June 14, 2023
From the Office of the Bishop
Fall Mission Summit 2023 Planning is well underway for this year's Fall Mission Summit scheduled for October 7th, 2023 from 10am-2pm at Christ Church, Stevensville. This year we are excited about our Ministry Fair & "Tailgate Party" which will offer fun and engaging activities for parishioners of all ages while highlighting some of the best initiatives happening around the Diocese. Each church will have a chance to share their top success stories and provide one another with tools for applying these ideas across the Diocese.  Stay tuned for more info coming soon! Check out our Mission Summit 2023 webpage (under construction) throughout the summer for updates.
156th Diocesan Convention Date & Format Change
Imaginative Leadership & Congregational Vitality in Re-emergence and Resurrection: A Mission and Ministry Imperative for the 21st Century Church.
At its recent May meeting, Diocesan Council approved the following: The 156th Annual Diocesan Convention will be a hybrid format. We will convene via Zoom on the evening of Thursday, March 7th for Business Session One and voting. We will gather together, with those who can join us, for a Friday evening, March 8th Eucharist at Emmanuel Church, Chestertown followed by a reception. On Saturday, March 9th, our in-person only convention will convene at Washington College, Chestertown. Read more.
Update: Presiding Bishop Michael Curry to receive ongoing monitoring and pause travel for June. Following a recent hospital stay that detected internal bleeding and a new instance of heart arrhythmia, Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Michael Curry is receiving thorough testing and monitoring to understand the relationship between his medication for atrial fibrillation and the episode of internal bleeding. Read more here.
The Rev. Susannah Southern will be ordained to the Sacred Order of the Priesthood in Christ's One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church on Saturday, June 24th 11:00 am at St. Pauls, Berlin. All are welcome.
Retirement Announcement of The Very Rev. Mark Delcuze effective December 31, 2023. Father Mark's last Sunday leading worship will be November 5, 2023. The diocese appreciates his ten years of service at Christ Church, Kent Island and to the wider diocese and we want to congratulate him on his many accomplishments in his 38 years as an ordained priest. Warm wishes and prayers to Mark & Mimi as they set out on their next adventure!!
The Peru Mission Team is returning to the Amazon region from July 22nd - August 2nd. God has boldly called 7 students and 7 adults to serve in villages along the Miranon River this summer! They will be offering vision clinics through a partnership with Global Vision 2020 and working with faith leaders to help in a program that is empowering and equipping them to lead Children's Ministries in their communities. Please hold the team and the villages in your prayers!

Bishop is on Sabbatical! We continue to pray for Bishop San during his Sabbatical where he is spending time in self-care, health and wellness initiatives, retreats and pilgrimages, study, reflection and writing. The diocesan staff wished Bishop San bon voyage! Read more.
The Rev. Andrew Cropper was ordained to the Sacred Order of the Priesthood in Christ's One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church on Saturday, May 27th. Congratulations Andrew!

IONA Update
The Diocese of Easton's first IONA Class (of 2024) is finishing out their 2nd year of studies! Here is the class at Old Trinity, Church Creek with local Professor, the Rev. Dan Dunlap. Congratulations!!
Alcohol Policy of the Diocese of Easton
As a quick summer reminder, the Diocese of Easton has an alcohol policy. The policy on Alcohol was passed at General Convention and ratified by this diocese’s convention in 2015/2016. See the Policy.
For Clergy-specific Save the Dates, click here.

October is Diocesan Heritage Month!
Since 2015 the Diocese has been celebrating ‘Diocesan Heritage Month’ during October. Parishes are encouraged to designate a Sunday in October to be Diocesan Heritage Sunday to celebrate and give thanks for the many blessings received over the years; to highlight and discuss what it means to be part of a diocesan family; and to reflect on ways we may, as a diocesan family, draw closer and live even more deliberately and intentionally into the mission and vision of God for the Church on the Eastern Shore of Maryland.
Diocesan Summer Holidays and Office Hours
The Diocesan offices will be closed on Monday, June 19th in celebration of Juneteenth and on Monday & Tuesday July 3rd & 4th to celebrate the 4th of July holiday. The Diocese of Easton office hours during the summer will be Monday thru Thursday 8:30am - 4:30pm. On Friday's, the phone will be answered remotely 8:30am - 12:30pm.
Podium Available - Free to a good home! Formerly used at St. Stephen's, East New Market. Contact Beth at the diocese if you would like it! Pick up only.
Thank you for your continued support
of the mission and ministries of our Diocese.
Greek, noun: servant, minister, a deacon, one who, by virtue of the office assigned to them by the church, cares for the poor and has charge of and distributes the money collected for their use.
This month's Diaconal ministry spotlight provided by our Archdeacon, The Ven. Laura Harbaugh, is entitled "Deacons in the Liturgy (Part 1)". “Deacons are the principal assistants, the most active of all who serve in the liturgy. They are heralds of the word, servants of the church, and agents of the bishop. Deacons act for the good of others by setting them free for worship of God and action in the world" Click here for full article.

