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Praying with Pictures:

Contemplative Christian Practices with the Tarot

Have you considered entering this brand new church year (Advent is the beginning of it, yay!) with a brand new spiritual practice? If you are intrigued by the symbolism and puzzles in the parables of Jesus, love to worship through the symbols offered in our liturgy, and hear God speaking to you through the symbolism of dreams, the beauty of creation, music, visual arts and stories, then this Advent class may be for you! 

Mother Nikki will offer a 3 part workshop series (these classes are interactive, not lectures) on Sunday mornings at 9:15am at Adult Formation (in the parish hall), designed to explore communing with God through the symbolic pictures offered in the tarot. Contrary to popular opinion, this 78 card deck of both archetypal and daily life images is neither so much in modern times, a tool for fortune telling or occult practice, so much as it is a means to pray without words … akin to the contemplation or writing of the intricate and symbolic artwork of a religious icon. The tarot is now much more often used as a tool for Christian mysticism and the deep work of self-awareness and growth in spiritual formation, than for other pursuits. 

Following the works of Brittany Muller (author of the book, The Contemplative Tarot: A Christian Guide to the Cards) and Lindsay Mack (founder of Soul Tarot, a spiritual formation process using “heart centered tarot learning for transformative growth),” we’ll explore the following:

November 27*: Where is God in the Tarot? Christianity’s relationship and roots in relation to the Tarot

December 4:  Where am I in the Tarot? Interpretation, meaning, and basics for prayer with the Tarot

December 11:  How is God conversing with me and what do I hear through the Tarot?  Finding your Personal Prayer Practices with the Tarot

* these days may be changed to Dec 4, 11, & 18

STEWARDSHIP REMINDER. Thank you to everyone who has returned their completed 2023 stewardship pledge form. Anyone who has not yet returned their forms can do so by bringing your completed pledge form to worship, by mailing your pledge form to church, or on our home page via the QUICK LINKS tab GIVING TO ST. GREGORY’S. 

Vestry Nominees for 2023-2026

The Nominating Committee is very pleased to announce the three parishioners who have graciously and generously accepted the call to be nominated for the Vestry: Kate Avinger, Joe Barrett, and Shelby Welch. Please read the brief autobiographies below that the nominees have prepared to introduce themselves to you who may not know them. They will be presented as a single slate for you to vote on at our Annual Parish Meeting on Sunday, January 15, 2023, after the 10:30 serivce.  

In the meantime, please introduce yourselves to the nominees, if you’re unacquainted, and get to know them before the election. According to our ByLaws “The Vestry is the Board of Directors of St. Gregory the Great Episcopal Church, Inc. The Rector and Vestry members are the agents and legal representatives of the parish in all matters pertaining to its property, both real and personal, its fiscal affairs, and the relationship of the parish to its clergy.”

The Vestry Nominating Committee this year is composed of Amelia Ross, Anthony Garner, Eddie Bennett, LeeAnne Krause, Nikki Mathis (ex officio), and me.  Our initial charge was to identify, with help from our congregation, some parishioners who meet the requirements to participate on St. Gregory the Great’s Vestry. Our second task was to invite some of the qualified parishioners who were presented for nomination to join the Vestry for a three-year term, 2023-2026. The Committee was able to accomplish its mission during two in-person meetings and just a few email exchanges. I want to express my appreciation to the Nominating Committee’s members for their time and effort and their thoughtful contributions. It was a pleasure working together with you.

Jane Hudson

Senior Warden and Chair of the Nominating Committee

Kate Avinger

I got some Presbyterian and Methodist “churching” up to age 8. I learned the basics of Christmas and Easter but never felt like a part of a church community. I was culturally Christian, but basically agnostic in my teens and 20’s. It was my wife, Gina Defalco, who started gently encouraging me to consider the Episcopal church when we got together in 2003. It took a while to turn me into a church-goer! I have many reasons to love the Episcopal church, but what really stole my heart was the openness and warmth of the St. Gregory’s community. The watershed moment for Gina and me was the 2013 commitment ceremony of Alice Mohor and her dearly departed Nancy Hobart. When Gina attended and brought me back news of the standing-room-only enthusiasm of the church, we knew we had found our church home. Since then, I’ve helped out as a shepherd for the kids’ Sunday School and Children’s Church, been a stage mom for several of the Christmas pageants, and generated content for online church for both children and adults (with the help of my wife and kids). Most recently, I gave

my October 2nd speech on why I pledge to St. Greg’s, expressing my gratitude to the people of St. Greg’s for showing me what it is to be an integral part of a church community. (Check it out on YouTube, if you haven’t seen it already. It starts after the peace, at 59:29).  

