The Gift That Keeps on Thanks-Giving!
We are thankful to be able to bring your music around the world, and we are especially thankful for the staff that makes it all possible.
And happy 20 year work anniversary to our
Vice President of Operations, Page La Fountain!
Thank you for the music!
As you celebrate with your family and loved ones, meet our Classical Movements family.
The 15 People Committed To Making Your Tours A Success:
Neeta Helms
Founder & President
Johan van Zyl
Senior Vice President
Elisabeth Christensen
Chief Operating Officer
Alessandra D'Ovidio
Vice President, Operations
Page La Fountain
Jayci Thomas
Vice President, Marketing
Heather Stengle
Senior Operations Director
Tori Jackson
Operations Manager
Kerry Holahan
Elizabeth Murray
Executive Assistant to the President & Marketing and Social Media Manager
Karel Vbrik
Central European Project Specialist
Frances van Zyl
Marketing and Operations Manager
Adam Park
Assistant, Operations
Glenn Christianson:
Payroll and Book Keeper
Bruce Engelmann:
CPA and Account Management
From Our Family To Yours,
Happy Thanksgiving!
Classical Movements | 711 Princess Street | Alexandria, VA 22314 US
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