Camp Wright Update:
Camp begins in just a few days! Let's all pray for a healthy happy summer...
Please pray for the health and safety of our campers and staff. May they grow nearer to God, to one another, and to the world around them. We give thanks for the sunshine, the bay breezes, and all the wonders of creation that reveal themselves at Camp Wright.

Silver Camp! Please join us for Silver Camp on June 17th. This is a fun and relaxing day camp for campers ages 18-118. Lunch and a Silver Camp T-Shirt are included in registration Sign up today!

Do you know someone who would love to be working at Camp Wright this summer? There are still a handful of staff positions available. Information about all of our available positions can be found on our website or Contact our Camp Director.
Retreat House Happenings: To receive the Retreat House newsletter and other email offerings, sign up here. View their calendar for programs and special events. For more information, call (410) 364-7069 or contact Francie Thayer.
Bishop’s Institute News: Stay tuned this summer for upcoming fall trainings for Eucharistic Minister, Eucharistic Visitor, and Worship Leader Trainings. Join the network of those serving across the Diocese! Learn about these Ministries here.
Latino & Hispanic Ministry: Is your parish hosting Latino & Hispanic Ministry events? If so, please remember to send information to Mark Hansen our Missioner for Latino/Hispanic Ministries for the Diocese of Easton.

Latino Leadership training days to be led by Padre Thom Sinnott and Pastor Mark Hansen Aug 12 & Nov 11, with each session running from 10 am to 3:00 pm; the venue is slated to be the new English Learning Center at St. Clement’s. For more information, contact Mark Hansen.
Emmanuel Church, Chestertown is seeking a PT (25 hours/wk) parish administrator. Learn more here.
Old Wye Church, Wye Mills - The Children’s Chorus of Maryland will close its 47th season with a special concert of choral music at Old Wye Church on Monday, June 19, at 6:00 PM. This concert is free and open to the public. Donations will be gratefully accepted. Learn more here.
Christ Church, St. Michaels - Join a conversation with Barbara Lockhart about her historical novel - "Elizabeth's Field" on June 19th at 5:30pm. The novel recounts the struggles of the Black population living on Maryland's Eastern Shore in the 1850's. Conversation will be held at Union United Methodist Church, St. Michaels and on ZOOM. Learn more here.
Christ Church, Easton - Kessler Bickford to Lead Seminar on Forgiveness on June 21 at 6:00pm It’s not an overstatement to say that forgiveness can change our lives. Forgiveness can change the world. But forgiving others and forgiving ourselves is something most of us don’t give enough attention to. The program is free and open to the public, registration is requested. Learn more here.
Christ Church, Easton is looking for a part-time parish secretary to join our team. If you are interested, please e-mail a resume and cover letter to Click this link for a job description
Trinity Cathedral, Easton - Easton English School at Trinity is in need of volunteer conversation partners to meet with participants in the ESL program. Learn more here.

Trinity Cathedral, Easton - Save the date! The second annual “Easton Fall Craft Fair at Trinity Cathedral” will take place on Saturday, October 7th, from 10 am until 3 pm.
St. Philip’s, Quantico presents St. Philip’s Episcopal Church Guest Lecture Series and is being offered to the public on Mondays. All offerings are free. Registration is required. Learn more here - (May announcments)
St. Alban's, Salisbury Fall Auction is back!! Save the date - November 4th, 2023.
St. Paul's, Berlin - "Maryland church unveils pollinator garden, part of growing trend supporting bees, butterflies". Click here for a wonderful story that recently appeared in the Episcopal News Service about St. Paul's recent ribbon-cutting ceremony for its new pollinator garden.

All Faith Chapel, Tunis Mills welcomed cyclists taking part in Tour de Talbot by hosting a Bike Ride Rest Stop on June 10th.
St. Mary the Virgin, Pocomoke City hosted cyclists taking part in The Fuller Center’s East Coast Biking Adventure to help end worldwide poverty housing. Learn more here.
St. Mary Anne’s, North East has a pascal candle, advent wreath, and liquid oil candles (blue, pink and Christ candle) available. We would like to give to a church who could put it to good use. Please contact our church administrator, Valerie, at 287-5522 or for details and/or questions. Sorry pick up only.
Pastoral Concerns

We pray for the repose of the soul of Sue Lankford, mother of Kelli Michaud and mother-in-law to The Very Rev. David Michaud.