In my secular life, I’ve been a licensed psychologist with Positive Outcomes, working with children, adolescents, families, and the occasional adult, for over 15 years. I specialize in work with trauma survivors and LGBTQ folks. When I meet an LGBTQ teen client with religious trauma, I am pleased to tell them about St. Gregory’s and that Christianity is not necessarily synonymous with rejection and oppression. I am blessed to be the wife of Gina, who has pointed me in the direction of truth and growth so many times, and who nominated me to the vestry. She’s served as co-leader of youth group and on the discernment committee of the recently ordained Will Drosos. I am the proud mom of Gavin (13), who acolytes, and Vanessa (11), who recently edited the Christmas pageant script to eliminate confusing language. This is truly my family’s church home. I am so proud to be an active part of our church community. St Gregory the Great is where my children and I were baptized, and where I was confirmed. St. Greg’s is where I learned that I am God’s hands. I’m excited to start my next adventure in service as a member of the vestry!

John Barrett

After retirement, Linda and I moved to Athens (actually Oconee County) in 2016 to, of course, be closer to grandchildren in Madison and Tucker. We landed at St. Gregory about a year later. We love to travel, and we have a cabin in Tennessee, so we haven’t had a stellar involvement record since we joined our fellow parishioners here at St. Gregory. It really feels like it is time to change that.

Prior to moving here, we lived in Jonesboro, Georgia, attended Church of the Nativity in Fayetteville, and were both employed by the Federal Government (I was with the FAA, and Linda was with EPA). We were confirmed into the Episcopal Church at Church of the Nativity in 2003. I served on the Vestry and a Rector Search Committee. Linda and I were co-chairs of the Stewardship Committee. I sang in the choir for many years, and I served as an acolyte when there was a particular need. I also completed Education for Ministry, graduating in 2012.

We were United Methodists before our coming home to the Episcopal Church. I served in a variety of ways, Lay Leader, Staff/Parish Committee, choir, and youth and adult Sunday School teacher.

I grew up in Atlanta, attended a large Baptist Church (still processing some of that), graduated from Sylvan Hills High School, joined the Navy, and got hooked on seeing the world. I attended several universities (including UGA), finally negotiating a degree from Georgia State University. Our daughter, Stacy, and her husband, Carl, live in Tucker. Their son, David, is a freshman at North Georgia Technical College in Clarksville. Our son, Lee, lives in Athens, and his daughters, Elle and Carson, attend Morgan County High School.

Shelby Welch

I am a lifelong Georgian, having been born in Toccoa and living in several areas around the state. I was an English teacher and School Counselor for 33 years before retiring to care for my elderly parents in their last years. I met my husband, Jeff, at our first teaching job, and we have three amazing children and four delightful grandchildren. All of us “bleed red and black,” since both Jeff and I and all of our children are UGA graduates!

While I grew up in the Baptist faith, I felt as though I had “come home” when I started attending the Episcopal church with Jeff while we were dating. We attended Emmanuel in Athens when we first married, but we shortly moved to Social Circle, and we attended Church of the Good Shepherd in Covington. Our whole family was very active there, including serving on the Vestry, teaching Sunday School, singing in the choir, acolyting, and layreading. Later, we moved to Fitzgerald in south Georgia, where once again we enjoyed a very active church life in tiny St. Matthews Episcopal Church. Our family of four (Nathaniel was in college) learned to do everything for the church, since we normally had only 10-12 people at a Sunday service. On a normal Sunday, Toni took care of the altar, Amelia was the acolyte, I was the organist, and Jeff was layreader, Eucharistic Minister, and Senior Warden.

We’ve been here at St. Gregory’s since 2003. I have led children’s music, taught Sunday School, sung in the choir, and been active in Parish Life. It is such a joy to have our youngest daughter, Amelia, son-in-law, Caley, and grandchildren, Jeffery and Kitty, become active in St. Gregory’s too! Jeff and I live in Lexington and enjoy retirement by growing fruits and veggies, keeping up our seventeen acres, making jams and jellies, and hosting family gatherings.

