April 2022 - Volume 60, Issue 4
Photo Sally Boeck
PAW'S Tour - Dunn's on the bridge
From The Editor
Mike Willis
One of the duties of the Past President is to chair the SVR Nominating Committee for the Board Elections for the 2023 SVR Board. Please let me know if you can help me with this by using the email above. Also if you are able to work with us on the board please let me know as well.
When sending me a video it needs to be on a webpage (link) or a file not to exceed 5MB. Also images have the same limit. (I am able to resize most of them).
In addition The Drifter is available to our advertisers to also submit articles to our members. Please contact me about timing for any of these articles.
Please note text that is blue text is a link. As we use MSR (Motorsport Registration) all of those events advertised are linked to the specific registration.
This issue contains the following as you scroll through.
Also all advertisers are linked to their web page.
Editor Comments
President's Column
Charity Auction
Vice President Calendar Information
Caffeine & Porsches
Zone 7 Concours Judging School
SVR Membership
2022 Pacific Grove Tour
Zone 7 Concours Judging School
Zone 7 Concours
SVR Autocross #1
Brookfields Monthly Breakfast
Event Planning 101
SVR Secretary-Board Minutes
SVR 60th Anniversary
Vintage Racing
In The Zone
SVR Classifieds
SVR Store
Now a little something completed off topic and and not a PCA-SVR event or function. However there is a group of us with RV's that like to get together for RV trips etc. - We are known as the Porsche Trailer Trash (includes motor homes). We do not try and keep this a secret and welcome anyone to join us. If you have any interest is this please let me know.
Rik Larson, Proof Reader/Tickler
Skip Quain, Contributor
Rik Larson, SVR President
PDK (Pretty Darn Kwik)
April 2022
March Came In Like A Lion
· We had a board meeting.
· We had a breakfast on the first Saturday and had more than 25 people so up.
· We had an AX School at Porsche Rocklin; 30 students.
· We had a seminar on how to put on events that had 11 attendees (also held at Porsche Rocklin).
· We had a tour that had 23 cars that was using a resurrected format (mirror) originally presented by Allen Weddle that ended up for lunch at The Point Marina in Rio Vista.
· We had the second day of the AX School with folks using the nice piece of asphalt up at Thunderhill Raceway.
· We had our first AX of the season.
· We had another board meeting.
· We had a dinner at That Dam Place in Folsom that was enjoyed by 40 members.
SVR Charity Auction --- Saturday, April 23rd
· Dick MacFarlane is auctioning off a JEEP (a special kids model with electric motor).
· Dick is eagerly soliciting donations (make sure they are nice and it helps if they are Porsche related). If you have a vacation home that you would like to make available for a few days, that makes a great auction item.
· Remember that the $10 per person fee gets you some great appetizers.
· The start time of 1 pm implies that you have already had lunch so plan accordingly.
· And we expect some special Porsche items from Porsche Rocklin.
· Our special venue is the Nelson residence (garage) in Shingle Springs.
Decals for SVR 60th Anniversary
· We continue to pass out decals at events.
· I have sent some decals up to members in the Grass Valley area so that they can be distributed as their upcoming events (breakfast, tours, etc.).
· Our concours chair, Al Price III, suggests that the best way to apply them (they do not have the sticky adhesive --- which makes for easy removal as well) is to be sure and clean the surface completely, let it dry, then apply. The decal itself has no instructions on it. They are made for placement on the inside of a window surface.
SVR 60th Anniversary Event (date and location change)
· The SVR board of directors approved a change in venue and date for our 60th anniversary event.
· As from the beginning, this event was envisioned as a sit down dinner with no volunteers (significantly different concept than the SVR 50th anniversary event).
· Porsche Rocklin will be a major sponsor.
· Kirk Bradford is already researching his notes from 2012 when we had a significant number of former SVR Presidents attend
Update from Zone 7 and PCA National
· The PCA Spring raffle is under way. Winner gets a 2022 Cayman GT4 RS. All it takes is a $50 ticket. Last day to purchase tickets is June 1, 2022.
Upcoming SVR Events
· Breakfast is this Saturday at Brookfields in Rancho Cordova. This is a very informal gathering of members (great for new members to talk one-on-one to see what we are all about). No reservation required. And the SVR 60th anniversary decals will be available.