We pray for the repose of the soul of Rebecca Richardson, St. Paul's, Centreville.

We pray for the repose of the soul of Carole Tinklepaugh, Augustine Parish.

We continue to pray for a full and speedy recovery for Presiding Bishop Michael Curry - and for Curry’s medical team as they identify the best course of treatment.

We pray for continued healing and comfort for the following people and their families: for Geovanni Ayon, Carolyn Lee Crouse. Doug Girardeau. Rev. Babs Glancey. The Rev. Jim Kamihachi & Weasie Kamihachi. The Rev. Ron Knapp. The Rev. Jack Mason. Tom Mendenhall. The Rev. Susan Oldfather. Becky Richardson. Rev. Peggy Samuels. Ellen Smith. The Rev. Ken Thom. Goldey Vansant.

Christians across our diocese are being urged to pray and fast for Sudan as the conflict continues. The fighting that has erupted in the Sudanese capital, Khartoum, and elsewhere in the country is a direct result of a vicious power struggle within the country's military leadership.
The Archbishop of Cantebury, Justin Welby, tweeted, "We hold the nation of Sudan in our prayers at this time. Lord God, protect the civilians, bring peace to this appalling crisis in the nation’s life, and allow political stability to return."

Pray for cessation of the war in Ukraine, Middle East and in other parts of the world. For the citizens of Ukraine, refugees and displaced children, the elderly, parents, sick and the nations that are providing a safe and secure shelter for migrant citizens.

Submit prayer requests to: Names are listed for four weeks unless otherwise specified. 
Diocesan Prayer Calendar

Third Sunday after Pentecost
June 18th
We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at St. Paul’s, Trappe, their lay
leadership and for their Supply Clergy, the Rev. Nathaniel Pierce.

Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
June 25th
We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at Augustine, Chesapeake City,
and their Priest-in-Charge, Darcy Williams, and her husband, Joe. We give
thanks for the Lay Leadership of Augustine Parish.

We pray for our Bishop, Santosh, and his wife, Lynn, as they begin their
sabbatical. May their time away give them time for renewal, joy, and respite.

Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
July 2nd
We commend this great nation to your merciful care, that, being guided by your Providence, we may dwell secure in your peace. Grant to the President, and all that hold authority in the nation, wisdom and strength to know and do your will.

Sixth Sunday after Pentecost
July 9th
We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at St. Paul’s, Centreville, and their Rector, the Rev. Mary Friel and her spouse, John.

Seventh Sunday after Pentecost
July 16th
We give thanks for our Deacons serving our diocese, and for those retired from service: Laura, Melody, George, Donald, Penny, Sharon, Norman, Loretta, Katherine, Alisha, Christine, Barbara, Peggy, Stephanie and James.

Eighth Sunday after Pentecost
July 23rd
We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at Old Trinity, Church Creek, for their Rector, the Rev. Canon Dr. Daniel Dunlap, and his spouse, Donna.

Ninth Sunday after Pentecost
July 30th
We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at St. Paul’s – Kent, Chestertown, for their Rector, the Very Rev. Frank St. Amour, and his spouse Sue.

For additional weeks, please visit our website or contact Lynn Anstatt.

‘It’s All About Love’ festival in July - Episcopalians everywhere are invited to register to join a churchwide festival of worship, learning, community, and action July 9-12 at the Baltimore (Maryland) Convention Center with a revival worship service featuring Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Michael Curry . Read more here - Register Here. Don't miss out on hotel discounts!
Episcopal Service Corps If you're a young adult, we invite you to consider an ESC Year, a time apart to discover new communities, make new friends, and consider how you can use your unique gifts and experiences to create real, meaningful transformation in yourself and the community around you. Learn more here.
United Thank Offering - ‘Waves of Gratitude’: A Gratitude-Based Vacation Bible Camp Curriculum Now Available - Learn more here.
Have you checked out The Way of Love podcasts with Bishop Michael Curry? This podcast offers ways to engage with the Way of Love, The Episcopal Church’s intentional commitment to practicing faith by following Jesus. Check them out!
New Episcopal Community Grant Applications are open for dioceses and mission developers who are envisioning, planning, or growing new worshipping communities and missional enterprises throughout the church. The deadline to apply for the second round of 2023 New Episcopal Community grant funding is Aug. 1. Read more here.
Difference Blog -  Read here.
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