I have been reading a good book on Entrepreneurship and one of the things from last nights book club are identifying your immutable laws in business. For the patch business I came up with three that many of you will completely relate to.
My first one is simply "everything has value". When I get in a collection I don't throw anything away. I see every item in there as a piece of history that someone somewhere will enjoy getting. Whether it's buying it on the Internet or me giving it away at a Scout round table meeting I love this old Scout stuff.
My second law is "Don't Tread On Me". No this does not have any political tones but instead means that I will run my business the way I want to and I don't want anybody telling me what I can and can't do. I guess I never grew out of that when I was a teenager.
My final immutable law is pretty obvious "follow the Scout Law". Basically I don't want to deal with jerks. People that are not trustworthy, friendly or kind to others. I see it too much where people are trash talkers and that's just not my style. You can define that a few ways in business but people with integrity practice the Scout law.
Jason Spangler
SANTEESWAPPER LLC www.ScoutPatchCollectors.com
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