· The second SVR AX of the year ---- Sunday, April 9th
· The ever popular Caffeine and Porsches returns on Saturday, April 16th (date change) and will be held at the California Automobile Museum (CAM).This is a FREE event and begins at 9 am (runs till 11 am). Sponsor is Hagerty. And the 356CAR group is expected to be there in full force.
· SVR Charity Auction on Saturday, April 23rd at Nelson's Garage. Dick MacFarlane is eagerly looking for some great items to auction.
· And the Pacific Grove Tour on May 6-8th has 27 cars signed up so far.
Upcoming PCA National Events
· Registration for the 66th Porsche Parade CLOSES on April 1st (no fooling)!!
· More than 1100 cars have signed up already
· Phase II opens on April 6th for the banquets, events, etc.
2022 Formula E Season (all electric)
· The next 2 races are schedule for the weekend of April 9th and 10th in Rome, Italy. Live TV coverage is at CBS Sports Network (cable, internet, app).
· The TAG Heuer Porsche team will field the Porsche 99X Electric vehicles with #36 driven by Andre Lotterer and #94 driven by Pascal Wehrlein.
Sally Boeck
Vice President
Happy April. Hard to believe it is already April!
This month, our calendar includes a nice variety of events.
We start the month with our Saturday breakfast on April 2. It’s a great time to socialize and spend time with Porsche friends, old and new. We meet at Brookfields in Rancho Cordova.
On April 5, we will have our fourth board meeting of the year. We’re still holding our meetings via Zoom, so if you are interested in sitting in, you can do it from your own home. Please contact Rik Larson if you are interested and he will provide you with the link for the meeting.
April 9th is our second-in-a-series autocross at Thunderhill Raceway Park in Willows. Those new to this type of event are welcome. Register online via Motorsport Registration.
Our first Caffeine and Porsches event for the year will be on April 16 at the California Auto Museum. Bring your Porsche, park it, and enjoy some coffee, Porsche viewing, Porsche friends, and a hopefully sunny day outdoors. No registration is needed.
On April 23, we are having our Charity Auction to benefit the Mustard Seed School and Loaves and Fishes. This will be a fun afternoon in the foothills at Nelson’s Garage. Register online via Motorsport Registration.
And, looking on into May, we are having the Pacific Grove Tour on May 6 to 8. This is a great low-key tour to the central coast. There may still be room. If you are interested, contact Jim McMahen at jimmcmahen@hotmail.com.
All PCA Zone 7 members are invited to attend the 2022 Concours Judges School. The School will cover updates to the rules for the 2022 concours series, tips about how to prepare your car for an event, what to expect at your first event and hands-on judging practice. If your are new to the series or just want a refresher, this is a great event to attend.
The Concours Judges School for 2022 will held in 2 phases. Phase 1 will be held virtually on Zoom on Sunday, April 10, 2022, and Phase 2 will be in person and hands on. Hands on training will be on April 24th at Porsche Redwood City, May 1st at Hi Tech Automotive in San Rafael, May 1st at Porsche Stevens Creek, and May 22nd at the Nelson residence in Shingle Springs outside of Sacramento.
Registration will require that you also choose one of the phase 2 sessions. You may attend any location, space limitations apply.
Ken Shahoian, Membership Director
Take a look at the SVR calendar events that may interest you.
Membership Reports For March 2022
New to SVR or just need a new name badge please let me know and I can order it for you.
Since we use e-mail for most of our communications, it is necessary to keep our e-mail address current with SVR and PCA. To update your information, go to www.pca.org and login. You can then make any updates (address, car, e-mail etc.).
Also, even though we receive the information from PCA monthly, you can send the same updates to: membership@svr-pca.org. New Member badges will now come with a removable colored sticker to encourage introductions at club events. They can be removed at any time. Welcome to the Sacramento Valley Region of the Porsche Club of America.
SVR - PCA Member Services
Not a Porsche owner but interested in the PCA? Try the PCA Test Drive program. For information, go to: www.pca.org/pca-test-drive Need to update your PCA information? Update your PCA record at www.pca.org
Do you have 2 e-mail addresses? Want Club info sent to a second email, work, home, spouse, friend...? It’s as easy as e-mailing your second e-mail address to the Membership Director, Ken Shahoian at: membership@svr-pca.org
How can I contact the SVR-PCA by mail?
