Issue #55 May 2023
Travel Friends Near & Far 40+
I returned last week from a trip to Scotland.  I have been many times before, but I was pleased to see some sites I had not seen before. I started my trip in Aberdeen, in the northeast of Scotland. I traveled throughout Scotland, visiting a farm, a wonderful country house hotel, and even had a whisky and food pairing dinner to close out the trip.

With Scotland on my mind, I have planned a week long trip to Scotland May 10, 2024. We’ll have a guided tour from Glasgow to Edinburgh, staying at 4 star hotels, including one of my favorites – the Atholl Palace in Pitlochry, a baronial mansion with panoramic views of the countryside. We’ll see many fairytale castles - including one with the only private army in Europe, enjoy a scenic cruise on Loch Lomond and watch a farmer and his sheepdog round up his flock. Whisky, music and more. Join us!

Iceland is on our agenda this October. Known as the land of fire and ice, this time of year in Iceland is also known for its views of the Northern Lights. The breathtaking natural beauty of the “Golden Circle”, waterfalls, volcanos, icebergs, lavafields, and floating in the Blue Lagoon are all part of the plan. There’s plenty of opportunity to meet with your fellow travelers, too, with 11 included meals.

Spotlight on Tuscany – two seats left
Jul 19, 2023 - Jul 27, 2023           $2,199 (reduced from $2,399)      
Single supplement $500
Airfare estimate JFK $1500
Guided tour 9 Days 10 Meals
Discover the rolling hills of Tuscany, home to sprawling vineyards, medieval hill towns, and enchanting cities. More info

It’s important to buy travel insurance, but even more important to buy it within 7 days of making a deposit on a tour. Travel insurance covers cancellation fees, of course, but also covers you for baggage loss, delay of flights, returning home due to the needs of a loved one, medical and other expenses. Medical evacuation insurance is one of the most important elements – being able to fly home when you are too sick to be treated locally. Purchase it with your deposit, and you’ll also be covered for pre-existing conditions. $1000 worth of coverage costs just $70. Always ask us for travel insurance when you book a trip.

How to save on your airfare - If you would like my newsletter on how I find the lowest fares, please email me at

So what's on your bucket list? Let me know email:
Married, single, traveling with a partner? We can accommodate all of you. All we ask is that you are 40+ and share a love of travel and adventure. This group is a perfect way for you to travel and not have to go alone. Of course, you can bring along a non-member to share with, too. I travel often and I always have a full list of places I want to visit. I am a travel agent and I have been to more than 99 countries. I organize all of trips, but I do not travel with every group.

You can reach me at:
(516) 248-3496 cell

This month, I am visiting Scotland, somewhere I haven’t been in 4 years. I am looking forward to my time in Aberdeen.
Until next month ... or the next zoom.

Happy Easter and Happy Passover.


Ellen Mc Nulty