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In grateful response to God’s grace and empowered by the Holy Spirit through Word and Sacraments, the mission of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod is vigorously to make known the love of Christ by word and deed within our churches, communities and the world.

E-newsletter: April 1, 2022

From the President..........


God has been gracious to me (again). He brought me safely through hip replacement surgery on March 21. He is enabling me to get up and down with little pain, and I am walking around without the aid of crutches, most of the time. On this snowy Wednesday when I write this, I even plan to go to HyVee with Sarah and get in some steps. Healing for this undeserving sinner (and yes, I know, His beloved child) is taking place. I am grateful to God my Keeper and to you, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ, for your prayerful concern.

My healing is loaded with spiritual application. A couple of Lenten devotions written for this particular day in Lent, Wednesday of Lent IV, are cases in point. Dr. Kari Vo is the writer of the devotions, “Suffering Servant,” for The Lutheran Hour. Her text today is Luke 22:49-51, which brings us the account of Jesus healing the ear of the servant of the high priest, after Peter struck him with his sword. 

Isn’t it amazing that, on His way to the cross, Jesus takes time to heal an enemy? Dr. Vo makes the point that more than one man’s ear was going to be healed that night: “Jesus was beginning His Passion, knowing full well that His suffering, death, and resurrection would bring healing to all His enemies—every man, woman, or child who would trust in Him by the Holy Spirit’s help. Jesus came to heal His enemies and to give them everlasting life—no longer as enemies, but now as beloved children of God.”

My healing is reminding me that I, a former enemy of my Lord, have received His balm of forgiveness and His gift of everlasting life. Indeed, “with His wounds we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5d).

My healing is also reminding me that any degree of physical or emotional healing I receive in this mortal body is a sign of the new and glorious body I will have at the resurrection on the Last Day. I’ve had dozens of wounds over the years, of which there is no sign today. So have you. I have a new hip. The incision is healing. All of this is a sign that your body and mine will be raised from the grave and completely “healed,” restored. Never to get sick again, injured again, die again! 

Dr. Reed Lessing’s devotion in CPH’s “Witnesses to Christ” devotional for today (again, Wednesday, March 30, as I write this) makes much the same point. His devotion is based on the great I Am the resurrection and the life passage from John 11:25. “Whoever believes in Me, though he die, yet shall he live,” promises Jesus.

Dr. Lessing writes: “We can trust Jesus. He is risen to redeem us from sin and to resurrect our bodies. On Easter, the women and the disciples didn’t see a phantom or a ghost. They saw Jesus in the flesh—with a body!”

“Do you know what I tell my family when we go by a Dollar General store? Get my coffin there as cheap as possible. Why? I won’t be in it long. I believe in the resurrection of the body!”

Thank you, Lord, for these lessons because of Your gift of healing. They point to life fully-restored, life eternal! Amen!

--Rev. Scott Sailer


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We lift up in prayer......

This month's congregations and schools: Congregations: Zion-Rapid City; St. Paul's-Spearfish; Blessed Emmanuel-Sturgis; First-Wall; Redeemer-Armour and Zion-Chamberlain. Schools: Flandreau-Redeemer Pre-School; Groton-St. John's Preschool; Hartford-Trinity Early Childhood Center; Hot Springs-Bethesda; Huron-Mt. Calvary Pre-School.


Programming Information



Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, Sioux Falls hosted a Jesus D2D event. Click here for more information

Faith Lutheran Church, Pierre, welcomed their new Senior Pastor. The day's events can be found here.

St. Paul's and St. Paul's Lutheran Churches, Aberdeen and Leola welcome their new DCE and the South Dakota District welcomes its 5th DCE. More right here.

Pastor Possehl Celebrates 40 Years in Ministry!

March 27th was a special celebration at Mount Olive in Watertown. Click here for the festivities.


June 20-22, 2022

Early Christian Preaching and Catechesis

in a Pluralist Society

Featuring Chad Kendall.

For registration and more information - follow the




It’s easy to forget about taking care of yourself when you’re busy taking care of others. But at some point, it catches up with you. It’s known as compassion fatigue. Click the picture for more information!


Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO

College-age and older men and women are invited to Contemplate, a visitation event that gives prospective students an opportunity to learn about life at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis and the preparation that leads to service as a pastor or deaconess. This free event will be held May 3-4. For more information visit here.