Needed: Children's Clothes

One of St. Gregory’s annual Outreach projects is sponsoring the parish-wide clothes drive to support our neighbor, Barnett Shoals Elementary. Your donations will replenish the following prioritized items most needed for the school’s clothes closet. 

  • boys’ pants/sweatpants/shorts - all sizes, from youth XS through L
  • girls’ pants/shorts/leggings - all sizes, from youth XS through L
  • boys' and girls' underwear - youth sizes XS (4-5), S (5-6), and M (7-8)
  • boys’ and girls’ shirts - youth sizes XS – M (can include t-shirts that come in multi-packs, not necessarily gendered)

Donations will be collected through Sunday, November 6, in the box located in the lobby of Parish Hall. If you have questions, contact Rhonda Packer.

Brown Bag Lecture Series

Managing the Aging Journey

Presented by Robin Lacrimosa, Life Care Coordinator. This session is for those who are determining how they will manage their elder care journey or for those who are supporting others in making these decisions. Topics include: home health care, aging in place, assisted living, long-term care, veteran’s pension benefits, Medicare, and Medicaid. Monday, November 7th, 11:30 am - 1:30 pm. Parish Hall. Bring a bag lunch if you'd like! A sign-up sheet will be in the narthex this Sunday.

The Altar Guild Needs You!!

The altar guild is looking for new volunteers! You will be trained! Please contact Barbara Dean at 706-354-4269 or via email.

A Counting Opportunity

With the departure of Marilyn Walsh for parts South in the next couple of weeks, we have an immediate need for a counter, someone to tally the week's contributions to St. Gregory the Great between the third and fourth Sundays each month. You'll be trained and have an experienced counting partner, Katie Hein. You'll choose a time convenient for both of you to count each month at the church. It's a 30 minute, once/month commitment. Please contact Jane Hudson,, to volunteer. Remember, we’re still a small enough parish that we need everyone’s help to get everything done.

You are invited to walk St. Gregory’s Labyrinth in the parish hall Monday, October 31 through Friday November 4 (at 4:30PM) in honor and remembrance of All Saint’s Day and All Soul’s Day. The labyrinth offers you the opportunity to “put feet on your prayers.” Experience a walking meditation that connects your mind, body and spirit. 



Sunday, November 6, we will celebrate the Holy Eucharist and Feast of All Saints at both services, with a baptism at the 10:30AM service. There will be a reception in Parish Hall to follow the 10:30AM service.

Altar of Remembrance

& Memorial Garden

Rest eternal, grant unto them, O Lord; and let light perpetual shine upon them.

All Saints' Day is the time in the liturgical year when we pause to celebrate the lives of those saints who have gone before us; loved ones who made us who we are today. All parish families are invited to place the names their departed loved ones, small photos, and other mementos on this altar, which will be in Parish Hall. Candles will be available for prayerful lighting, starting Oct 24.

Lane Norton will also place votive candles in our Memorial Garden, They will be there 10/20-11/6 for anyone who may like to come and light a candle in memory of someone. There are matches provided in a ziplock bag for you to use. Please remember to extinguish the candle(s) before you leave.

Halloween Thanks!!

Thank you to everyone who helped to make our Halloween Fellowship such a fun event!  Whether you helped with the set-up; tended to the fire pits; carved a pumpkin; prepared/decorated a trunk; told a story; brought food; or brought kids and invited neighbors: it was indeed a church wide event, with everyone playing a crucial role in order for our celebration to be a reality. I was especially heartened to see the number of “guests” who showed up, and the wonderful way in which the St. Gregory’s family welcomed and included them. We had to make the call to move the “trunks” indoors, spread out in various rooms around our facilities – and our “trunk providers” didn’t miss a beat, using creativity and flexibility to pull it all off. It was a beautiful spirit of cooperation and hospitality as everyone proved that what we were doing was all about the children. So thank you for displaying a spirit of welcome and grace in the moment. It served as a concrete message of who we are and why we gather as a faith community on Barnett Shoals Road.

    This Sunday:  Parents, please know that, while we will have Children’s Sunday School this Sunday, November 6 – we will not be taking children out for Children’s Church during the 10:30 service. Children will be staying in the nave for the entire service so that they can witness the Service of Baptism and join their church family in the renewal of our baptismal vows.



