuscripts are accepted through October 20, 2022.
Geo Week organizers are seeking professionals delivering cutting-edge digitization projects, finding unique applications for lidar and geospatial technologies, and developing digital workflows for complex built world projects. The call for speakers is now open, and you are invited to submit your innovative presentation topics! If selected, your content will become part of the conference program for the upcoming event that will take place February 13-15, 2023, at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver, CO, USA. Geo Week topic areas include: Aerial Lidar, Laser Scanning, Reality Capture, Topobathymetry, SLAM / Mobile Mapping, AEC Workflows, Digital Twins, Point Clouds, AI and Machine Learning, Automation / Robotics, and UAV/UAS. Submissions are due June 22, 2022.
This year's Women in Tech Global summit theme is ‘HERoes Shaping tomorrow’, celebrating women across the world who are key innovators of our society and economy. The Summit will kick off in Paris on May 30th for 2 days of content, with the aim of informing, inspiring and catalyzing collective efforts to reduce the gender and digital gap in STEAM by 2030. Dr. John Bolten will speak alongside a diverse group of experts on NASA's role in agricultural monitoring and water resource management.
NASA’s Applied Remote Sensing Training (ARSET) is hosting a 3-part online training introducing evapotranspiration (ET) data products and various applications of the data. ET, or the process in which water is returned from the land surface to the atmosphere in the form of moisture, is an important variable to understand agricultural water stress in vegetation and the soil. This makes it an important input in determining water budgets and water management strategies. The training will have morning and afternoon sessions on each of the 3 days and will cover NASA's OpenEt and ECOSTRESS platforms.