Village Election Results 

Mayor Morrow - 115 Votes

Trustee Rave - 114 Votes

Trustee Meyer - 112 Votes

Judge Kunken - 115 Votes

Total Votes: 119


Thank you to all who voted!

Message from the Mayor:

Thank you for the opportunity to serve another term as your Mayor. We have a great team of staff, professionals, Trustees and Zoning Board members. Plus, an extraordinary police department. Many projects are planned over the next two years to keep our Village the perfect place it is.

Please contact me at anytime with your suggestions, questions or comments.

Enjoy the summer!

Herb Morrow

Fireworks are dangerous and illegal.

The Huntington Bay Police Department

has zero tolerance

for the sale/possession/use of illegal fireworks.

Fireworks devices were involved in an estimated 15,600 injuries treated in U.S. hospital emergency rooms in 2020 (the latest year for which data is available).

  • An estimated 10,300 fireworks related injuries (or 66% of the total estimated fireworks related injuries in 2020) were treated in U.S. hospital emergency departments surrounding the 4th of July period.
  • Males accounted for 71% of fireworks injuries.
  • 24% of fireworks injuries were to children under age 15.
  • Young adults, 20-24 years of age, had the highest estimated rate of emergency department treated, fireworks-related injuries.
  • The parts of the body most often injured were hands and fingers (30%); head, face, and ears (22%); eyes (15%); legs (13%) and arms (12%).
  • 44% of the emergency department-treated injuries were burns. Burns were the most common injury to hands, fingers, arms, and legs.
  • There were an estimated 900 emergency department-treated injuries associated with sparklers,1,600 with firecrackers and 600 with rockets.

Respect Neighbors, Veterans and Pets.

Celebrate the 4th of July Safely and Smartly


Fireworks are not only illegal, they’re dangerous. They also create a

nuisance for many people. The sale / possession / use of illegal

fireworks can result in arrest and/or a fine.

Overgrown Shrubs

Now that the trees and shrubs have bloomed, please check your property to make sure yours have not overgrown into the street blocking sightlines, especially on corners.   We often receive complaints regarding this.  It is the homeowners responsibility to maintain their property.  

Ref: Village Code 13-6 Duty of Owners of Property

Did you know that 70% of annual water use is during summer lawn watering season?  

The  Suffolk County Water Authority is again joining the Long Island Commission for Aquifer Protection and dozens of dedicated water suppliers and other organizations to urge Long Islanders to take a few easy steps to save water this summer by supporting the "Our Water Our Lives" campaign.  Please take a minute to view their website and learn what you can do to take part in this communal effort to preserve our drinking water, plus save money on your water bill, too.

Meetings this month:

Board of Trustees

Monday, July 11, 2022 at 7:00pm

At the American Legion Hall, 1 Mill Dam Road

Zoning Board of Appeals

Thursday, Thursday, July 21, 2022 at 7:30pm

At Village Hall, 244 Vineyard Road


Other dates:

Village Hall Closed July 4th