The next time you're in church, please pick up a paper grocery bag with the shopping list attached, fill it with the items requested by the Food Bank for their clients’ Thanksgiving dinners, and return it to St. Gregory’s any weekday or Sunday through November 13th. We have missed doing this the last few years due to Covid; but we have an opportunity once again to support this important ministry in our community. If you need assistance with shopping or pick up of your purchases, call Marge Massey, 706-255-2145. Thank you.

“If you are generous with the hungry and start giving yourselves to the down-and-out, your lives will begin to glow in the darkness, your shadowed lives will be bathed in sunlight.”   Isaiah 58:10 MSG Bible

ACT presents Jekyll & Hyde

Come to the Morton Theatre between Nov. 10-13 to see Jekyll & Hyde. Melinda Jones and Kendall Kookogey (and the whole Bono family!) will be participating. Thursday-Saturday, November 10-12 at 7:30PM and Sunday Nov. 13 @ 3PM.

Tickets are on sale at or 706-613-3771.

That title, “Community”, is what our organization is all about. We are folks from all walks of life coming together to make sure the ALL children in our community have a safe place to live, with water and electricity, clothes and shoes that fit, and a few fun items to experience God’s amazing love at Christmas, all of which is another way of saying “fulfilling God’s desire for all children.”

Your help is needed and greatly appreciated. If you are able to give financially, know that any amount you can donate will help. Donations of toys and items for teens are also welcomed through Toys for Tots and at our drop off locations. And, we need volunteers to make it all happen.

Financial donations can be made online at, dropped off at The Commercial Bank in Crawford, or mailed to 143 Bowen Farm Road, Crawford, GA 30630.

Please contribute new, unwrapped toys to Toys for Tots, or at one of the other local toy collections, including those at the schools, Dollar General between Crawford and Lexington, The Commercial Bank in Crawford, or make other arrangements by calling Catherine Drewry at 706-201-7241 or Shirley Dillard at 706-540-0785. Teen items such as toiletry sets, electronics, sports equipment, art supplies, and gift cards are especially needed.

If you would like to help with the toy collection, please contact Catherine Drewry with a text at 706-201-7241


daylight savings

reversal now

standard return

we must allow

time to advance

the clock face dial

11 hours

but with a smile

for the great gain

of one more hour

to snooze or laze

in the shower

with sunlight now

to motivate

i may get up

before too late

alice mohor

Blindspot Group Chat
If you're in your 20s or 30s and would like to stay up to date on events for your age group please reach out to Wade McGlamery, 770-624-4837, to join our group chat. 

Instructions for Live Streaming

  • Near the time for service, underneath our channel logo, you will see our video for that day, with the word ‘live’ on it. The page will look like this:

  • If you don’t immediately see the video that says ‘live’, (for instance, if you opened YouTube before the service begins) keep refreshing it.  

  • When you see the video square that says ‘live’, click on it. 

Welcome to worship!

Meeting Opportunities

Parish community offerings via Zoom or in person:

*Community Yoga is back for fall (Aug. 10 – Nov. 30, 2022), Wednesdays, 5:15-6:15 PM; the 4th Wednesday of every month will be Chair Yoga. Parish Hall or Zoom, Passcode: 509230. Come thrive with us! Email Anna Hiers for more information, or just show up! The class is free; donations to the church are welcome. *Please bring a yoga mat*

Hebrew Reading meets on Zoom every other Wednesday from 11am-1pm. Contact Joel Hunt!

Stacie Court hosts "Let's Chat!" for women of the parish. The days and time vary, and not everyone can join every time, but everyone is welcome to join whenever they can! Email Stacie!

* St. Gregory's Book Club meets the first Friday of the month in Parish Hall @ 7PM ongoing for the foreseeable future (we will meet Nov 11 this month).  Email Lois Alworth if you are interested in participating.

*Threads of Prayer meets on the 1st Tuesdays of the month @1PM! We'll meet outside if the weather is good and inside the Christian Ed building if the weather is bad. Email Annette Bates if you are interested in participating. All knitters and crocheters welcome!

*Men's Group: 9AM on Saturdays. 1st & 3rd Saturdays at St. Gregory's library and 2nd & 4th & 5th Saturdays at the Somerville's house ! Email Peter Rice

* group(s) meeting in person

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St. Gregory the Great Episcopal Church |
706.546.7553 |