Sacramento Valley Region-PCA,
Post Office Box 254651,
Sacramento, CA 95865-4651
Hello Pacific Grove Tourists!
It’s March and the tour has 29 cars. The Pacific Gardens Inn has only one suite available, but there are numerous hotels along Asilomar Boulevard in Pacific Grove. Please tell your friends to send me an email and they may still join us for a great weekend getaway. Make sure you have your calendars marked for May 6th-8th. The following is an brief overview of our schedule and a list of participants:
May 6th -
Leave Sacramento at 9:00 (Florin Road)
Bring a picnic for lunch at Ed Levine Park in Milpitas
BBQ Social at Pacific Gardens Inn
May 7th - 17-mile drive (group drive 9:00) You will be able to enter all day free!
Good Old Day Street Fair in downtown Pacific Grove
Optional group dinner at Max’s Restaurant, Pacific Grove
May 8th - Drive home (on your own)
Attached please find a list of attendees.
Jim McMahen
PAW’s Mirror Tour
by Ron and Sally Boeck
Photos Sally Boeck
On Saturday, March 19, 2022, we re-enacted the “mirror tour,” a concept that Allen and Dolores Weddle first created for SVR 25-30 years ago. This time, we called it PAW’s Mirror Tour, named after Presley Allen Weddle. While previously, he ended his tours at the Grand Island Mansion, we chose to end this tour at The Point Restaurant, in Rio Vista.
A total of 30 intrepid souls and 17 shiny German cars braved the sprinkles and gathered at the Bill Collin Youth Sports Complex on Freeport Boulevard. We divided into two groups. Group A was led by a 1980 911 SC driven by Ron and Sally Boeck, with Frank and Anne Preisig as the back door. Group B was led by a 1974 914 driven by Greg and Cyndee Peart, with Mike and Emily Willis as the back door.
The fun began early with a quiz handed out at the start. Then, we headed out a little after 10 am. After only a mile or so, Group A took a right and crossed the Freeport Bridge to other side of the Sacramento River. Group B went straight, and soon we had a string of beautiful Porsches on both sides of the river. With the cloud cover and breeze, there were very few reflections on the water, but the vineyards were beginning to sprout and the orchards were in early bloom.
The tour continued crossing several historic bridges in Yolo County. On two of the river crossings, on the Paintersville and Walnut Grove Bridges, both groups crossed each bridge concurrently, going opposite directions. There were a lot of smiles and lots of waving.
Sadly, we were unable to ride the waves on the Real McCoy II and the J-Mack ferries due to maintenance issues (what was CalTrans thinking???). That was always an especially fun part on previous mirror tours. Maybe next year?
We finished the tour with a great lunch at the marina in Rio Vista where we had a great view out over the Sacramento River and of a large tanker going up the deep water channel to the Port of Sacramento. The Rio Vista Bridge, a draw bridge, had to raised for this ship, much to our viewing delight.
Thanks to all who joined us and helped make the tour special. Thanks, too, to PAW!
Sacramento Valley Region Autocross #1
By Collin Fat
Event Chair, Photos by Collin Fat
The first autocross of the 10-event season was held on March 20th at Thunderhill Raceway Park in Willows, California. 52 drivers competed in wonderful spring like weather with temperatures in the upper 60’s and sunny skies.
The event followed the AX school held the day before on March 19th that concluded the two-day autocross program for nearly 30 students.
Course designer, Martin Messersmith, did a great job designing a very fast 40 second course that had room for full throttle acceleration followed by hard braking technical sweepers. Lots of fun and challenging for even the experienced drivers participating. There were 6 students who participated that had just graduated from the autocross school. They were looking to fine tune their newly acquired skills. With Covid restrictions for in car instruction having been lifted, the SVR team provided in car instruction to all drivers who requested instruction. Instruction is provided free of charge to all drivers whether they have had a few years of prior autocross experience or are brand new to the sport.