Beloved in the Lord Jesus, you are invited to join Pastor Nour (on his 24th tour), a native of Israel, born in Nazareth on a Journey to the Holy Land–Israel for an experience of a lifetime We will depart from Chicago on August 15 and return on August 27, 2022...walk where Jesus walked...where every page of the Bible is seen in its original context the Sea of Galilee...climb the Mount of Olives and view the Old City of Jerusalem...visit Tabgha, scene of the Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes...the Mount of Beatitudes, site of the Sermon on the Mount and where Jesus chose His Twelve Apostles...walk the Via Dolorosa (Road of Suffering) to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher...stroll in the Garden of Gethsemane...visit Bethlehem...the Church of the Nativity and much more. Click here for details!


A Message from President Brian Friedrich

Concordia St. Paul humbly requests your assistance in these three ways:


1. Encourage young men and women to consider church work. 

2. Urge them to explore Concordia St. Paul's Church Work Tuition Guarantee.

($0 tuition for Pre-Seminary; $6000 maximum tuition for DCE, DCO, DPM, LTC) 

3. Access resources available through "Set Apart to Serve",

(LCMS Church Work Recruitment Initiative)


Remember, it takes a church to raise a church worker.


Especially appropriate for those in urban and metropolitan settings, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis is offering "Missional Leadership in the Urban Context" in partnership with Concordia University, Saint Paul, Minn. (CSP). The online course is designed for ordained pastors, commissioned church workers and lay leaders. Sessions run April 20 through June 1, 2022. Click here for more information.



Vocatio is a free, faith-filled and fun opportunity for high school students to explore God’s calling and direction for them. This weeklong retreat encourages high schoolers to find God’s calling for their lives through experiencing many aspects of Seminary life including worship and devotions, sessions with professors, and some fun and recreation! Find out more here.

GIVE STL DAY is an online giving event organized by the St. Louis Community Foundation for the benefit of nonprofits headquartered in the metropolitan area and one of three of the Seminary’s annual giving days. With your support, our graduates go out across the world to shine the light of the Gospel! Click on the picture for your giving opportunity!


What are you doing on June 3-4, 2022? I am so excited to give you a reason to drive to St. John’s Lutheran Church in Yankton, SD, on those days. It is our LWML South Dakota District Biennial convention, Walk in Love, and you don’t want to miss it!

There are so many activities planned for you. Jan Wendorf, former LWML President is the keynote speaker, and Marie Chow, Vice President of Organizational Resources, is the LWML representative who will bring news from LWML and have a breakout session.

 The Mite Walk will be along the Missouri River and end at a birthday party in the park where we will celebrate the 50th year of the Puppet Place and the 80th year of LWML. Pastor Andrew Utecht will do some magic and a puppet show. Our servant events, making a cross in the pocket and finger puppets, will support the Puppet Place at the SD State Fair.

Mission grant reports will be given by Tina Lenz from the Sioux Falls Lutheran School, Reverend Don McKillop from the Community Outreach Mission at Trinity Lutheran in Belle Fourche, and Reverend Peter Utecht from the Early Learning Ministry to Children at Bethesda Lutheran in Hot Springs.

Other activities include the opening communion service, Bible study, a sending service, breakout sessions, ingathering, convention choir, banner parade, YWR activities, and voting on the mission grants for the 2022-2024 biennium. 

You will soon be able to register for convention and the hotels. Please talk to your friends and make plans to attend the convention. If you know a lady who wants to know more about the mission of LWML, this is great way to introduce her to it. We joyfully proclaim Christ, support missions, and equip women to honor God by serving others.    

Please share your congregation's or school's unique ministries with the rest of the District. Send pictures and stories for consideration to by Tuesday, April 12 at 12:00 Noon for the April 15 edition. We want to see how YOUR congregation or school is showing the love of God to those in your community and around the world

Click here for the latest information from Reverend Daniel Jastram our Together in Mission Missionary!

Click here for the latest information from Reverend Cory Rajek our Together in Mission Missionary!

Introducing: Media Helpline for SD District Churches and Schools

Have you ever had a technical problem and didn’t know what to search for on Google? To assist you, the South Dakota District has assembled a small team of tech and media savvy experts to serve as consultants at no cost to your church or school. The team members are: Brian Hall, Cole Hyde, and Chad Zinnel. The initial consultations are designed to take place via email. More information about the Media Helpline is found under the Resources tab on the District’s website.  Click here for more information.

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