CODSN Newsletter header with the CODSN logo atop a collage of various family photos, the date October 2024, and text: "Serving Crook, Deschutes, Grant, Harney, Jefferson, Klamath, Lake and Wheeler counties."
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Photo of Victoria working.

Dear Families and Partners,

October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month, a time to focus on the importance of equal opportunities for all people to access good jobs. Everyone deserves the chance to find meaningful work, including people with disabilities.

I’m especially proud this month because my daughter Victoria just started a new job at a local restaurant while she’s in her second year of culinary school at COCC. Like so many others, she’s working hard to build a career doing what she loves.

Access to good jobs is key to independence, confidence, and financial stability for people with disabilities. Our work continues to ensure everyone in our community has the support they need to succeed in their careers.

Thank you for being a part of this effort. Let’s keep moving forward together.

Working together for families,

Dianna Hansen

Executive Director

Staff Highlight

Out of Our Comfort Zone:

New Video Coming Soon!

In September, staff and friends stepped out of our comfort zone to take part in a professional video to help get the word out about how CODSN offers peer support to help families experiencing disability. We are not used to bright lights and big cameras, but it is a wonderful opportunity provided by OHA to help us reach more families. Thank you OHA! Keep your eye out in future months once the videographers finish their work.

Photo of videotaping taking place in CODSN conference room.

Almost Complete! FASN is Changing to CODSN Klamath County

Changes are almost complete! Since 2017 the Family Advocacy Support Network (FASN) has been a program of CODSN, with a goal of creating positive vision, long-term success, and a community of belonging and support for people with disabilities along with their families. These goals have not changed, but the name FASN has caused some confusion over the years. So we are clearing that confusion by changing the name from FASN to ... CODSN Klamath County. We expect the changeover to be complete by the end of October. What won't change is our support and offerings. We look forward to continuing to serve you. Please contact us at with any input or questions.

Graphic showing Family Advocacy & Support Network logo fading out to become the CODSN logo.

Join Us At Our Events

Decorative graphic with CODSN logo in center and snippets of event flyers behind.

Check out our fall events. Visit our calendar and events webpage for more details and registration! Click the title of each to see its flyer. Click the "Register Here" text links at the end to register.

Visit Our Webpage for More Details and Registration

All Counties

One Page Profile for the Medical Setting. Interactive virtual workshop, October 9th from 6:30 - 8:00 PM. Register here.

Understanding School Behaviors Virtual Training. Sign up now for this useful virtual training to gain strategies on best practices for supporting students, Wednesday, November 6th from 6:00 - 7:30 PM! Register here.

Crook County

Early Childhood Family Resource Night. Come on by the Crook County Fairgrounds on October 10th from 4:00 - 6:00 PM for a night of fun and resources for the whole family! Free hot dogs to the first 100 people with much thanks to Mr. Hot Dog for donating! Questions: Contact Marrin at or call 541-548-8559.

Deschutes County

Youth Meetup: All Abilities Climbing Night in Bend. Youth ages 14-26 enjoy an inclusive climbing night at the Bend Endurance Academy, on Monday, October 7th, from 6:00 - 9:00 PM in Bend; $10 covers entry and shoe rental. Register here.

Sensory Friendly Pumpkin Patch. Enjoy a quieter hour before regular opening, on October 13th from 9:00 - 10:00 AM at Schilling's Garden Market. Register here.

Ladies Who Lunch ~ Redmond. Come to our new Redmond area event, now meeting the third Wednesday of each month. This month we will meet on October 16th from 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM upstairs at Redmond Burger Company, Redmond. RSVP to or 541-548-8559.

Monthly Group of Spanish-Speaking Parents and Caregivers. Interactive Behavior workshop this month, join us on October 17th from 6:00 - 8:00 PM upstairs at Church of the Nazarene, Bend. No RSVP needed.

Youth Training: Self Care. Youth ages 14-26 join us for a presentation by Abbie Rexroad on October 27, 2024, 2:00 - 3:30 PM at the CODSN Bend Office. Register here.

Ladies Who Lunch ~ Bend. Now meeting the last Tuesday of each month. This month we will meet on October 29th from 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM at Cascade Lakes Pub in Bend. RSVP to or 541-548-8559.

Family Respite Night ~ Jason's Run & Recharge Program. Join us on Tuesday, November 12th from 5:00 - 8:00 PM at Eagle Crest River Run Lodge. Vouchers available! Register here.

Harney County

Young Adult Game Night. Youth ages 14-26, join the fun Wednesday October 16th, 4:00-6:00 PM, Harney County Chamber, Burns. Pizza and Prizes! Questions, contact

Klamath County

Take Root Parenting/CODSN Individual Education Plan (IEP) Workshop. October 1st, 6:00 - 7:30 PM, KCC Building 2. Register here.