Drew Powers, RJ Harrison,
Alan Booth
Joy Nieslony, Weyland Fat
Karen & Martin Messersmith
Event Planning 101 Seminar
By Collin Fat, event chair
Porsche of Rocklin provided their conference room on the morning of March 12th so that the club could conduct its event planning seminar for those members interested in hosting a dinner event or tour. The seminar was attended by 9 members. Of the 9 in attendance, 7 members have hosted many events and 2 members wanted to learn how to host their first event.
The agenda in the first half of the morning covered hosting an event such as a dinner, outing to a sporting event, private tour of a museum or winery, or attending a San Francisco 49’ers home game. The topics included what were some of the basic considerations in the planning process, a time line for having a successful event, tips on signing a contract, securing a deposit and making final payment.
In addition, the seminar covered how to prepare a budget to present to the board for approval, designing your flier and marketing materials, and understanding the use of Motorsportreg.com as the club’s preferred online registration website.
The class also reviewed the current PCA minimum standard for conducting a tour. PCA minimum standards get updated and revised every year, and it is always a good idea to keep up to date on new rules and safety issues when hosting a tour. Tours are the most popular events attended by club members. The group reviewed risk management and insurance requirements, safety concerns, route choice, and planning timeline for organizing a successful tour.
Many members in the club have lots of experience in planning tours and have a great library of past tours that would even include route instructions. The club advises members new to being a tour chair to seek out an experienced tour master for guidance and to perhaps serve as your co-chair.
The information that was presented is currently posted on the club’s website under the forms and docs section.
I would like to thank, Janice and Tracy Nations, Richard Wetzel, Eduardo Ortega Jr, Rik Larson, Franklin Anselmi, Jon Canaan, Robert Hrabak and Darrel Huckabay for their participation and look forward to signing up for one of their events.
Nancy Olson, Secretary
SVR Board of Directors Meeting Minutes -
Minutes under review
Vintage Racing
By Skip Quain
Photos Skip Quain
Hello: I drove Vintage Race cars for 33 years starting in 1981 at Steve Earles' Monterey Historics at Laguna Seca through 2014, The ReUnion, my last race. “During Car Week” on August 10-11.
Vintage racing consists of cars from different eras, and performance. They are divided into production street cars, and production cars modified for racing. I was in a category of cars designed for racing and in most cases not street legal. The main factor in Vintage racing is the cars must be presented “As they were raced in their era”. No modifications from the original specifications for that car. Ordinal tires (readily available. Safety is the one area where the cars can be modified.
My 1962 lotus 23 is classified as a Sports Racer. The class is for cars designed to race from 1960 to 1968. The class is comprised of cars with V8 motors (Chevy/Ford) producing upwards of 450 HP (early Can-Am cars) to my Lotus that produces 193 HP from 1676cc. The difference in HP requires all the cars in the class to be aware of the speed differences. Also, cars such as the Lotus have much better cornering and braking ability. So, a 450HP car is faster in a straight line, but cars similar to the Lotus car can close under braking and cornering. These differences make for some great racing.
the Sunday afternoon 45 - minute main race. The camera was hit when I stepped into the Lotus so the view is somewhat angled. The results of the Sunday race are attached.
When the start time of your race group is called, we drive up to the pre-grid in front of the garages. We are lined up by our qualifying time and await the white flag to leave the Pre-Grid. We proceed onto the track and line up two by two behind the pace car. When ALL the cars are lined up, we follow the pace car onto the track still two by two onto the front straight, and around the Laguna circuit. The pace car pulls off the track prior to going onto the front straight. The cars continue onto the front straight and slowly drive toward still 2 by 2. We are all focused on the starter’s booth and the green flag. The starter waves the green Flag, and the race is on.
This photo showing the start of the 2013 August Pre-ReUnion race at Laguna Seca. I’m in the red Lotus #4 ahead of the white Porsche 910/6. I pulled ahead of the Orange Bobsy Porsche powered by a 2462cc flat 6 Porsche flat 5 driven by a friend on the start and maintained my lead throughout the race.
