Volume 1, Issue 1 June 20, 2022
Koinonia NEXT – a $1,000,000 Goal!
The Koinonia board of Directors announced the launch of the “Koinonia Next” capital campaign in the fall of 2021. The campaign will fund many facility improvements (see the ‘Koinonia is Open” article) and provide program funding as this ministry moves boldly into its future!

Koinonia is Open!
Koinonia is open and welcoming children, youth, families and congregations! Our buildings are up to code, upgraded, clean and fresh. Come enjoy our four air-conditioned retreat buildings and the air conditioning and high speed WIFI in the Conference Center this summer. The Lakeside has a new kitchen. We have new roofs on four of our buildings. The first generous gifts to our Capital Campaign have made it possible to open, and future donations will help Koinonia continue to grow, thrive, and transform more people’s lives. 
Introducing the
Capital Campaign Chair
The Koinonia Board is thrilled to be led by Dr. Anthony Geraci who has consented to serve as The Koinonia Next campaign chair.
"I was born in California where I was raised in the Roman Catholic faith until my parents divorced and we switched to the Episcopalian church. I came to New York City in 1985.   Almost 30 years later, after my father died, I was moved by the Holy Spirit to seek out God again and was led to Gustavus Adolphus Lutheran Church in Manhattan where I again found my faith and fellowship in Christ; and during a congregational retreat weekend found Koinonia.  
In 2019, when the task force was formed to determine the feasibility of reopening, I served on the transition board to help reopen the camp. During a board retreat, I felt called to fulfill the role of Campaign Chair. I feel blessed to serve a place like Koinonia where everyone is welcome." 
All Board Reunion - June 11
More than twenty past and present Board Members celebrated 60 years of Board Leadership in the Conference Center. Dr. Kathleen Kristin Ruen led a tour of improvements to the Conference Center and a walk through the Chapel of Pines and Campground area, where Day Camp will run for 6 weeks this summer. A festive presentation included stories from the early years, a history of the past three years, and a look toward the future. Alumni Board Campaign Co-Chair Ellie Sudbrock stated at the end that “Koinonia IS-and we encourage you
to contribute generously now.”
Koinonia NEXT:
Forward to the Future
Campaign Film
At the All Board 60th Reunion celebration we screened the Koinonia NEXT: Forward to the Future film!

Please click on the link below to see the film on Youtube. Enjoy!

If you would like to become involved in the capital campaign by joining its leadership teams (Major Gifts, Board Alumni, Congregations, & Staff Alumni) please reach out to the executive director of Koinonia,
Dr. Kathleen Kristin Ruen kkruen@koinoniany.org

Thank You!