June 16, 2023

Arrow of Light Weekend

Save the date - September 15-17, 2023

NEBC Crossover Camp 2023 (7/7 - 7/9) - Crossover Camp

For Webelos Crossing Over and All Scouts Working Towards First Class Friday, July 7th-Sunday, July 9th The Crossover program is designed to provide Scouts with a structured introduction to camp program. It promotes fun and the learning of basic skills in a patrol environment where rank requirements will be covered organically. The program provides a comprehensive program to all campers leading to completion of many of the outdoor requirements for Tenderfoot, Second Class and First Class ranks. For more information and questions, please contact  

Buy Now

Summer In-Person Merit Badge Sessions

Photography Merit Badge - Wednesday, July 5 - 9am-1pm - Woburn, MA

Environmental Science Merit Badge - Thursday, July 6 - 8am-12pm - Woburn, MA

Citizenship in Society Merit Badge - Thursday, July 6 - 1pm-4pm - Woburn, MA

Pulp & Paper Merit Badge - Wednesday, July 12 - 9am-1pm - Woburn, MA

Salesmanship Merit Badge - Thursday, July 13 - 8m-12pm - Woburn, MA

Entrepreneurship Merit Badge - Thursday, July 13 - 1pm-4pm - Woburn, MA

Art Merit Badge - Thursday, July 27 - 8am-12 pm - Woburn, MA

Textile Merit Badge - Thursday, July 27 - 1pm-4pm - Woburn, MA

Weather Merit Badge - Thursday, August 3 - 8am-12pm - Woburn, MA

Citizenship in Society Merit Badge - Thursday, August 3 - 1pm-4pm - Woburn, MA

Graphic Arts Merit Badge - Wednesday, August 9 - 9am-1pm - Woburn, MA

Painting Merit Badge - Thursday, August 10 - 8am-12pm - Woburn, MA

Leatherworking Merit Badge - Thursday, August 10 - 1pm-4pm - Woburn, MA

Swimming Merit Badge - Saturday, August 26 - 8am-5pm - Manchester, NH


Come get those free lawn signs and posters for recruiting!

Order printed flyers for your schools or community with info about your joining events. Don’t know how many flyers you need? Just EMAIL us and we can help!

Order Flyers

Camp Improvements

Camps need continuous improvement. These improvements are carefully prioritized, budgeted, and then implemented. Over the course of the past twelve months, these are just some of the upgrades to New England Base Camp and Tl Storer.

New England Base Camp-

  • Magee Maker Space- repurposing an underutilized building into a modern Maker Space
  • 100% new latrines- All latrines were updated from the ground up
  • Sound and lights at the new amphitheater- Our beautiful amphitheater now has sound and lighting for units to book and use
  • Upgrade in the heating system at the Egan Center- our continued improvement to make our heating more sustainable
  • Solar powered lights at the bb and archery range- an opportunity to provide nighttime activities
  • NECO Room upgrades- Our Nature Ecology Room is teaching native ecology 
  • New heating and air purifiers in all cabins- cleaner air, and more sustainable heating and air

TL Storer

  • New roofing at the Dining Hall- The original roof, from 1958, has been replaced
  • Year round water at the parade field- our winter campers have toilets and water year round!
  • Winterizing of Fox lodge- making more opportunities for winter camping and winter fun at Storer
  • Revitalization of the Westwood Lodge- This building was on the verge of being torn down, and now it has two individual winterized cabins, with restrooms!
  • Removing of unsafe canopy from campsites- An outdated forest manage plan has been updated and action has been taken
  • New heating and air purifiers in several cabins- cleaner air, and more sustainable heating and air
  • New lights in the dining hall- Our dining hall has energy efficient lighting, making the dining hall brighter and better for the environment!

These are just a few of the improvements that have been made in the past 12 months. Our goal is to continue to make our camps more appealing, more assessable, and safer for all campers. 

Book a Campsite at NEBC
Book a Campsite at T.L. Storer

Calendar of Events

6/20 -  Citizenship in Society Merit Badge Online

6/25-7/1 - Brownsea - Milton, MA

7/5 - Sustainability Merit Badge Online

7/5 - Photography Merit Badge - Woburn, MA

7/5-7/7 - NEBC Day Camp - Milton, MA

7/6 - Environmental Science Merit Badge - Woburn, MA

7/6 - Citizenship in Society Merit Badge - Woburn, MA

7/10-7/14 - Lexington Day Camp - Lexington, MA

7/10-7/14 - NEBC Day Camp - Milton, MA

7/12 - Pulp & Paper Merit Badge - Woburn, MA

7/13 - Salesmanship Merit Badge - Woburn, MA

7/13 - Entrepreneurship Merit Badge - Woburn, MA

7/17-7/21 - Topsfield Day Camp - Topsfield, MA

7/17-7/21 - NEBC Day Camp - Milton, MA

7/24-7/28 - NEBC Day Camp - Milton, MA

7/26 - Citizenship in the World Merit Badge Online

7/27 - Art Merit Badge - Woburn, MA

7/27 - Textile Merit Badge - Woburn, MA

7/31-8/4 - NEBC Day Camp - Milton, MA

8/1 - Citizenship in Society Merit Badge Online

8/3 - Weather Merit Badge - Woburn, MA

8/3 - Citizenship in Society Merit Badge - Woburn, MA

8/7-8/11 - NEBC Day Camp - Milton, MA

8/9 - Graphic Arts Merit Badge - Woburn, MA

8/10 - Painting Merit Badge - Woburn, MA

8/10 - Leatherworking Merit Badge - Woburn, MA

8/14-8/18 - NEBC Day Camp - Milton, MA

8/21-8/25 - NEBC Day Camp - Milton, MA

8/21-8/25 - Chelmsford Day Camp - Chelmsford, MA

8/26 - Swimming Merit Badge - Manchester, NH

Spirit of Adventure Council

Customer Service Center 

2 Tower Office Park

Woburn, MA 01801

(617) 615-0004


New England Base Camp

411 Unquity Rd.

Milton, MA 02186

(617) 615-0004

Contact Us