The cars go up a slight - raise then down a hill going into Laguna’s turn 2 under braking. I am driving the Red # 4 behind the white Porsche 910/6. I pass the Porsche 910/6 going into turn 2. After several laps a second white Porsche 910/6 passes me. On the next lap I close on the 910/6 going into turn 2 Under braking. The brake pedal goes to the floor - I have lost my BRAKES and I am about hit the side of a $1.3 million Porsche 910. I manage to slow the Lotus without hitting Porsche 910/6. An exciting few seconds. As I enter turn three, I pumped my brakes to slow the Lotus as I entered the turn. Pumping the brakes brings the brake petal back to life. I can again get back to racing the Lotus hard. The Sunday race was one of the best races I ran over my 33-year Vintage Career. My lap times for this event at Laguna were 1:43/1:44. The results of Sunday’s race are included.
The results below are of Sunday’s race.
The Saturday practice has me gridded next to a 1967 Porsche 910/flat six with 240 HP. We are both on treaded Avon vintage tires. The 910 ‘s tires are 2” wider than the Lotus’. I passed the 910 going into turn 11 on the first lap and pulled away. I am passed by a second 910 later in the session going into turn 7. Next, I am passed by an aluminum bodied 1964 Webster with a 300 HP aluminum Buick motor. The Webster runs wide 10” wide vintage Avon tires. After the Webster passes me a 1969 Porsche 917, flat 12, 600 hp, passes me coming out of turn 7 (The selling price of the 917 starts at 4 million and goes up. The 917 really wanted that corner. I backed off and followed the 917 coming out of turn 7 and stayed close going through the Esses and close up on the 917 under breaking into turn 11. Then 917 pulls away on the front straight going into up into turn 2. A lap latter I wave by a Porsche 908, flat 8, 350 HP going into turn 10. As you can see the 908 runs wide slick tires. I close up under braking going into turn 11. Then 908 easily pulls away coming out of turn 11. The 908/6 goes for 2 – 3 million. The last several laps I am alone on the track as the faster 910, 917 and 908 are long gone and no one behind me is visible in my rear-view mirror.
The session finishes and I pull into the pits, have my tire pressures taken – critical in my Rear engine Lotus 23. Mardi, walks by after checking my lap times and the session is over. My laps at Sear Point are 1:521:53.
The 2013 weekend at Laguna was one of the most satisfying weekends of my racing career. I would be turning 75 in a few weeks and I was now racing cars that in prior years I had not been competitive. I lost my brakes on lap 5 going into turn two (180-degree turn) at the end of the front straight). I worked out the braking problem and turned my fastest lap of the weekend on lap 9 finishing ahead of several cars in past years I would have been behind.
I’ve had a great life and racing has been a major part of it. Racing has brought me many friends and memories. I am fortunate that Mardi enjoys my racing and the social aspects racing brings as much as I do. Vintage racing has led me into my new efforts as a writer of Vintage Racing articles for the Drifter. These articles are mainly centered around my racing experiences and the professional drivers, owners and crew I have met during my racing career. I initially started writing for the Local Porsche club’s magazine. That led me to have several of my articles published in International Vintage Racing magazines.
Maurice “Skip” Quain
In The Zone
April 2022
By: Collin Fat, Zone 7 Representative
Sacramento Valley Region
Photos by Collin Fat
PCA National Upcoming Events:
Porscheplatz at the Hyundai SportsCar Challenge
at Laguna Seca April 30th to May 1st
If you are planning on attending the Hyundai Sports Car Challenge at Laguna Seca on the Monterey Peninsula, PCA is looking for volunteers who can help at the hospitality tent. This event was moved from its traditional September date to the April/May date this year due to scheduling issues. Porsche Cars North America hosts the hospitality tent or Porscheplatz which is open to all PCA members as well as anyone driving a Porsche
Parade 2022 and 2023
For those planning on attending Parade 2022 at the Kalahari Resort in the Poconos, registration is open for Phase 1 registration. Phase 2 registration for event registration including competition events, banquets and tours opens on April 6th. Parade will be held June 12th to June 18th. For more information visit: https://www.porscheparade.org/
For those looking to participate in an upcoming Parade that is closer to home, Parade 2023 will return to the La Quinta Resort and Spa in Palm Springs. The dates are June 18-24, 2023. This event location was originally the site of the 2020 Parade which was cancelled because of the pandemic and that has been rescheduled for a return. This Parade being located in southern California will likely be very well attended.