Lake County

Lake County Special Education 101 Training. New to the world of special education? Join us October 19th, 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM, Daly Middle School, Lakeview. Register here.

Click Here for More Details/Registration For These Events

Interpretation is available with 72-hours advanced notice. For questions or help registering for any of these events, call 541-548-8559 or

Decorative graphic with the words "Fall Events" in the center.

More News and Events

Decorative graphic with More News and Events.  Here's the latest related news around the state and nation.  CODSN logo.

October is National Down Syndrome Awareness Month. Check out this video of 50 Mums, 50 Kids, 1 Extra Chromosome. Also, to build awareness and understanding, find more facts about Down Syndrome here.

Free Air Purifiers Are Back. OHA is generously offering free air filters again this year. For those interested who have an Oregon Health Plan (OHP) and a Coordinated Care Organization (CCO), you will need to place your order through your CCO. If you do not have OHP, then there is a process to get them through CODSN. Contact us at 541-548-8559 if you need help determining how to place an order or which CCO you have.

National Disability Employment Awareness Month. October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM), and there are a series of virtual celebrations throughout October for Oregon, click here for details.

Winter Celebration Volunteer Photographer Needed. CODSN is in need of a volunteer photographer to help Santa take pictures for our Winter Celebration on December 7th from 12-3pm at Sunriver Resort! We will be offering 1:1 time slots for the first two hours, and opening up the last hour to a small group of families to meet with Santa together. Tis the season to spread joy and give back to your community!

If you are interested, please contact 541-548-8559 or email

Looking for even more information and event opportunities? Join our Central Oregon Disability Support Network Facebook and Instagram pages (or Kintsugi in Harney County and CODSN Klamath Falls in Klamath County for Facebook) where we share additional community events of interest.

Special Education Highlight

What does AEM stand for and why does it matter? (decorative graphic)

What Does AEM Stand For and Why Does It Matter?

Have you ever heard of AEM? It stands for Accessible Educational Materials! "Accessible materials means a person with a disability can acquire the same information, engage in the same interactions, and enjoy the same services as a person without a disability." As shared in this guide for IEP and 504 teams, "Inclusion of all learners in classrooms begins with access to curriculum...Accessible versions of educational materials can turn learning barriers into learning opportunities." Read on to learn more and learn strategies for how to use Accessible Education Materials to support students with disabilities to get equal access to learning!

Click Here for Guide

Youth Corner

#NDEAM Access to Good Jobs for All National Disability Employment Awareness Month, Office of Disability Employment Policy, United Stated Department of Labor.  Decorative photos of people working, and graphics.

Beyond the Classroom:

Career Paths for Students With Disabilities

Virtual NDEAM Webinar

Don't miss this virtual webinar brought to you as part of National Disability Employment Awareness Month to explore career paths, taking place October 22, 2024 from 12-1 PM. No registration required; just click the link below at the meeting time.

Click Here for a Direct Link to the Webinar

Special Interest Content

Emergency Preparedness

𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐍𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝'𝐬 𝐇𝐚𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬 🌪️🔥🌊

Before you start building your personal emergency plan, take a moment to learn about the hazards in your area. Whether it's wildfires, floods, earthquakes, or storms, knowing what could come your way is key to being ready.

What to Do:

✔️ Visit your city or county’s website and social media for localized information and resources.

✔️ Check out the Oregon Department of Emergency Management’s website for guidance on specific risks in your area.

When you know what you’re up against, you can plan smarter.

Prepare for Your Local Hazards decorative graphic.  Be 2 Weeks Ready logo.

Support and Partnerships

Banner:  We are so Grateful for your Support!  3 WAYS TO DONATE.  Gear Fix Logo:  Bring your clean items to Gear Fix and ask for them to be put on our CODSN donation account.  Then a portion of the proceeds goes directly to us, and we get an extra 10% from the Gear Fix too.  Fred Meyer Community Rewards logo.  Connect your Fred Meyer Community Rewards card to CODSN.  We will receive a percentage back on your purchase at no cost to you.  Bottle Drop Give logo:  We will accept your bottle and can donations.  Email us at or call our office at (541) 548-8559 for more information
Graphic outline of Oregon with the CODSN logo above and the Kintsugi Disability Support Network -- Stronger & More Beautiful Together logo below.   Kintsugi Disability Support Network is a program under CODSN.

Any information provided by CODSN, its staff, and/or its volunteers is intended for informational and educational purposes only. Any information expressed or implied is not intended nor should be construed as legal, medical, or other professional advice. This email may contain information that is confidential. If you are not the addressee, or if it appears that you have received this email in error, please advise me immediately by reply email, keep the contents confidential, and immediately delete the message and any attachments from your system.