Welcome to the Autumn Colors!
This summer has been a time of growth and transition. The expanded use of the Barn, growth of staff, and new programmatic avenues have created a bright future for Woodlawn. We have held museum tours, history lecture series, outdoor science programs, community rentals, educator retreats and workshops, three croquet tournaments, and more!
Our croquet program ran its busiest tournaments to date and our Wine and Wickets series saw new audiences introduced to croquet and Woodlawn. The Barn has hosted a wide variety of programs and events and we are excited to look back on the summer and learn what else we can offer.
Our Autumn Gold event was a huge success. We engaged with the public at Harbor Park and across Woodlawn’s campus for our scavenger hunt and open house.
All of this was possible thanks to the generosity of our supporters and community members. Stay tuned for an appeal and consider a gift to allow us to continue to offer a variety of programs to our community. The staff and Board believe deeply in the work being done at Woodlawn. The community response has only strengthened that belief and encouraged us to continue the momentum of this critically important institution. Through the end of 2024 we look forward to hosting our Forest Festival on October 19th and our holiday programming in December.
As we look ahead to 2025, we will be balancing the museum, education programs, community events, and trails. We will also seek to grow rental opportunities in the Barn. Each of these elements of Woodlawn are what makes our site unique. With your support we can continue to grow while maintaining the quality of our current offerings. Please consider a gift this year to help ensure the future of Woodlawn as we enter this exciting new phase. Thank you for your consideration and we look forward to welcoming
you to Woodlawn soon.
With gratitude,
Evan Moats
Executive Director