Zone Autocross and Concours Series;
Golden Gate and Loma Prieta Regions held their first Zone Autocross events at Crows Landing just outside of Patterson, California in the Central Valley. Golden Gate hosted the event on Saturday while Loma Prieta Region hosted the event on Sunday. I was not able to attend the Saturday event but was able to attend the Sunday event where Loma Prieta Region autocross chair, David Dunwoodie and his team revised the course from Saturday and had 60 drivers competing for year end awards.
Top time of day went to Drew Powers with a time of 56.662 followed by Monty Pack, Praneil Prasad, Todd Winstanley, Himanshu Patel and David Dunwoodie. Top time of day for the ladies in the competition went to Connie Lu who had a time of 59.169 and finished in the top ten overall. The weather was fabulous with clear skies and mild temperatures. If you have not been able to attend an event at Crow’s Landing, it should be on your bucket list.
Zone 7 Concours Series:
The Zone 7 Concours series calendar has been finalized with a concours school to be held in several regions throughout Zone 7.
A classroom session to review rules and how to prepare your Porsche to compete will be held on April 10th via Zoom while 4 hands on sessions will be held at Redwood City Porsche, Hi Tech Automotive in Petaluma, Steven’s Creek Porsche in Santa Clara, and in the Sacramento area. Cost to participate is $15 per person with registration now open at the following link: https://www.motorsportreg.com/events/zone-7-concours-clinic-judging-school-zoom-meeting-pca-702465. There are already 44 persons registered for the event with room currently at the four hands on classes.
It is a great opportunity to learn how your car is judged, to become a concours judge, or just to learn how to prepare your car for its first concours.
Events of Interest
1) PCA Spring Treffen, April 27-May 1, 2022, the Broadmoor, Colorado Springs, Colorado, SOLD OUT
2) Poscheplatz April 30th to May 1st Laguna Seca, VOLUNTEERS NEEDED
3) Zone 7 Shasta Tour, June 9-13th, SOLD OUT
4) Porsche Parade at the Kalahari Resort, Pennsylvania, June 12-18, Phase 2 Registration opens April 6th
5) PCA Werks Reunion, August 19, Monterey
6) PCA Fall Treffen, September 14-18, Sunriver Resort, Bend, Oregon
Note that past Treffens have sold out in as little as one hour due to their popularity. Registration for the Treffens typically opens 3-4 months prior to the event.
2022 PCA West Coast Race Series Schedule
With Federal and State directives pertaining to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Club Racing schedule is very fluid and subject to change on a day-to-day basis. The racing schedule shown below will be frequently updated with the latest official status of each of our races.
Watch this space for the next Tech Article
PCA Members may place non-commercial classified ads for no charge. Photos will be published on this web page at no charge. Non-PCA members may place ads on our webpage, on a space available basis, as follows: Ads without photos $20.00; Ads with photos $35.00. All ads run for two months unless canceled. There will be no refunds for paid ads.
Ads must be submitted electronically with attachment to classified@svr-pca.org. PCA members must include your PCA membership number on all submissions as proof of membership.
Paid ads will not be published until payment has been received. Checks must be made payable to PCA-SVR, and mailed to: Porsche Club of America; Sacramento Valley Region; PO Box 254651; Sacramento, CA 95865-4651
Sacramento Valley Region Web Store
Sacramento Valley - Red House® - Mini-Check Non-Iron Button-Down Shirt
Sacramento Valley - Eddie Bauer® Ladies Hooded Soft Shell Parka
Sacramento Valley - Element 095
Submitting Material to the Drifter
The Drifter is Produced online monthly for its members. Written contributions are welcome and should be e-mailed to editor@svr-pca.org. The deadline for submissions is the 15th of the month prior to the month of publication. Submissions in WORD or TEXT are preferred.
Photos are always welcome. Photos should be sent separately from the text. (You may also use a downloadable link to the photos.)
To change your email address or street address, please email our membership director to insure uninterrupted delivery.
Ken Shahoian at
All material in this newsletter is protected by copyright.
However, newsletter editors of other Porsche Club of America regions may reprint any article provided that credit is given to the author and Sacramento Valley Region and also The Drifter is cited as the source.
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